How to walk in heels or Stilettos without Pain….
It’s no secret that I love my high heels, and while these days you’re more likely to see me in sneakers than stilettos (Having a toddler to run around after will do that for ya…), if you’d run into me a few years ago, chances are I’d have been wearing a pair of very high heels, no matter what the occasion – which meant I got to spend a lot of time answering the question “how do you walk in high heels?”- and sometimes less polite ones, like, “Do you REALLY wear those shoes all the time? Are you crazy, woman?” or “Do you have veiny feet? Can I have a photo of them?” (Answers: Yes, Probably, and YUCK…)
Before I get around to answering that question (The “how to walk in high heels” one, I mean, not the veiny feet thing: I should probably point out at this point that although I get a lot of messages from foot fetishes, I’m not one myself, so if you’re thinking of commenting or messaging me about your fetish… just don’t.), though, I want to quickly dispel some myths about what some would consider the black art of walking in high heels:
Yes, it is possible to get used to walking in high heels without “tottering”.
Almost every piece of commentary I read about women in heels includes the word “tottering” – almost always used in a sneering fashion, to imply that women who wear heels always “totter” and are never able to walk normally. Which is absolute rubbish, basically. Until I had my son, I wore heels constantly – for work, for play, and for everything in between. (And I’ll also just quickly add that I didn’t stop wearing them because having a baby made me unable to walk in them: I stopped because they were no longer practical for my lifestyle – I love my heels, but not even I would wear them to a muddy playpark, or a soft-play centre.)
I did not “totter”, and nor did any of my friends, who also used to wear high heels on the regular. Not all people totter in heels. Some people do, sure – that’s why this article exists, after all. But to “totter” is not inevitable if you want to wear heels, so, you know, please stop implying that it is.
No, they’re not always comfortable high heels. That’s not the point.
Once I’ve been asked how on EARTH I walk in my heels, the next question is almost always “are they comfortable”? Which never fails to make me smile, because, I mean, do they LOOK comfortable? The fact is, very high heels are not designed for comfort. They’re just not. They’re designed for style, and while some heels can be relatively comfortable (and I would never advocate wearing shoes that actively hurt, or that you can’t walk in) the key word here is “relatively”.
They can be comfortable in comparison to other very high heels. They will never be “comfortable” in comparison to slippers, say: or sneakers, or Birkenstocks, or whatever kind of shoes you consider “comfortable”. So, you can learn to walk in heels just fine, but if it’s comfort you’re looking for, these are not the shoes for you. Like, you’re never going to find yourself thinking, “God, my feet are killing me, I can’t wait to slip into my stilettos”, you know?
It’s not about sex. It’s just not
Finally, a lot of people make the assumption that women wear high heels primarily – or SOLELY – because they believed they appeal to men, and they want to look “sexy”. While I’m sure that’s very much the case for SOME people, it’s not the case for ALL of us. I, for instance, love heels because I have short legs, and heels make them look more in proportion to the rest of my body. I don’t care what men think about them.
I mean, I don’t particularly care what women think of them either, to be honest, but there’s a certain kind of man who likes to go around saying things like, “If you girls only knew how much us men love a women in heels you’d wear them all the time!” and I just want to head those comments off at the pass, because, believe it or not, not everything women do revolves around men: imagine!
And, with all of that said, here’s everything I know about how to walk in high heels without pain…
Work your way up to 4 inch heels
If you’ve never worn heels on a regular basis, a pair of 6″ stilettos probably isn’t the best place to start. Instead, go for something mid-height, and, once you’re used to walking in those, start to gradually work your way up. Thinking about it now, I reckon this is how I “learned” how to walk in high heels: I wasn’t aware of it as a learning process at the time, but I know the heels I considered super-high as a teenager, say, would feel pretty low to me now, so I think I started small (this kind of height, for instance) and moved up without really noticing.
The thicker the heel, the easier it is to walk on it
In general, the thinner the heel, the harder it’ll be to balance on it, so when you’re still getting used to walking in high heels, choose thicker, sturdier heels like these ones, which will give the foot more stability and give you more confidence.
Platform soles make comfortable high heels feel lower
Platform shoes might look crazily high, but they can actually be much easier to walk in than non-platforms, as the platform makes the heel feel shorter. A four-inch heel with a one-inch platform, for instance, will feel like you’re walking on a three-inch heel, which is a lot more reasonable!
