office shoes feature

Forever Amber in the Office Shoes Magazine

office shoes feature

Ooh, lookit who’s featured in the Office Shoes in-store magazine this month!

This was for a feature on “Shoedrobes”, and I’m really excited to be featured, alongside the lovely Sophie of The Folly Boutique. All credit, of course, has to go to Terry, who built my “shoedrobe” from scratch, and didn’t even complain about it either. What a guy! Sometimes I go in there just to look at them. Other times I go in there and think, “Hmm, I wonder if Terry would let me do this in the guest room, too?” (I’m kididng, I’m kidding…)

Anyway, the magazine is out now, but as it’s an in-store one, you’ll need to pop into a branch of Office to pick one up. As if you actually NEED an excuse to visit a shoe store, obviously…

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  • Oh wow, this is great!

    It really is a wonderful shoedrobe – it definitely puts my shoe storage to shame, which is usually where I left them….oh dear!

    Beccy // Bluebell & Bumpkin

    May 19, 2014
  • Congrats, that is very exciting indeed!! Well done to Terry, he did a sterling job x

    May 19, 2014
  • How cool amber . Exciting stuff 🙂 always jealous of your shoe collection x

    May 19, 2014
  • Congrats!!! X

    May 19, 2014
  • Congratulations! I’ve always admired your beautiful shoe room, one day I hope to have a lovely spacious shoe room too but living in a flat means limited space so my shoe room is tiny and crammed. Revamping it will definitely be on my to do list after my exams.

    May 20, 2014
  • Wow! Congrats for being featured. If there’s is a shoe closet out there who deserve it, it’s yours. I really love what Terry made for you. Well done to both of you! 🙂

    May 20, 2014