PinUp Couture Joanie dress in olive green

Don’t your feet get cold in the winter time? The sky won’t snow and the sun don’t shine. It’s hard to tell the night-time from the day…

PinUp Couture Joanie dress in olive green

PinUp Couture Joanie dress in olive green

[Dress: Pinup Couture ‘Joanie’ dress (no longer available in olive, but in black and navy here | Boots: Topshop Barley2 | Sunglasses: House of Harlow ‘Chelsea’]

Well, so much for “spring.” And also so much for that whole “sky won’t snow” thing in my title there, because I think you’ll find it totally WILL, Eagles. That’s what you get for trusting 70s rock bands, I guess.

I’ve hit the wall, folks. I think it goes without saying (not that that’s ever stopped me…) that my patience for winter is pretty thin at the best of times, but by the time we get to March it’s run out altogether and I’m pretty much DONE with the coats and the boots and the OMGSNOW. The stores are full of spring clothes (Hell, my CLOSET is full of spring clothes, because, well, I’ve been buyin’ them. Since December.), and I WANT TO WEAR THEM.

It’s not going to happen, though. As you can see, we got another load of snow dumped on us at the weekend, so here I am in my winter uniform of long-sleeved dress and those Topshop boots which have been more or less welded to my legs since November. I’m hoping this will be the last time you’ll see them this winter. I’m not promising anything, though…

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  • I hear you Amber, snow does not equal spring! I hope the sun and warm weather finds you soon but in the meantime no one looks as stunning in long sleeve midi dresses as you do!

    March 11, 2013
  • I usually like winter but I have to say I am with you this time, Amber! Why is it still freezing? What happened to spring? It all looked so promising last week. I will die of boredom if I have to look at any of my winter coats once more. However, I just know if I go shopping for a new one spring will magically appear. Oooh, maybe I should then! 🙂

    March 11, 2013
  • Sir Winterton-Weatherman was wrong then… unfortunately here as well 🙁

    This dress is made for you! You look gorgeous.

    Lady of Style

    March 11, 2013
  • Those are some seriously fantastic sunglasses, and that dress looks lovely on you!

    March 11, 2013
  • Loving that dress you have on. So pretty.

    March 11, 2013
  • It won’t really help you to hear that we in the Antipodes are sick of Summer, will it? Just as Winter won’t let you go, Summer is determined to stick around here, despite our pointed comments and glances at watches. I hope both of us get the seasons we’re looking forward to soon!

    March 11, 2013
  • This dress looks like it was made for you! Perfect fit, and it compliments your body! Well everything does…And your boots go perfectly with these dresses.

    March 11, 2013
  • I can’t wait for winter. But that’s because we have had an insane amount of heat this summer and I am sick of not being able to sleep.

    Also, you always look fabulous, whatever season it may be.

    March 11, 2013
  • I know you hate dressing for cold weather, but your dress and boots outfits are always stunning! As others said above, that dress looks like it’s made for you.

    March 12, 2013
  • Ps. Maybe you guys should consider a move to Perth (Australia)! I can’t even remember the last day that was below 30 degrees Celsius. In fact, most of my summer clothes are still too hot.

    March 12, 2013
  • Ick! I feel for you Amber. I’m not much for winter myself. Okay, maybe a hot buttered rum by a roaring fire in a ski lodge for a {as in one} weekend would be welcome, but that’s it. And I call myself a Canadian? Truth is, not all of Canada gets snow, and we lucked out with barely a skiff this year.

    You do look like a spring flower in your pics today, albeit, a sophisticated, gorgeous, pin-up kind of flower!

    Sue xo

    March 12, 2013
  • Love your dress Amber <3 Stunning outfit!!!
    I heard about the heavy snowfall in UK a few days back….hope spring comes at your place soon!
    Personally I love winter fashion & your winter outfits are so inspiring!!

    March 12, 2013
  • I really struggle to find a stylish outfit in this cold weather. Especially today with -3 degrees. Definitely inspired by your sleeved dress and boots, perhaps this is just what I need to get me through to Spring. I also love the colour of your dress, really nice to see a bright colour and it perfectly complements your hair.

    March 12, 2013
  • We are feeling the same end-of-winter pain in the States. It’s supposed to be warmish out, and it’s barely hitting 40 today (and I have no idea what the C conversion is… ). At least you look cute!! Those sunglasses are MAJOR. Sorry to use a Rachel Zoe cliche. 🙂

    March 12, 2013
  • That dress looks amazing on you!

    March 12, 2013
  • I call that shade of green the redhead’s magic color. Makes your hair pop!

    Hope you had a good birthday!

    March 12, 2013
  • Hey Amber, just stumbled upon your blog and I love your style so much!! Like the way you transformed a vintage styled dress to a modern look by adding the long black boots! x

    March 12, 2013
  • No one does glamour in the snow like u Amber!

    March 12, 2013
  • I really was hoping the warmer weather was right around the corner for you. Boo for the snow! Where I live it should be warmer than it is right now, but maybe next week… (Fingers crossed for the both of us!) You do dress very stylish for the cold though. Love the color of this dress!

    March 14, 2013
  • Looking gorgeous. Love the dress and the boots! And I am so sick of the winter too. I was so surprised the other day when I pulled back to curtains to snow. I was sure spring was on it’s way 🙁

    March 17, 2013
  • Hey Amber, great sunglasses!!

    November 2, 2013