Wedges feel like flats, but look like heels
If you’re really struggling to walk in high heels, wedges are your friends. Because of the extra arch support, and the fact that the sole of the shoe is completely flat, they’ll give you height (sometimes a LOT of height) without forcing you to do much in the way of balancing. They’re the most comfortable type of high heels to walk in, and also probably the easiest, so they make an excellent starting point if you can’t walk in high heels, and want to learn. Something like these ones, for instance, look super-high, but will give your foot much more support than a stiletto.
If the shoe fits…
…it’ll be a whole lot easier to walk in. Fit is particularly important with heels, because if you’re struggling just to keep them on your feet (or wincing in pain every time your foot hits the ground), you’ll find it practically impossible to walk in them. In fact, shoes that are constantly slipping off your foot can actually be dangerous, because you run the risk of stepping right out of them, or going over on your ankle. It’s almost too obvious to write down, but buy shoes that fit, and you’ll find them much easier to wear. There’s no substitute for shoes which fit perfectly, but if you’re having issues with the heels slipping, you can buy heel grips to make them feel a little more secure.
Never wear new shoes without breaking them in
This goes for ANY shoes, really (The worst blisters I’ve had have all come from flats!), but if you can’t walk in heels, it could be because you haven’t worn them in properly. A lot of people swear by just wearing them around the house, or while you’re doing the vacuuming or whatever – you might feel a bit like Freddie Mercury in the ‘I Want to Break Free’ video, but it’ll help you get used to walking in heels and, well, there are worse people you could look like.
Place your heel on the ground first
High heels don’t just make you walk taller, they also force you to walk differently. In flats, sneakers or flip flops, your full foot hits the ground more or less at the same time. In heels, however – and particularly in very high heels – this method won’t only feel uncomfortable and awkward, it’ll look like that, too. Instead, you need to adapt the way you walk so that your heel comes into contact with the ground first, followed by the rest of the foot. This might take a bit of getting used to, which brings me to my next point…
Practice. Then practice some more.
If you’re not used to walking in high heels, it’ll feel very unnatural and awkward the first time you try it. And if you simply give up after that, and don’t try again for a few months or years, it’ll feel awkward and unnatural the NEXT time you try it, too… and the time after that, and the time after that. Practice is the key, and as silly as it might sound, you might find it useful to try to practice in front of a mirror (or get someone to film you, even): sometimes being able to see yourself walk will help you identify anything you’re doing wrong, and work out what you need to change. I know a lot of people who think they can’t walk in high heels because they’ve tried it a couple of times, found it tricky, and given up. Obviously no one is born knowing how to walk in high heels – when you think about it, it’s a really un-natural thing to do, so it makes sense that you might have to train yourself to do it!
Baby steps
I’m not still talking about practising, or working your way up here, I mean literally take baby steps. Like it or not, you can’t really stride or run in heels (well, you can, and once you know how to walk in high heels, running in them won’t seem like a big deal, but you’re probably going to want to wait until you’ve mastered the “walking” bit first!), and if you try to march along with your arms swinging by your sides, it might look a little bit unnatural. Again, being able to see yourself in a mirror will really help with this, and you should instantly be able to see what looks natural, and what doesn’t. In general, though, try to take smaller, slower steps than you would in lower shoes and don’t try to run before you can walk!
A lot of women have a tendency to hold themselves very stiffly when they’re learning how to walk in high heels. This is partly because of the different way your body moves in heels (your might think your feet and legs are doing all the work, but your lower back and abdomen are working hard too, and are often the first places you’ll feel the strain if you’ve been overdoing it), of course, but it’s also natural to stiffen up if you’re feeling off-balance. Try to relax: not only will it look more natural, it’ll also be more comfortable, and make you less likely to hurt yourself.
Rough up the soles
One of the biggest issues people have when learning how to walk in high heels is slippage: a lot of high heeled shoes have soles which are completely smooth, and don’t offer any grip at all, and that makes them even harder to walk in than would otherwise be the case. (Because it really needs to be even harder, right?) This is particularly true of brand new shoes, and is one of the reasons I’ve talked about breaking shoes in before you wear them: if the soles are slippy, however, wearing them around the house won’t help – they really need to be worn outside for the sole to roughen up enough to make it easier to grip. If you don’t want to wear your new heels outdoors quite yet, you can do it yourself by gently rubbing the soles with sandpaper (yes, really) or using scissors to carefully score the soles: if you’re still worried, you can also buy stick-on soles which will give your shoes more grip.
