collection of watches

If Wishes Were Watches

collection of watches

Green Gucci watch

silver Gucci G watch

Michael Kors 'Darci' watch in rose gold

A few weeks ago, I opened the drawer on my bedside table, and realised I’d somehow turned into my dad.

Yes, just like that. I had a moustache and everything! Yeah, OK, I jest: what I DID have, however, was a drawer full of watches – just like my dad, who’s been collecting wristwatches for as long as I can remember, and who has apparently passed his love of the things onto me.

My collection is nowhere near as extensive as my dad’s ( (In fact, I’d bet good money that when he reads this post, he’ll roll his eyes and say, “You call that a watch collection? THIS is a watch collection, missy!” Except he probably won’t call me “missy”…), but I do love a good watch, and have been slowly building up what I’m going to refer to as a “watch wardrobe”, even although that sounds a bit cringey, really.

The watch which started my collection was the green leather-strap Gucci, which was a 21st birthday gift from my parents, and which I still wear fairly often, on account of the green strap going with almost everything in my closet. The silver Gucci followed a couple of years later, and a few years after THAT, I ushered in the era of Michael Kors and Kate Spade. I know it’s a giant cliche to be a fashion blogger who likes Michael Kors watches but, well, I AM a fashion blogger who likes Michael Kors watches, so when Chronobox asked me to pick out some favourites from their website, I knew exactly where I was headed: straight to the Michael Kors section, obviously…

selection of rose gold watches

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

I just love them: I can’t help it. I particularly love the rose gold bands (WHAT GAVE IT AWAY?), because it’s just such a soft, pretty colour, and it goes with absolutely everything. The watch I’ve been wearing most often lately is a Michael Kors ‘Darci’ in rose gold (Chronobox have a selection of ‘Darcis’ here…): I like it because of the bling around the face (what can I say, I like shiny things?), and also because although it’s large enough to make a bit of a statement, it’s not so large that it completely dwarfs my wrist – which is what happened with my LAST Michael Kors watch, and is why Terry now wears it instead. Yes.

When I picked out that watch, I spent absolutely ages going back and forth between different styles, trying to work out what kind of size each of them was, and which one would be the best fit. It all ended up giving me a bit of a headache, really, so one of things I really like about the Chronobox website is that you can select different styles, and then compare them all side by side:


Which would’ve been super-handy – no pun intended – when I was watch shopping. Oh, and you can also search by size, too, so if you have very small wrists – or, alternatively, are looking for the biggest, most bling-tastic watch you can find – you won’t have to trawl through every single item on the site. I, meanwhile, HAVE trawled through almost every watch on the site, and I STILL want a Michael Kors ‘Darci’. Yes, even although I already have one. I could get one in silver, though? Or yellow gold? Or that Gucci horsebit watch, which is ALSO kinda calling out to me right now? In related news, I might also need a slightly bigger bedside table to keep them all in…

collection of watches

[This post is sponsored by Chronobox]

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  • You have such a beautiful collection!!
    I love the green Gucci most, so pretty and timeless…


    January 23, 2016
  • Dad


    Four ? Dad

    January 23, 2016
  • Trudy


    I like the look of watches, but I can’t wear them 🙁 I have teeny wrists, and even a lot of the smaller faced watches swamp my wrist, and I also get sick of my watch sliding nearly to my elbow every time I move my arm. The other reason I can’t wear watches is because I make batteries go flat. Seriously! It seems to be a family thing, any watch I wear is flat within two weeks, and replacement batteries don’t even last that long. I normally just rely on my phone to tell me the time instead. But I am still in love with these Michael Kors watches – maybe I can start a collection to keep in my bedside table, just to look at 🙂

    January 23, 2016
  • Nice collection. I sense so much distinguish in a person wearing a watch. Unfortunately I don’t have a collection, yet.

    January 23, 2016