how to get rid of flyawayss

How to Tame Flyaway Hair With Argan Oil

Working out how to tame fine flyaway hair has been a lifelong project for me, so I can’t tell you how happy I was to FINALLY find a product that actually seems to make a difference WITHOUT making my ginger hair feel greasy. I mean, it’s like the Holy Grail or something, right?

This product was another TK Maxx find, but you should be able to find it pretty much anywhere: Argan Oil!

I was obviously in a bit of a spendy mood the day I picked this up, because I found myself walking to the register with it, even although I’ve always been a little suspicious about argan oil, and the various accolades that have been heaped upon it.

how to tame flyaway hairHow to tame fine flyaway hair

It’s the “oil” bit that worried me. My hair, as I’ve mentioned before, is long and limp, and has a tendency to be greasy, especially at the roots. Despite this, however, it ALSO manages to be very fine and flyaway, and will go super-frizzy when I try to curl it, no matter how carefully I do it. Oh, and I have a lot of “fuzzies” around the hairline, which means that when I wear it up, or tie it back, I look like I have a little halo around my forehead – it’s not as cute as it sounds, trust me.

So: fine, flyaway hair which is also limp and greasy – sounds awesome, right? The fine, flyaway bit makes me want to use products to make it all better, and my stylist friend has told me that a bit of product would also help with the “frizzy when curled” issue. The problem with that, however, is that any product I use, other than shampoo and conditioner (and sometimes that too), will tend to weigh my natural red hair down, making it look and feel even more greasy and limp than when I started. I was fairly sure a product with the word “oil” in the name would do exactly that, but like I said, I’d heard good things about it, and it was only a few pounds, so home with me it came.

I waited to try this until a day I didn’t have any plans, just in case it did, indeed, turn my auburn hair into an oil slick, but as it turns out, I needn’t have worried. This is a styling and finishing product designed to help de-frizz your hair, and give it a smooth, shiny finish. You can use it on either towel-dried hair, for heat protection and frizz control, or on dry hair to add shine and fight those fuzzies. I mostly use it on damp hair, before blow-drying and styling, but I’ve also been using small amounts on dry hair when I have my hair up, and I love it because it gets rid of that “fuzzy” look without making my hair look oily, or like it’s covered in product: result.

How to tame fine flyaway hair with argan oil

On damp hair, meanwhile, I find this also makes a real difference. I tip a few drops into the palms of my hands, then rub them together, before running them through my natural red hair, concentrating on the ends. It does feel oily when it comes out of the bottle, but it’s a dry oil, which absorbs almost right away, so there’s no icky grease-factor to deal with. (I’ve actually been using it on my hands, and rubbing it into my cuticles, too: I love the fact that it makes them feel moisturised, without me having to sit around for ages waiting for it to be absorbed!) I then blow-dry my hair as usual, and I’ll also often use either my Babyliss Curl Secret or Big Hair afterwards: my hair is subjected to quite a bit of heat, basically, but when I use this oil, I notice a big difference in the condition – it just feels much smoother, and if I’m curling my hair, it’ll be less frizzy too, which is a huge benefit.

What I like most about this product, however, is that it somehow manages to do all of this without weighing my hair down or making it look/feel greasy. A little also goes a long way: I’ve been using this every day for around three weeks now, but there’s still at least three-quarters of the bottle left. When it does run out, I suspect I won’t re-purchase this exact brand, purely because I doubt I’ll be able to find it again. Now that I’ve been converted to the wonders of argan oil, though, I’ll definitely be buying something similar: consider me a convert!

Related: Babyliss Curl Secret

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  • EagleVision1999


    I actually find that most of these oils contain roughly the same things. I’m pretty sure if you look at the ingredients list you’ll find “Dimethicone” some other “-cone” on there. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing (I’m not a silicone hater) but it explains why it feels dry quickly and makes the hair super smooth. If you used pure oil you might get nice, shiny hair, too but you would have to be more careful.

    January 26, 2015
    • Katharine in Brussels


      Ah, very interesting about pure oils and the -cone family. Thanks 🙂 Thanks to Amber too for telling us about her positive experience taming the flyaways! Amber, although it may sound completely counterintuitive, have you tried spacing out how often you wash your hair? Your scalp is compensating for the oil shampooing removes from it, while your hair cannot moisturize itself so it can become dry from over-washing. I used to wash daily for about twenty years. Then a colleague and former beautician convinced me to try washing my hair less, and it’s never been better ever since. She washes once a week (!) and styles her hair once a week for an hour with no product, and it stays perfectly coiffed all week. I’m a 26k daily bike commuter (except now, at the end of pregnancy) and even with all of that exercise after three years of slowly accustoming my scalp to the new routine I can wash once every weekend too, hair looks great and holds styles with less product.

      January 28, 2015
  • Myra


    I love the little image gallery with links to their retailers in this post. Very clever idea 🙂

    January 26, 2015
  • I might try this… I have very thick hair with tons of frizz. Like, I can’t do fishtail braids because there are so many frizzies and flyaways in the braid! Hopefully oil will help.

    January 26, 2015
  • Interesting… My hair gets greasy very quickly (doesn’t every bloomin’ thing on me) and I’ve gone no wear near anything with ‘oil’ in the title ever. It took nearly 10 years to find a shampoo that could get my hair through a day without looking gross… But I’d love to take my hair halo too! Maybe, one day, I’ll risk it if I feel particularly brave!!

    January 26, 2015
  • Karlie


    I have very light, fine and oily hair and I use Aragon oil everyday. It is the only leave in product that doesn’t make my feel sticky and calms the flyaways and static.

    January 26, 2015
  • I have also recently started using argan oil. Like you first I was skeptical. thought it would just make my hair look greasy. But it really does sink in fast. I now use it after each shower when I go to bed and a little on the tips in the morning. And i do rub it into my cuticles too ha.

    Just popped by to let you know i have nominated you for The Very inspiring Blogger Award. You can check out my post about it here:

    xx Dandy

    January 27, 2015
  • Stacey


    I used to use argan oil all the time. For whatever reason, I stopped. I probably ran out of the bottle I was using and was too lazy to actually go on the hunt for more 🙂 I have super thick, super fine hair and don’t really use any extra product in my hair because my hair will absorb it and turn greasy in a matter of seconds. Like you can hear the suction of the product being sucked in – it’s weird and gross. But I’ve been told by every hair stylist ever that “you know… your hair could use a good serum. Try this one – it’s a miracle!” So maybe I’ll go back on the hunt for some argan oil.

    January 30, 2015
  • I originally found a VO5 one but then could never find it again so now I’m on a Tresemme one and I LOVE it! My hair can go into dandelion clock mode at a whiff of moisture in the air and it really is brilliant for smoothing it down. Haven’t tried it on wet hair, only dry so might give it a go in the future.

    January 31, 2015