Remember not all high heels are created equal
You’d think that if you can walk easily in one pair of heels, you’ll be able to walk easily in them all, but that’s not actually the case. What can look like tiny differences in the design of a shoe can make a huge difference to how it feels to wear it, and how easy it is to balance in it: I have some very high shoes, for instance, which are easier to walk in than shoes that are a bit lower – it’s all down to the design, so just because the first pair of heels you try don’t work for you, it doesn’t mean you should give up: it might just mean you need to shop around a bit and find a pair that’s more suited to your foot /step.
Remember: you don’t have to learn how to walk in high heels if you don’t want to
For my final point (Which should possibly have been my first point, because it’s an important one…), I just want to make it clear that no one should feel like they HAVE to wear high heels. I’ve written this post in order to (hopefully) help those who WANT to wear them, and who’ve specifically asked how to walk in high heels, but if they’re just not for you, then there’s no reason in the world to force yourself to wear them. It also goes without saying that if you have foot, leg or back issues, or any other kind of physical issue that would make heel-wearing difficult or dangerous, for the love of shoes, don’t wear them. Your feet are more important than any pair of shoes!
Any tips on how to walk in high heels for beginners?

CiCi Marie
05/18/2015I would add to these great tips and to point 5 generally, half inserts are your best friends for helping heels to fit and not adding in the added challenge of the shoe flopping off your foot, which is the last thing you need if you can’t walk on them properly in the first place…
Wendy Wellen
05/19/2015great tips! I would add that while breaking in your heels try body glide on your feet. It’s made for runners and sold in sporting good stores. It will keep the blisters away. Also, if the shoe is too tight or pinches, take a hair dryer and heat up the area that needs stretching and then pull apart or walk around in socks after heating up. Shoes make the outfit!!
Catherine James
02/26/2020I have graduated to wearing 6 1/2 inch non platform fetish height stiletto heels.
I started out wearing 4 inch heels and slowly moved my way up as suggested in many of the replies.
Although I am married I enjoy clubbing with my divorcee girlfriends and started wearing black seamed fishnet stockings with a garter belt and a short skirt to entice.
But I strongly suggest you wear stockings with a smoother finish at first like a pair of sheer black back seamed stockings with a teen forced heel with your new spikes. They’re very sexy and can be worn to the office as well without too many raised eyebrows like fishnets would do.
The lesson I learned is that after several hours of dancing in 6 inch stilettos, the bottoms of my feet were incredibly sore. The fishnets acted like sandpaper. In time this problem disappeared as I learned to walk properly lifting my feet up and down rather than sliding my feet inside the shoes.
Just thought I’d mention the fishnets problems for you high heel lovers so you don’t make the same mistake I did at first in 6” spikes!
05/18/2015Those sparkly red shoes are gorgeous. I have no need for a pair of shoes like that but I feel like I need them in my life.
I’m terrible at walking in heels unless they’re wedges or ones with really thick soles. It doesn’t bother me not wearing heels but I have a pair that I love and I’ve hardly worn. I cannot master walking in them at all and I think that puts me off trying because I feel like I’m going to fail miserably and injure myself.
05/18/2015I find when I wear heels I seem to walk really really slowly and also I end up spending most of the night wincing because the balls of my feet hurt, to the point it gets unbearable and all I can think of is going home and taking them off, such a buzzkill… but being 4″11 I always feel underdressed if I wear flats in the evening.
I’ve started wearing those platform style sandals for nights out, they’re flat enough that my feet aren’t at an unnatural angle, but still give me enough height to look like I’m old enough to actually be in the club! No sore feet AND not looking like bambi when trying to walk, winning.
(Although I do miss the way my legs look in heels!)
10/30/2015HI Virve,
I appreciate your input, but all of the comments you’re posting seem to be designed to promote your own product: I don’t allow advertising in my comments section, so would appreciate you respecting that. If you wish to advertise on the site, you can contact, who’ll be happy to help.
05/18/2015My tip is dance shoes! In real life I tend to stick around 3 inches for work shoes and no higher then 4 inches outside work. Part of that is what looks right to my eye, part because I need to be able to move at work. Dance wise – I can manage 6-7 inches. Again I haven’t tried higher because I think it starts looking odd (again to my eye) around the 9 inch mark. But they are shaped and weighted in a way that makes it easier then street shoes.
