Easter 2019

Diary | Easter 2019 in Photos

Happy Easter, everyone!

Over the last few weeks months I’ve been going through my blog archive to update some of the older posts, and one of the things I’ve noticed from being effectively forced to read my own blog from start to finish is that I tend to repeat myself a lot. I said I tend to repeat myself a lot. (Boom boom.)

For instance, every single year I tell you all that spring is my favourite season and Easter my favourite holiday. Every. Single. Year. It’s like, OMG, Amber, we get it, you like spring! FFS! It’s true, though: I DO love Spring, and Easter, and, it has to be said, this particular Easter weekend has been a particularly good one, thanks to the gorgeous weather which allowed us to spend lots of time outdoors, catching up with family, and generally just enjoying the season. Naturally, I also took the opportunity to dress my child like a bunny for the occasion: here he is, in the new sandpit my dad built for him last week, thus ushering in a new era of ‘Everything In The House is Covered in Sand Now’:

Max in the sandpit: Easter 2019

Shut up, of course he liked wearing a bunny cardigan. Look how happy he was!

(For anyone interested, his dungarees and shirt were from Marks and Spencer, and his cardigan is from Next, and yes, those are affiliate links…)

We actually celebrated Easter itself on Saturday: we had an egg hunt in the morning, with Max’s Uncle John, then, in the afternoon, we headed to my parents’, where my mum had, once again, excelled herself with her table-setting skills:

Easter bunny and flowersEaster table setting

table set for Easter lunch

Some Easter gifts for Max:

Easter gifts for Max

Mummy and Max, Easter 2019After dinner we headed outside for some egg rolling, which I’m pretty sure was Max’s favourite part of the day (Well, other than the sand pit, obviously…), although, in his case it was more of an egg smash than anything else:

And that was our Easter: most unusually for this part of the world, the beautiful weather lasted for the entire holiday weekend (And is still going!), so, as I said, we’ve spent a lot of our time outdoors – mostly at children’s playparks, granted, and I spent most of THAT time endlessly fretting over whether Max was too hot/too cold/about to get sunburnt (The photos above were taken later in the evening, by the way, when it was starting to get chilly: I promise I didn’t just make him wear the cardigan for the sake of photos!), but hey, that’s parenting for you, I guess!

How was your weekend?

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Mary Katherine


    What fun – thanks for sharing!

    April 23, 2019
  • Myra


    We spent the weekend in or travelling to hospital to visit my husband. On the plus sides, the motorways weren’t busy. We took him some boiled and painted eggs. One painted as a Mars egg, to which he said why have I got “arse” on my egg. The other painted by our grandson Max, had a smiley face with a football score painted on the other side, designed to wind up papa. It succeeded.

    April 23, 2019