Friday Photo: Forever the Fashionista


For today’s Friday Photo, I proudly present yet another in my continuing series of Embarrassing Photos of Me as a Child. I’m the little boy on the left. Yes, that is a bathing cap and a pair of Wellington boots I’m wearing. No, I am not in fancy dress: when the aforementioned items were bought for me, I was just so excited by them I refused to take them off, because I thought I was THAT COOL in them. That still happens now, sometimes. (My face is like that because the wind changed shortly after the last photo was taken, remember? The same facial expression is in this one, too. Seriously, all my adult photos have to be photoshopped to get rid of that whiny baby face I have. For real.) I liked the bathing cap so much I tried to sleep in it, but my mum wouldn’t let me. It sucks to be a kid, sometimes, it really does.

My dog-faced friend on the right there was the little girl who lived next door. That’s not her real face, needless to say: she was just so jealous of the bathing-cap-and-wellies combo (also: Anorak!) that my mum had to cut a mask out of the back of a cereal packet so she could wear it. I mean, that’s what they tell me now. I guess it could just have been that she was embarrassed to be seen with me dressed like that. Actually, come to think of it, THAT still happens sometimes too…

Anyway, enough with the reminiscing: I have work to do, you know, and I’m totally not happy about it. The Christmas break spoiled me. Just over a week of relaxation and already my body is used to sleeping for as long as it wants, eating well past the stage of “hunger” or even “reason” and generally lying around on its increasingly lardy ass eating Fruit Pastilles and wondering if there are any chocolate coins left. I am dreading my return to the gym, which has been tentatively penciled in for Sunday. I reckon I should have finished eating all the chocolate in the house by then, and probably most of the other food, too.

In fact, I’m going to go and eat some right now…

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • I'm the boy on the left had me cracking up, a close second was my dogfaced friend. I think only the pictures that make us look good should be kept and all the rest burned, well, maybe a good blackmail picture or two but the rest destroyed for sure.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    January 7, 2008