blue dress with bows

When Fashion Blogging Goes Wrong

This week, summer made a welcome return to Scotland, and Terry and I decided to make the most of it by having some days out – and, in my case, wearing some of the clothes I know I’m probably not going to get the chance to wear once we’re thrown back into winter again next week.

On Monday, we headed out on the first of our planned adventures, with the intention of taking some blog photos along the way. All was going well, until we arrived at our first stop (a cute little ice cream store), got out of the car… and immediately realised we’d forgotten to bring something quite important with us.


Not some other, less significant piece of blogging equipment, but the ACTUAL CAMERA – as in, the one thing it’s pretty impossible to take photos without. I wanted to slap myself, seriously.

I bravely tried to take some snaps with my phone (because I may have forgotten the camera, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I forget to bring my phone with me…), but none of them came out well, so I was plunged into that whole blogger angst thing of, “If I have a day out, but I can’t blog about it, did it even happen?” Well, it DID happen, and it was actually kind of nice to be able to just relax and enjoy it without worrying about getting that perfect shot. I mean, I don’t really subscribe to the idea that documenting things prevents you “living in the moment” – as I said in this post, I actually think it lets me appreciate things more, most of the time – but it was still nice.

Bloggers will be bloggers, though, and lucky our route that day was a circuitous one, so we were able to stop by the house and grab the camera, before heading to Linlithgow, which is where these shots were taken. Of course, by that point my dress was horribly creased from sitting in the car for so long, and my shoes were starting to pinch a little, but still: we can’t have everything, can we?

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I also write books
  • Erin


    I love that dress! So pretty! Cheers to the good weather. It’s been in the 80s/90s here for the past 8 weeks but fall is coming. I feel like everyone is so excited for the heat break, but I would appreciate another year or so of this before returning to the dreaded northern US winter.

    August 19, 2016
  • Ack I had a feeling that dress would be old as I didn’t recall seeing it before. I’m sure you HAVE worn it before, many times though as it’s really rather lovely. The little bows and the overall silhouette are really really nice. I used to love RI (back when I worked here in the early 2000s) but I never go in there anymore, haven’t for years!

    August 19, 2016
  • I have twice gone out with my camera but… no sim card. Which is possibly even more frustrating?!

    August 19, 2016
  • Still beautiful, and I love the way the cobblestones convey movement, almost sweeping you along. Nice!

    August 19, 2016
  • Love the dress, wrinkles and all!

    August 19, 2016
  • I think the Scottish summer just popped in, waved then headed out again! Hi winter, or do I mean your good friend late autumn – glad you’re just in time for the weekend!

    Lovely colour of dress and great setting.

    August 19, 2016
  • That a lovely dress, I love the colour! Once we out to the Isle Of wright for a day trip and we brought the camera – but no memory card and no battery! So we had an empty shell of a camera.. We still laugh about it years later. xx

    August 19, 2016
  • Lori L.


    I’m so glad you’re enjoying a day of summer. It rained here in the southeastern U.S. and gave us a break from the mid 90s. We will all be glad for fall to arrive. Absolutely love the dress. It looks perfect on you!

    August 20, 2016
  • Like CiCi, I have also done the camera but no SIM card thing. Whoops! It’s a bit annoying isn’t it? You look lovely though, and that’s a pretty dress despite being a tad car-crumpled x

    August 20, 2016
  • Sara


    I love your dress, the detail on straps is so unique. I totally thought it was vintage because of the matching belt until I read the description. I am new to your blog and have already read a few posts, your style is impeccable and your writing style and humor makes me laugh 🙂

    August 22, 2016
  • You know I would have never thought this dress looks this good if I just saw it on a hanger. But its such a great shape! I need to check out River Island a bit more. I end up going to the Oxford Street store and its always so crowded I am waiting to get out!

    August 24, 2016
  • Love this dress and it suits you super well. I personally always find it more difficult to find the right jewellery and accessories to go with very light coloured dresses. You did a perfect job 🙂

    Nicole | Blogging for

    September 14, 2016