Trashy Diva Honey dress in green satin

Wedding Guest Outfit: Trashy Diva Honey Dress in Green

Trashy Diva emerald Honey dress

Trashy Diva Honey dress in green

Green Trashy Diva Honey Dress

Trashy Diva Honey Dress in green satin

Wedding guest outfit idea: green satin dress with matching jacketYesterday, our two good friends Lindsay and Steven got married. It was an absolutely amazing day: the bride looked like she’d stepped straight out of Vogue (as did the groom, of course!) the venue was stunning, and it was crammed full of our friends: what more could you ask for? I love weddings. In fact, if someone else could please hurry up and get married so I can go to another one, that would be great… Of course, you’re just going to have to imagine all of that, because I like my friends and want to keep them, so I’m not going to post photos of them on t’internets. Instead, I bring you The Saga of the Trashy Diva Honey Dress, which is what I wore to the wedding… even although sinister forces were at work, trying to keep me and the dress apart. D’uh DU’H DUUUUUUU’HHHHH!

The saga of the Trashy Diva Honey dress (Look, I’m just going to call it ‘Honey’ from here, OK?) began in much the same way as the story of the mint green Zara dress: with me spotting the dress online and ruthlessly stalking it until the day I was finally able to make it mine. On that blessed day, I went to the Trashy Diva website to buy the dress, and… you’re thinking it was sold out, aren’t you? Well, it wasn’t. Nope, Honey was very much in stock, available, story should’ve ended right there.

But it didn’t.

Because right after I added it to my basket and started going through the checkout process, I found myself assailed with doubt about whether or not I was buying the right size. As the dress would be coming from the US, and would therefore cost quite a bit to send back there, I didn’t want to make an expensive mistake, so I spent a bit of time mulling it over: I measured some of my existing dresses, I measured myself… I think I had a couple of cups of coffee, too, but that’s neither here nor there. Finally, at the end of this process, I came to the conclusion that yes, the size I’d had in my basket was, indeed, the right one, so I went back to the site to buy it.

And THAT was when it sold out.

AAAARGH.That was also when I declared WAR on the Honey dress, and Terry started making plans to seek asylum in some other, less dress-centric household, rather than go through YET ANOTHER FREAKING DRESS SAGA, GOD. Poor Terry. Well, I contacted Trashy Diva, and asked if they’d be getting any more Honeys in my size. They said no, they wouldn’t, but that they might have a spare one they could sell me. I got all excited about this, emailed the address they’d given me… and was told, nope, no way, no Honeys here. Damn. But all was not lost. Well, actually, it kind of WAS, to be honest, but it was still a long time before the wedding, so I started flirting with the idea of other dresses, all the while secretly hoping that a miracle would come to pass and the Honey dress would one day be mine.

Finally, however, it got close enough to the wedding day that I knew I’d have to order SOMETHING, so with sadness in my heart, I ordered another dress. And then, two days after I placed that order? The Honey dress came back in stock. I mean, OF COURSE it did. GAH! (I had actually joked about this to Terry as I placed the order. “As soon as I do this, the Honey dress will be re-stocked,”I said. And Terry just looked at me, like, “You’re telling me this as if I ACTUALLY CARE, or can tell one of your damn green dresses from every other one, why?”)

Well, folks, I just couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t let it get away after all that time. “I’ll just send back the other dress when it arrives,” I told myself. “It’ll be like it never happened!” And then I ordered the Honey dress (A choir of angels sang at this point. It was ace.), and I sat back and waited for it to arrive. And I waited. And I waited. I waited a bit more. Hey, did I mention I WAITED? You see, it would seem that the universe wasn’t quite done messing with me yet.

As soon as I placed that order, a strange sequence of events was set in place, which saw me wait a further month to receive my dress. First of all, it went on a trip around the US. I checked the tracking code every day, and every day saw it arrive in a new city, and a new state, for a fresh stage of its adventure. At one point, it spent the weekend in Miami. Nice for it. I’d imagine that, if the dress could write, it would probably write its own blog post all about its adventures that week. “The Honey Dress Sees America!” it would be called. Or “On The Road With the Honey Dress”. Or “Haha, Amber Must Be Totally Freaking Out Right Now!” (You’re all really glad that my clothes can’t actually write, aren’t you? You should be.) Finally, the dress reached the UK. Terry in a kilt

