Forever Amber - UK fashion and lifestyle blog

As Happy as a Dog With Two Tails

Forever Amber - UK fashion and lifestyle blog

Forever Amber: a lifestyle blog

short floral dress on a windy day

Unlike me, Rubin isn’t a big fan of the heat. Which I guess is understandable, given that “personal style” for him involves wearing the same, white fur coat every day. This is why dogs don’t have style blogs.

Luckily for him, however, Saturday afternoon was sunny and warm, but with enough of a breeze to keep him cool when we stopped off for a quick walk en route to my parents’ place, for a barbecue. I was a bit less lucky, mind you: that wind was NOT kind to my dress. Let’s just say there were more than a couple of “Marilyn Monroe moments”, although without the elegance. Yes.

It was during the barbecue later that night that my dad used the phrase “as happy as a dog with two tails”, and while I honestly think that if I WAS a dog with two tails, I’d probably be just a little bit freaked out by it (I mean, two! Tails! OMG!), it does pretty much sum up me in the sunshine. And it sums up Rubin in the … it just sums up Rubin.

(He got a haircut the next day. He was really happy only to have the one tail when that happened…)

But enough about dogs and tails: you just want to hear about my eyebrows after my HD Brows treatment, don’t you?

Well, the short story is that the HD Brows treatment went exactly how you all thought it would go, and exactly how I thought it would go, too, given my chequered history with dyeing hair. In fact, so certain was I that it would be an unmitigated disaster that I actually came pretty close to just cancelling the appointment. But I left it too late, so yesterday afternoon the condemned woman ate a hearty lunch, and then she drove herself to the salon with a heavy heart.

My fears were alleviated slightly when I met my brow tech, who had red, hair just a couple of shades lighter than mine, and the most perfectly tinted brows imaginable. Surely, I thought, my eyebrows would be safe in the hands of a fellow redhead? Surely she, of all people, would understand the unique set of problems connected to having vampire skin and translucent facial hair? “I’ll have two of those, please!” I said, gesturing to her perfect brows, and then I settled back and prepared to be transformed.

And then, a short while later, I sat up, took the hand mirror I was offered, and gazed into a pair of mascara-pooled eyes (I cry when I have threading done. I can’t seem to stop myself), perfectly framed by the blackest brows you ever did see. GAH.

Well, I drove home, and went immediately to the bathroom, where I grabbed the bottle of Head & Shoulders I bought last time I had a hair dyeing disaster, and tried to use it to strip out some of the colour. (If you’ve never tried shampooing your eyebrows, by the way, all I can say is that you don’t know what you’re missing. And honestly, you don’t WANT to know…) Afterwards, I thought it looked OK. In fact, I even Tweeted that it was OK. And then later? I realised that it was very much NOT OK, NOT AT ALL, OMFG.

Looking on the bright side:

1) Terry says it’s not nearly as dark as I think it is.

2) The salon told me the colour would fade within a couple of days, and I’ve certainly found that to be true in the past when I’ve, you know, dyed my eyebrows black with eyelash dye. Sorry, I mean, when my friend has done that. Because I have never done that, no, not me. What do you think I am, stupid?

3) I almost always wear gigantic, eyebrow-covering sunglasses when I’m out in public (see above photos for evidence of this. And all my other outdoor photos, actually.). I always knew this would come in handy one day. And OK, I’m pretty sure that when I stopped to put fuel in my car on the way home from my appointment, the cashier thought I was about to rob the place when I didn’t remove my sunglasses, but hey, wearing sunglasses indoors will…give me an air of mystery? Which is… good? I guess?

4) The shape of the brows is GREAT. Which is honestly nothing short of a miracle, especially when you consider that my eyebrows actually get their own hate mail sometimes. According to the salon I went to, they were:


02. Two completely different shapes. And not in that “sisters, but not twins” way everyone talks about, but in more of a “not even related” kind of way. Coolcool.

03 .Multicoloured


05. Did I mention “coarse”?

After all of this, though, the beautician told me that they weren’t the worst eyebrows she’d seen. And the unspoken words “but they’re pretty damn close” hovered in the air, unspoken…

They look a little better this morning. And today? Today I’m having my hair cut. Wish me luck…

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I also write books
  • OMGZ that dress is too gorgeous! I must stay away from your outfit posts. And about the eyebrows – they are probably not as dark as you think 🙂

    May 31, 2012
  • Look at you, glamour queen! I love that picture of Rubin and your shoes. Those have to be the cutest shoes ever! I am super impressed you were able to walk your dog in them.

    May 31, 2012
  • Sandy


    Jeez…you like to put yourself throught the mill don’t you??! LOL!

    My eyebrows are different shapes…isn’t everyones?? Mind you, I’ve probably been rocking the Brooke Shields look a bit too long…it’s only now at 41 that I’ve started to shape the blighters! I have tweezered the random ones that try to make a break for your hairline but never anything “clever” like shaping!! LOL!

    As for the “dog with two tails” thing….my hubby says the ruder version. 😛

    May 31, 2012
      • I’ve gone down the Brooke Shields eyebrow route, but they are by no means symmetrical. Especially because there is a scar in the middle of my left eyebrow, where no hair grows. Quite annoying.

        May 31, 2012
  • Holy shit, ALL EYEBROWS ARE COARSE. That didn’t need to be a thing! I’m sure Terry is right, though, and that the brows aren’t as dark to everyone else as they are to you. And the sunshine will lighten them. And I love your dress and shoes 🙂

    May 31, 2012
  • Linda


    Was wondering where you went? (local) Good brow shaping being worth a thousand rubies or was it Ruebens…

    May 31, 2012
  • Lovely photos and beautiful dress! I just recently found your blog and your hair is amazing 🙂
    By the way your dog is soooooo cute!

    May 31, 2012
  • Things like this always seem worse right after! I am hoping the hair cut goes well for you though. 🙂

    May 31, 2012
  • Liz in Paris


    I’m very pale too and the same thing happened to me once (not at HD Brows though). It faded quickly though. I put the yellow Bobbi Brown concealer powder on them for a few days (the one in the palette with the cream concealer) until it did and that worked well because it’s very fine. Do you have any of that? Seem to remember you reviewing it on Dollface at some point.

    May 31, 2012
  • Terry


    Beautiful as ever

    June 1, 2012