05/18/2015I find that varying heel heights for a week or two before a high-heel event helps enormously to “get back into training” for tall heels when you are out of practice–if I go straight from weeks of flats to stilettos, I’ll have a miserable night. Too, watch out for the platform-heel “stomp”; the shoes weigh more and the soles don’t have as much flex as stilettos, and some women compensate unconsciously with a kind of Frankenstein walk that bends the body forward and swings the leg up and forward from the hipjoint and the knee.
05/20/2015I’ll take the comfort and support of platforms over funny walk anyday
05/18/2015Precious tips. To complement Cici Marie’s advice about half-inserts and yours concerning heels grip, I would add that shoes with straps, like Mary-Jane, for instance, are really convenient. I go to work using a scooter and I get a lot of comments about managing to keep my balance and actually propulsing myself on it while wearing high heels. In fact, it is sometimes a bit more difficult with stilettos as they can slip from my smaller left foot while I’m pushing the ground, but with Mary-Jane, even 10cm high, it’s really easy.
Also, sometimes high heels are uncomfortable not because of the heel itself but because the front isn’t wide enough. If you have already bought them because it is can be tricky to judge the comfort of a shoe in the shop, you just need to get them a little adjusted by a professional.
And last point, I like the comfort of a little platform, but sometimes the sole gets more rigid and the heel slips outside the stiletto while you’re walking fast: Cinderella’s style… You need humour when you’re wearing heels!
05/18/2015You took the words out of my mouth with the bit about straps! I find this especially true with wedges, since the extra weight can make even well fitting ones move up and down on your foot every time you take a step. T-straps or mary janes are so great if you’re looking for a comfortable, wear them all day kind of heel.
05/18/2015I got my first pair of proper heels when I was about 14 (formal occasions only, my mum’s a chiropodist and she would have sooner strangled me than let me mess up my feet that young haha) and I got used to them pretty quickly. I never really understood why people found them so difficult, then a couple of years ago I got a ridiculously high pair that were a different style to what I’ve ever worn before and I swear I can’t even stand still in them without feeling like I’m going to topple over! The style definitely makes a difference. For me, heeled boots and wedges are the easiest, and anything with an ankle strap definitely helps.
05/18/2015I find an ankle strap really helps with slippage, also I sometimes find if I go down a size and buy wide fit heels I get a better fit and they stay on my feet a lot better (though this might not apply to everyone!).
05/18/2015I liked your tipes and like to read your posted.
I want to ask you to write how to choose the right heel shoes? Because there are many beautiful high heel shoes that at first they look (and feel) OK but when you get home and start to wear them you find out they are VERY uncomfortable!
Are there any tips for that situation?
Are there something that should or shouldn’t be in good and comfortable high heel shoes?
Thanks (:
05/18/2015Very good tips! I’m asked this question all the time. I started walking in 1″-2″ heels when I was a teenager and went from there to my usual 3″-5″.
05/18/2015Number 5 is my biggest problem. High arches coupled with feet so narrow that even Clarks shoes were boats on me as a kid. They once put my foot in the size measuring machine ( the one that did it automatically and had me convinced it was going to squish my feet. Got to love the early 90s) and the width of my feet went right off the narrow end of the scale.
So every pair of shoes has heel grips, and gel pads to go under the balls of my feet, and possibly another set of insoles at the heel, and they still fall off at random intervals. Coupled with hyper mobile joints and ankles that seem to prefer bending the wrong way, I’m like bambi on ice every damn day.
Doesn’t stop me wearing 4 inch heels, I just amuse people as I do it.
04/18/2017Hi Leah, I empathize with your narrow feet issues. I had the same problem until I invented inserts especially for people with narrow feet that work perfectly to provide cushioning, stability, are customizable, fit all styles of shoes and prevent all forward slide in heels. The inserts are sold on the internet, but I can’t tell you more about them because they are my invention. – not something invented and sold by someone else. I used to have the same experience that you describe of trying many kinds of inserts, but none of them worked very well. Good luck, I’m sorry I can’t help you.
03/04/2021what do you mean your ankles bend the wrong way??? O.O
05/18/2015I would add to 12 to learn about materials: which will soften and loosen up a bit, which will probably not, and other things that you won’t know buy simply trying them on and not paying attention to how the shoes are made.