(Terry also wore a skirt. He was an usher, so got to dress up, and pose like a catalogue man. I should probably point out here that these photos were taken the day before, when he was trying the kilt on to make sure it fit: it got ironed, and his face got shaved for the day itself…)

And this, it would seem, was the very special moment our customs officials had been waiting all their lives for, because they took that dress and they kept it all to themselves for over two weeks. I like to imagine them all taking turns dressing up in it and doing “fashion blogger” poses. I only like to imagine that, though, because it’s better than imagining the dress huddled in a corner, muttering, “Please, let me go! I don’t got no drugs! I don’t know nothin’!” while customs officers play “good cop/bad cop” and occasionally beat it. * (*Note: entirely fictional depiction of what ACTUALLY happens at customs. I expect.)

Well, as you would imagine, I eventually ran out of patience with this whole hostage situation, so I emailed Parcelforce. “What do you want from me?” I asked. “Where do you want me to leave the ransom money? Please, I just want to see my dress alive!” Given my history with Royal Fail, which Parcelforce is part of, I didn’t have high hopes of this. But I was to be proven wrong, because I sent my email to them late one evening, and at 8:30am the next day (8:30! AM!) I had a phonecall from a lovely young man who told me he would be acting as a hostage negotiator on my behalf, and would not rest until the Honey dress was safely in my hands. “Don’t you worry,” he assured me. “As God is my witness, I WILL GET YOU THIS DRESS.” (I’ve hammed up the drama on quite a bit of this post – gasp! – but, oddly, not that bit. He really was absolutely determined to get the dress to me on time. I could not be more grateful.)

ready for the wedding

(Brought together by the wonder of Photoshop. Also: spot the holes on the shoe shelves – they’d already been packed for the holiday by this point!)

And, true to his word, he did it. The dress arrived (as did the jacket, which my lovely mum had ordered for me as a surprise), and if there had been a hat in the package I would’ve been forced to eat it, in order to take back everything I have said about the Fail, I mean the Mail, because seriously, their customer service was excellent. In fact, I wonder if this was the universe’s plan all along: to delay my dress in order to bring me and the Fail closer together, repairing the burnt bridges and ending up with a stronger, better relationship because of it? (If you could just imagine a quick montage here, featuring me and a Royal Mail worker running along a beach together, and laughing over coffee, etc etc, that would be great. Or maybe a giant post box, actually. That would be even better.) Or, you know, maybe not. Maybe it’s just another story about me getting ever-so-slightly hysterical about yet another green dress. I won’t be doing that again, that’s for sure! Well, not for at least a couple of weeks, anyway…

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  • Amber, you look AMAZING! You’re such a bombshell, you could come straight out of Vogue yourself! (the 1950 edition perhaps? 🙂 ) You seem to be very unlucky when it comes to buying dresses, they provide great stories though 🙂 And don’t forget the Esther Williams swimsuit saga 😀 Have a great holiday! xx

    June 7, 2012
  • My brain has just exploded as a result of how damn perfect you, the dress and you in the dress look.

    It’s going to make it rather difficult for me to get back to my editing and translating (brains are generally required for that kind of thing) – but hey – I witnessed perfection. It usually comes at a cost.

    June 7, 2012
  • Laura


    I laughed so much at this post (especially the bit about the dress in customs!) that people in my office are now looking at me like I’m a complete fruitcake! You’ve made my lunchtime yet again Amber so thank you!
    Also, you both look stunning and your Mom sounds like a complete gem!
    Have a wonderful holiday xx

    June 7, 2012
  • Oh Amber. I hate to say it, because I’d have been freaking out too, but that dress was worth the wait. You both look stunning!

    June 7, 2012
  • Panthera


    This post is AWESOME!! Please write out your dresses’ thoughts more!

    You look so amazing in the dress, I’m so envious of it! And Terry looks absolutely dapper in his kilt 😀

    Had a bad day today, and reading this post put a huge smile on my face. Thank you for making my day better 🙂

    June 7, 2012
  • Oh Amber, I’ve been having the shittiest day and this just made me LOL with laughter. You look amazing, seriously worth that wait, I bet Terry was one proud husband with you on his arm xx

    June 7, 2012
  • Sandy


    You both (and Terry! Ha ha!) look fab! You could add in a green bow wearing Rubin to your photoshop pic for a family portrait.

    I think customs are having a fashion show with American dresses because I’ve seen that Pin Up Parade had their dresses held hostage for a while too.

