Max's first Easter

Diary | Max’s First Easter

“We should take the camera to my parents’ today,” I said to Terry last weekend.
“So we can take lots of photos to remember Max’s first Easter by!”

So we did take the camera. But HAHALOL, we totally forgot to use it more than a couple of times, which means that most of our prechus family memories of Easter 2018 have been captured in my now customary format: Blurry iPhone Photos. Oh well: I guess it’s just as well Max remained totally oblivious of the fact that he was celebrating his very first Easter, huh?

I may not have followed through on my promise to get high-quality photos of the majority of the weekend, though, but I DID get this:

Max's first Easter

And also approximately 15,876 variations of this photo, because OMGTHECUTE. I mean, can you even STAND how cute he is?! The little romper is from Matalan, and was one of Max’s gifts from his gran and grandad, as was the Jellycat lamb –  because, as previously discussed here, if there’s a Jellycat animal Max doesn’t own yet, it’s just because my mum hasn’t gotten around to buying it yet. I mean, seriously, people:

Max's Jellycat collection


This Easter also marked my mum’s triumphant return to the world of table decoration. As you may recall, her heart just wasn’t in it last Christmas, and even although, to the casual observer, there was no discernible drop in the quality of the resulting table, she spent the entire day beating herself up because of it. Now that Max is safely here, though, and I’m no longer spoiling every family gathering by saying, “I THINK HE’S STOPPED MOVING, WHAT SHOULD WE DO?” every five minutes, she managed to create an Easter masterpiece that the combined efforts of. Terry and I totally failed to do justice to:

Easter table decor

Easter table

Easter table decorationsEaster table decorationsEaster table decorationsEaster table decorationsEaster table decorations

(The ‘Happy Anniversary’ sign is there because last weekend also marked me and Terry’s 11th wedding anniversary – a fact I’ll just casually skip over here because, damn, WE OLD.)

(Don’t worry, we went out to celebrate earlier in the week – we’re not TOTALLY coldhearted…)

This year’s table was – of course – inspired by Max: as you probably know, young babies tend to be particularly drawn to black and white patterns, which they can see more easily than other colours at first, so my mum went for a monochrome theme, complete with little wind-up rabbits and chicks, which Max was fascinated by:

Max's first Easter

And then he spat up all over his little outfit, so that was fun too. (It was too cold for him to wear the bow-tie one for longer than it took to photograph it, unfortunately, which is why he’s wearing something else here, and I’m praying for some warmer weather soon, so he can get some use out of all of the cute summer stuff I have my eye on…)

Anyway: he’ll never remember any of this, of course, and that’s something that still makes me feel a bit melancholy, if I think about it too much (I keep thinking about how these days that are so vivid and so REAL to us right now are just going to be ancient history to him, and how one day we’ll show him these photos, and they’ll look so dated and strange to him…), but we had a lovely weekend with him, and I’m really looking forward to next year, when he’ll be that little bit more aware of everything.

Finally, here’s a quick family photo, which I feel aptly illustrates the crazy weather we’ve had lately:

Easter 2018

Me in sunglasses, Terry in a woolly hat, Max refusing to look at the camera: and then the next day? This happened:

And it stayed like that pretty much all week. Still, at least the sky was pretty, right?

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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  • Marie


    Aww, lovely photos (you’re too hard on yourself btw – even with an iPhone, your photos are great)! And truly excellent work on the part of your mum! (The table, I mean, not the Jellycat menagerie, although I love that too…) X

    April 7, 2018
  • That outfit is sooooo cute! He’s just precious!

    April 7, 2018
  • Kelly Glen


    How can one baby just get cuter and cuter. Every photo you post of him is just so adorable.

    April 7, 2018
  • Frida


    Aww he’s so cute! What a lovely family, even under the crazy weather ? Wonderful table decoration, lovely stuffed animals which Max seems to love already (I bet more to come ?) and most lovely pics. Thanks for sharing!

    April 7, 2018
  • Lori L.


    I love the picture of Max and his Jellycat menagerie the best. He is adorable. I remember my niece’s first Easter. It was the first time she said my husband’s name (not, mine. My husband’s 🙁 He has never let me forget that and she’s 16 years old!!! Your Mom’s table is beyond words.

    April 8, 2018
  • Jana


    I see you get some of your style from mum. So great!

    April 9, 2018