I also find that my shoes are always uncomfortable when I move from shoes to boots, or the other way around. There will be blisters from rubbing in places my feet weren’t use to anymore. Nothing I can do…
And I partly disagree with the wedges/thick heels vs stilettos. I find stilettos are a lot easier to balance on cobblestone! The floor is uneven, each rock is uneven, so the thick heels and wedges just wiggle all over the place, but the stiletto doesn’t! Of course they can get stuck between the rocks, but that’s a different matter (and actually has happened to me a lot more on Munich’s flat concrete streets than in my entire life in cobblestone-covered Portugal).
Nicole Mölders (@HighLatitudeSty)
05/18/2015I wear heels since I was 14. I have trouble walking in flats. I put my hip forward and commit to put my weight on the ball of my foot. This way I don’t go heel first.
12/13/2015thats great advice i find it easier to walk in 4 inch heels this way thank you
05/18/2015High heels (and indeed all shoes worn without socks, stocking or tights) go very well with a product called Lanacane. No blisters EVER. It’s not meant for that but by, it works.
05/19/2015I love high heels. I stumbled across these inserts call Air Puffs on Etsy via another blog. They are a bit expensive for inserts and I’ve only had them for a couple of months but they really make a big difference to the comfort factor.
05/19/2015Nice look , so gorgeous.
05/19/2015Did you even read the article?
Jessica Lee
05/19/2015The first heels I walked in were boots during elementary school. I had these boots for Marching Band thing. In junior high it was heeled oxford. Then, I’ve had ankle boots with open toes during senior high (I still have them till now 😀 ). I find these types of shoes offer more coverage on my feet and although I was so small I was not scared from slipping or falling over. After that, wearing stilettos is pretty much easy 🙂
Jen @ Librarian for Life and Style
05/20/2015Yes to all these tips, especially about wedges and also starting out lower and working your way up. I also put padded inserts into almost every pair of shoes I own — including the flats! I wrote about my journey in heels in a previous blog post, here at 🙂
05/20/2015Mary-janes all the way for me, they’re tied to your feet, so you can run for the train in them and they won’t fall off! But I second your comments about fit – if the shoe pinches, or rubs, or is too loose or too snug then they’re not going to work for you. There is a big difference between comfortable heels and just heels – some of my most comfortable shoes are the highest heel, especially wedges for summer (4 inch heels but can wear them all day to go sightseeing). x
05/22/2015Your high heel collection is LUSH. I wish I could function in heels. I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with me. I recently bought boots with a wide, 1.5 inch heel. First time wearing them, step out door, twist ankle, fall down stairs.
Trainers it is then.
05/23/2015I rarely wear heels, love my flats, I just live in converse or creepers (which add a little height anyways) and I love flatforms! I do have a few pairs of heels, I wore some to a charity ball at my uni this year and omg owwww so painful, I hadn’t worn heels in over a year and decided that super high stilletos with a pointy toe were a good idea! I have super skinny ankles as well so have to wear shoes with straps or I just walk out of them haha. I want to start wearing more chunky heels though 😀 xo
05/23/2015Thank you for your post, great tips =) I don’t think I could do it even if I followed all of the tips though. I live in Lisbon and the ground is pretty much cobble stone everywhere and a lot of hills which doesn’t make for a very stable platform to walk on with heels.
05/27/2015I have always kind of felt like you “have it” or you don’t when it comes to walking in high heels (I fall into the latter camp). Maybe because I’ve always had wobbly ankles that sprain at the drop of the hat, I just get too scared to contemplate anything that’s not a wedge/bigger than a chunky 3 inch number. I do look at pretty heels and sigh enviously, though! You have much good advice that would work for any who are contemplating it! I agree the heel to toe sensation feels unnatural but when I do wear my small heels it’s definitely the way to go, despite my natural instincts to tiptoe!
05/28/2015Regular heel wearing obliges a completely kept up crude foot to work with. Feet are the most abused and slightest refreshing type of transport. Pedicure feet in any event once every month. You ought to likewise have a cordial neighborhood chiropodist, for a six-month to month, degree-prepared MOT. In the event that you don’t have sufficient energy to go to an expert, which can be guaranteed as “preparing” or ‘treatment’, figure out how to DIY.
10/17/2016As of right now, I am 15. I barely turned that age 2 weeks ago. I’m six foot, so I get you, Queen. I bought a pair of wedge ankle boots that lace up the other day. They are about 3 1/2 inches, so i’m scared to be the (even more) giant girl at school.
