ming green pencil dress


ming green pencil dress

Can I just take a quick moment here to pat myself on the back for coming up with the title of this post?

It’s doublemint – because I’m wearing a mint dress AND a mint bag? Geddit? I think I might have peaked too soon with this one, guys: it’s all going to be downhill from here on out with this post – apologies in advance. Doublemint, though! Hee!

Anyway, the dress in question is this one from Closet London (which is currently on sale!), and let’s face it – no one who read this post, in which I wore ANOTHER mint green Closet London dress, and talked about how I really, REALLY wanted this one, will be remotely surprised to see it here. “Having to sit on my hands to stop myself ordering it,” were my exact words, in fact: er, dramatic, much, Amber? Well, as it happens, I didn’t have to sit on my hands for too long (which was a relief, because seriously, how do you type?!), because, in one of those rare moments of blogging bliss, last week the brand in question contacted me and asked if I’d like to try one of their dresses. This doesn’t happen very often, but it’s actually happened a few times lately, and when it does, it makes me feel a bit like I’ve won the lottery or something. So that’s nice.

This also turned out to be one of those, “Wearing my new dress the same day it arrived,” numbers – partly because, as I’ve said before, when you get a dry day here, you have to instantly drop whatever you’re doing and run out and revel in it, but also because I just couldn’t wait. To be perfectly honest, the thick, ponte fabric was probably a little too warm for this particular day, but that’s OK, because at least I know I’ll get plenty of wear out of it during the cooler days of summer, and into autumn and winter, too. (Yes, I know a lot of people think it’s scandalous to wear pastels in winter – or AT ALL, when you have skin that would make the Cullens looks like they’d been hitting the fake tan, hard – but honestly, I think winter is depressing enough without dressing like a widow for the duration, so, meh.)

The shoes are also new, and I know they’re not very interesting, but they come in approximately eleventy-one different colours, and I swear to God, I WILL collect them all. Wait: that’s Pokemon Go I’m thinking of, isn’t it? I think I’ve just had an awesome idea for a new app…

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I also write books
  • Love love love this dress! Nice to see another red head like me pull off some color as I tend to go towards black…always 😉 Great article!

    xoxo, Redhura l Check out my latest post

    July 22, 2016
  • Hi Amber, that’s such a pretty dress and bag. Love the colour. Have a lovely weekend. At least you’re getting all the storms – it horribly humid here. xx

    July 22, 2016
  • Myra


    Love the double mint title and the whole outfit. I am reading your book and will post a review when I finish it, but I can definitely recommend it for new bloggers as it is very informative

    July 22, 2016
  • Lori L.


    Love the dress – it’s beautiful on you. But the bag is my favorite piece of the whole outfit. Just love a satchel you can fill up with all your stuff!

    July 23, 2016
  • This is simple fabulous! The perfect match of color and the style of this dress is amazing. Nice bag!

    July 24, 2016
  • Lovely lady…. may I ask how you think this dress compairs to the boden AURELIA OTTOMAN DRESS…am I allowed to ask or is it rather out of bounds??? Love your blogs.. made me feel like embracing womanhood xx

    July 24, 2016
      • ahhh ok… thank you!!! you are super kind… did you have a preference? I end up with a wish list as long as my arm when Iread your blog xx

        July 26, 2016