pink midi skirt

I believe in pink

soft feminine outfit inspirationWhen the people at Zalando contacted me a couple of weeks ago, and asked me if I’d like to choose something from their website, I went straight to this pink, 30s-inspired chiffon dress, which I’d had my eye on for months, but had resisted buying because, well, it’s a pink, 30s-inspired chiffon dress, basically. When would I ever get the opportunity to wear such a thing, I asked myself? After all, it’s not the 1930s any more. And it’s Autumn. And I hardly ever wear pink, even although I secretly always want to.

“Amber,” I told myself, “Turn your back on the pink dress. Choose something useful. Something practical. Something you won’t have to put in your closet until Spring, and then hope someone invites you to a 1930s-themed party so you can actually wear it.”

So, naturally I ordered the pink dress. I mean, OF COURSE I did.

“Um, maybe I could wear it for Halloween?” I thought, hopefully.

As it turned out, though, I didn’t have to wait that long, because when it arrived, I realised I could do what I always do when I want to dress down something that’s a bit too dressy, even for me: I could throw a sweater over the top. And then some pearls, because, well, don’t you think this is the kind of dress that’s just begging to be worn with a string of pearls?

“I feel like this is the kind of outfit that an aristocrat who’s fallen on hard times would wear to drift around her crumbling ancestral home in 1952,” I told Terry, who honestly couldn’t have cared less. “Lady Matchy of McMatcherson, say: her family lost everything in the war, and the good silver’s been sold off to pay her father’s gambling debts, so she’s drinking gin at 11am, wearing an old 30s dress she found in a trunk in the attic, a moth-eaten cashmere sweater and her grandmother’s pearls. Lady Matchy is crazy too, of course: that helps.”

“It’s a cool story, bro,” said Terry, “And Ima let you finish, but I really hope we’re not going to have to have that conversation about how it’s not ACTUALLY 1952 again, are we?”

Anyway, I got to wear my dress, is what I’m saying. I may not have gotten to wear it exactly the way it’s designed to be worn (i.e. as an actual DRESS), but hey, there’s always next time. And honestly, when I put this outfit on, it was the first time I’ve actually felt like MYSELF in a long time. Well, I felt like Lady Matchy of McMatcherson, obviously. But I was so happy to be wearing something I didn’t actively hate that it didn’t matter. If pink chiffon dresses are what it takes to beat this wardrobe crisis, then pink chiffon dresses are what I’ll wear. Even on random Monday afternoons in October…

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. ~ Audrey Hepburn”

[Pink dress: Warehouse c/o Zalando | Sweater: Ralph Lauren | Shoes and clutch: New Look]

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • I believe in pink

    October 8, 2013
  • This makes me want to wear a 30s style dress with a sweater work today. Possibly this is impractical for a job where I sit on the floor.

    October 8, 2013
  • Fran


    That looks lovely! The skirt is so fluffy and foamy. And the rope belt gives you a tiny, tiny waist. I would say you ordered the right dress. 😀

    October 8, 2013
  • Claire


    Hi Amber! I’ve been reading your blogs for a while and have never commented. But today I just want to thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us and kudos on running a successful business via blogging! Love the pink dress – thinking about ordering if they ship internationally.

    October 8, 2013
  • Perfectly styled.

    I’m a bit worried though…is there something wrong with drinking gin at 11 am? That is going to put a cramp in my daily routine.


    October 8, 2013
  • How could a chiffon dress not lift one’s spirits? Lovely way to wear it! Can’t wait to see the dress as a dress. 🙂

    October 8, 2013
  • What a beautiful look and I’d love to see you wearing it without the sweater too.
    Fabulous story, I love your style of writing!

    Annette | Lady of Style

    October 8, 2013
  • You do look very lovely in it though- even if it is not “worn” as a dress. I like the fifties vibe too.

    October 8, 2013
  • Gorgeous colors! You are such a vintage inspiration!! Alex

    October 8, 2013
  • Claudia


    This is a dress Juniper from Kate Morton’s would wear. If you haven’t read it yet, you might want to give it a try. I think you’d like it :).

    October 8, 2013
  • Claudia


    Kate Morton’s The Distant Hours, that is.

    October 8, 2013
  • Nathalie


    lovely look!

    October 8, 2013
  • aww, that dress is a dream on! And I am not a pink person. Look at how lovely you are!! You are right about wearing something beautiful to break the routine, expecially in those dreadful days.
    Nice conversation there, I am glad you reported it. I can imagine your excitement on being Lady Matchy of McMatcherson (lol) and the bored face on the other side. It happens all the time unless you start talking about football, isn’t it?
    (btw I never start talking about football nevertheless I care about it. I care about pretty dresses! and my fiancée never seems to understand. Oh well.)

    October 8, 2013
  • Helen B


    Its so refreshing to see another redhead putting paid to the ‘you cant wear pink’ myth, was starting to think I was alone! Gorgeous!

    October 8, 2013
  • Erin


    I love this, Amber. The dress is beautiful, I am so happy you feel like yourself in pink! It suits you beautifully! And I love your “character” outfits. I have a few of those, and those outfits make me feel happiest! I’ll meet you in the 50s! x

    October 8, 2013
  • Myra


    I love the dress and you styled it well although I can’t wait to see it without the sweater . Brightened my day xx

    October 8, 2013
  • I’ve been following your blog for ages and thoroughly enjoy reading it. I had to comment today because I love pink and the fabulously floofy dress is so perfect on you!

    October 8, 2013
  • I adore this outfit and the quote is absolutely perfect. I really adore the dress with sweater over it idea and must do it myself sometime


    October 8, 2013
  • Sonya Dempsey


    I always read your posts yet this is my first time commenting and seeing as I’ve nothing but love for you and your posts I may aswell share it- your style of writing gives me such a laugh that it does the soul good. My mother always tells me that I write and text exactly in the way that I speak, it’s as if they can hear me say the words- I always feel the same about you when I’m reading your posts (even though I’ve never heard you speak I have a this-is-how-Amber-should-sound-voice when I’m reading your posts)

    And, as always, the one thought that runs through my head is “poor Terry” 🙂

    October 9, 2013
  • I really really enjoyed this post. The dress is beautiful and I love the way you styled it. But your dreamed up dress wearing character and her little story steal the show. And I bet you’ll get a lot of wear out of it too:)

    October 9, 2013
  • You look so cute in this outfit, and really happy too! I think pink looks great on you, and generally all neutral hues and I believe your choice was great as always. I hope you enjoy this dress!

    October 9, 2013
  • nice skirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    October 17, 2013
  • This dress is lovely on you, but on the webiste is SO far from the kind of thing I would be drawn to, I am hopeless at seeing potential in things like layering.

    November 8, 2013
  • hello Angle ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    November 12, 2013