Chridtian Louboutin red sole

Autumn Outfit, take 2

autumn outfit ideas

autumn outfit ideasChridtian Louboutin red sole

Be not deceived, fair readers (sorry, I’ve been really into Jane Austen lately…): other than this outfit and the one before it, I’ve so far spent most of the so-called season of mists and mellow fruitfulness wearing jeans and sweaters, and standing in front of my closet complaining about how I have OMGNOTHINGTOWEAR.

And obviously that’s not true at all. I have so much to wear I could probably start a small shop. But I think it’s fair to say that in the ongoing battle of Amber Vs Autumn, autumn is currently kicking my ass. For instance, I spent most of last week fighting off one of those nameless lurgies: the kind where you’re not ill, exactly, (So you can’t justify retiring to bed, say, and persuading your husband to wait on you hand and foot), but you’re not quite well either, so every tiny task takes roughly five times as long as it should, and you feel like you’re operating at approximately 50% 40% 30% of your normal energy/brainpower. Obviously I can’t say for sure that autumn is to blame for this, but I’m going to go ahead and blame it anyway because I’ve noticed that the same thing happens at this time every year and also, well, why not?

So, last week was spent wearing jeans and sweaters, struggling listlessly through my list of tasks every day, and then heading to bed early, with the iPad and the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice on Netflix. You know the one with Colin Firth as Mr Darcy? It was almost worth feeling a bit crappy all week for, seriously.

Luckily for me, my mystery ailment had cleared up by the weekend (Which was actually a pretty surprising stroke of luck: I normally find that this kind of thing only gets worse at the weekend, thus ensuring that you don’t get to take any time off work, but you do get your weekend plans ruined: fun!), so I was inspired to a) leave the house and b) wear something other than jeans, although as you can see, I’m sticking with the sweaters, thanks.

I say “inspired”: I really just wanted to wear these shoes, which were the one bright spot in the week, but bright enough to cast all of those other silly complaints into the shadows, because they’re basically my dream shoes: I’ve loved them for as long as I’ve been a Louboutin fan, and had been on a waiting list for them for months, so their arrival on Tuesday morning made the whole week feel a bit like Christmas, lurgy aside. Which was appropriate, because these are actually my Christmas present from my parents and Terry. I know, I’m spoiled. And, er, it’s still only October, but I figured there aren’t going to be many more days when it’ll be warm enough for bare feet in pumps from here on out (although I might still get away with my trusty old nude fishnets) so I decided to get some use out of them while I can.

I’ve also been wearing them to write my blog posts, clean the house, watch TV, and, well, to bed.

Isn’t that what everyone does with new shoes?

P.S. While we’re on the subject of OMGAUTUMN, I really liked this article at The Onion – enjoy!

pale skin and red hair

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  • I am so in love with your hair! x

    October 15, 2012
  • Perfection. Nuff said.


    October 15, 2012
  • Oh wow! I need that jacket in my life! Is it current?

    October 15, 2012
      • Kimberly


        Where can i Buy that jacket? Whats the name of the brand?

        October 15, 2012
          • Kimberly


            I went on the site but i don’t see the jacket 🙁 Did you but it this season? Do you know where I can get it?

            October 15, 2012
  • Laura


    Those shoes are utterly beautiful, I am totally jealous! I may forward this post to my boyfriend/parents and see if they get the hint! xx

    October 15, 2012
  • Dana


    Ooo what lipstick are you wearing,? its looks gorgeous on you.

    October 15, 2012
  • For someone who has nothing to wear, you’re looking very stylish to me. Those shoes!!!!

    October 15, 2012
  • The Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice is the definitive version, in my opinion.

    October 15, 2012
  • Kerrie


    I LOVE those shoes!!! You look fab!! But were your feet not freezing cold and wet?

    October 15, 2012
  • Vix


    I have a total girl crush. You rock.

    October 15, 2012
  • I would totally wear those shoes to bed. Also: love your coat!

    October 15, 2012
  • I love your shoes!!! I’m sure you’ll wear them a lot with all kinds of outfits.

    October 16, 2012
  • Everything about this outfit is amazing, I’m not sure where to start! Firstly the shape of the coat is just divine and the color makes your hair just pop. Slimming trousers and effortlessly sexy nude pump make this look a personal favorite. I’d try to copy it but I wouldn’t be able to do it justice.

    October 16, 2012
  • Ooh la laa! you are smoking. I love this autumn shoot. And I totally wear new shoes ALL the time when I get them.


    October 16, 2012
  • Congrats on your new, so long longed-for shoes! As others have said, the cut of that jacket is just stunning. I am also a sucker for plaid pants.

    Hope you are well past the lurgy-loos – from the looks of it, I’d say YOU are winning over Autumn, especially considering its nasty tactic of dimmed brainpower with which I am sadly intimately acquainted myself. Soldier on, brave friend!

    October 17, 2012
  • Lesley


    oh wow I completely love your outfit! You mentioned your nude fishnets before also I think and meant to ask then….where did you get them? I’d love some but can only find black or red ones darnit 🙁

    October 17, 2012
  • This outfit is drop dead gorgeous. I found your blog through Pinterest, the pin about the dress ripoff post. I am sorry that happened to you.

    October 17, 2012
  • Oh my god. Absolutely gorgeous. I was going to just blabber on about the shoes but that jacket is drop-dead amazing!!!!!!!! You look so gorgeous!

    October 18, 2012
  • oh wow I completely love your outfit!

    October 20, 2012
  • Oh my word. I *need* those shoes!

    October 23, 2012
  • I love your combo. Especially the shoes. Cool.

    November 1, 2012