    Fortunately your tale has a happy ending, I await with baited breath for what will conspire against you for your next vay-cay-shon! Heh!

    June 7, 2012
  • This is the most beautiful dress EVER! And the story of how you got it is hilarious. How does this always happen to you? 🙂 You guys look amazing!

    June 7, 2012
  • It looks amazing on you. Absolutely worth the wait and the drama!

    Sadly it has confirmed what I knew already though – that bust would never hold my ‘girls’. Or if it did, I’d look like I had humungo-boobs. I shall admire on you instead. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. x

    June 7, 2012
  • Sandra


    I wonder if your Mum would consider a trip to Italy to impart some of her infinite sewing/creating wisdom to Italians who don’t know a needle from another?? 🙂
    You both look stunning. I wore a white fascinator on my wedding 🙂

    June 7, 2012
  • Oh so lovely! The photo of you two is so precious and the one of you with the fascinator – you look like a total doll – no wonder your dress is green with envy :)) Glad you had a great time! Have fun preparing for your holiday! Best wishes!!

    June 7, 2012
  • Wow, you look stunning. Gorgeous dress and matching jacket – off to checkout their site

    June 7, 2012
  • I’m so sorry you had such a rough time with getting this dress, but it looks like it was totally worth the wait!! You look lovely in it! The green suits you perfectly!

    I’m going to post up a link back to this on the Trashy Diva blog in the next few days – hope you don’t mind!

    June 7, 2012
  • Wow, wow and again wow, you look faaaabulous!

    June 7, 2012
  • This post is hilarious! You make me laugh every time with your stories. Although you’re a bit unlucky when it comes to ordering online. At least in the end you got the dress, and you looked amazing in it, for your friends’ wedding. And Terry too in his kilt! How cute you’re together in that photo (Photoshop, or not)! 🙂

    June 7, 2012
  • You look awesome, it was so worth the drama! Also: Terry? You look great.

    June 8, 2012
  • Colene


    HOLD THE PHONE – Are those mint strappy platforms I spot in the background from Zara? I just bought these in blush pink and DID NOT KNOW there was a mint version!!! Le sigh.

    P.S that dress is gorgeous Amber – have you tried Lady Jojos in Edinburgh? They do similar style and have an awesome alterations service.


    June 8, 2012
  • I saw this on the Trashy Diva site (I’ve been stalking it for years, but the only thing I ever tried to order – for a ball a few years ago – had sold out after I placed the order, so no dress for me) but I hadn’t really clocked the Honey dress. It looks so much nicer on you! (Note to TD – she’s a super good ambassador. Give her free stuff ;)).

    June 8, 2012
  • KON


    OMG, that dress and jacket is so matchy matchy <3
    Your mother is a true fashion saint.
    I really had to look up the word "usher", my first thought went to the house of usher and I had some troubling thoughts of possible descendants XD

    Yeah, don't mind the german poe-readers who should really work on their english 😛

    June 8, 2012
  • Girl, why are you ORDERING dresses? When you look like that and have a shoe closet like that (which prompts the normally law-abiding me want to break into your home and loot it), companies should be clammering to send you mountains of their stuff for free to review for them. Trashy Diva would be smart to line you up for exactly that purpose.

    Anyhow, I just stumbled across your blog from a “diva dresses” Google alert, and you look absolutely gorgeous! Cheers from the US!

    June 11, 2012
  • What an awesome piece of writing, this made me laugh so much 🙂 And you and Honey were clearly destined to be together, through all the trials and tribulations, because you look smokin’! x

    June 11, 2012
  • Laav


    I happened to come across a photo some friend liked (on, yes, facebook) and the photo in case was of a shoe gallery. And I was so positive it was indeed yours. Recognizing random internet things is fun!

    June 14, 2012
  • You look AMAZING! Wowwwweeeee it was worth the wait. I have to say tales like this are exactly why I opened our shop in London to bring these wonderful dresses to be available on sale in the UK . I’ve got other colours but I still haven’t managed to obtain the green one. It’s like gold dust…still!!! You’re so lucky you FINALLY got yours. I will prevail though, especially now I see how amazing it looks on.

    June 27, 2012
  • maria


    You look absolutely amazing!!!! i was just wondering what size you ended up going with? im not sure if to go for the size 2 or 4. Thank you so much 🙂

    September 12, 2012