06/03/2015Really helpful tips. I’m relatively new to wearing high heels. At 5’10” I always used to worry about being “too tall” with heels on. But I think they are pretty, so I started to wear them and found out they are FUN and now I don’t care how tall I am with them on.
09/09/2015I am only 5-6 and felt that way about the height but i got over it. be a proud tall girl.
09/09/2015This was a very good article, all true and some of the comments excellent, like varying the height ahead of an event you want to wear heels to. I will add that stocking or pantyhose make walking in heels much harder, they make you foot slide and that is not good. I much prefer no hosier at all.
I just had to write this when I read number 2. I like your tips and yes not all heels are created equal. I bought a pair of Louboutins about two years ago. They were 5 inch with no platform. I really wanted to keep them, but after trying them a few times I knew it is better to return them. I considered more practice but after a few more tries I decided that for the price I could get something to wear now. I had another pair of heels 4.5 inches no platform from BCBG and I walked in those fine. So I thought that was my limit.
I bought another pair of Louboutins that was about 4.5 with 1 inch platform and thought I would be fine, hey they are 4.5 and have a big platform…piece of cake. I was wrong! I wobbled but still could walk in them. So I went and compared them to my other shoes and found that the heels are really thin even thinner than the other Louboutin pair that I wanted to return. So now I am more educated and look for features that make my heels more comfortable and more importantly stable.
01/22/2016I absolutely love wearing heels. As a life-long cross dresser, it is most important to me to have lots and lots of pretty heels. I enjoy wearing them with both my femme and male wardrobe as they tell the world whom I really am. Oh how pretty and feminine they make my long slender legs. Hopefully, more and more of my sisters will realize just what a gorgeous pair of heels does for our entire personality and presentation. I really appreciate your suggestions in learning the proper way to wear them. Fortunately my mother took an early interest in teaching me. I shall always be grateful for her embracing my feminine persona at an early age.
Lynn Moody
02/10/2016OMG, great post on high heels. I have a high heel fetish and my feet are both different sizes but 1/2 a size. Bunion surgery. So I have to put a rubber insert to the ball area to help keep them from slipping. Such great tips, thank you for your input!
03/06/2016So many of my friends try high heels and give up after one night. They all say the same thing. My feet are killing me . I try and tell them it is a learning curve just to figure out how to walk in them and getting your feet used to them. When you wear them more the pain seems to go away and you can wear them all night. And most of all I tell them to stop buying cheep shoes and get very good quality heels.
Lauren McKinney
04/05/2016This is a great post! I find I am being asked frequently by female friends for tips and tricks as to how I manage to live my life in heels, and reading this post I realised that I really just follow most of these rules myself. So now next time I’m asked how I can spend an entire day walking in sky high heels I can send them your way! Thanks!
05/03/2016I always tend to buy heels that have a block heel – I teeter everywhere when I wear anything with a stiletto heel. I found that buying a shoe that supports the rest of your foot or ankle is soooo more comfier than just open heels – I second the Mary Jane tip, having an ankle strap is so much better for keeping them on your feet!
For example, these shoes from New Look are a bit too expensive for me buuuuuut, they tick every one of my high heel requirement boxes and I just know that they will be super comfy! Wrap around straps, check. Ankle fastening, check. Block heel, check.
05/14/2016any advise for irregular toe length placing all the pressure on my second(middle toe) in high heel shoes?
09/12/2016This is a great post! I haven’t worn heels for about a year now because I’m been traveling a bit. I’m dreading wearing some in a few weeks but definitely would opt for some platform heels as they’re so much easier to wear. I love my Louboutins but I don’t think I can brave those again, yet. Danielle ||
01/01/2017If you tape your third and fourth toe (count away from your big toe!) with surgical tape, you don’t get the stingy pain in the ball of your foot. Also, Ibuprofen gel prior to a night out is a miracle worker.
Lots of love x
02/20/2017These tips are wonderful! I have questions I hope someone can answer though. My feet are actually two different sizes so one shoe always fits loose when the other fits perfectly. I also have one leg that is slightly longer than the other so balance is an issue. (By “balance issues”, I mean I’ve been described as looking like a “drunk baby deer”….Yeah.) Is there any way to correct these issues? Normally I only wear a 1 to 1&1/2 inch heel, but since prom is approaching, I’m trying to graduate to HIGH heels! 😀
Wannabe Transwoman
03/23/2017I’m a pre HRT man who wants transition from MTF. Any tips on beginning to walk in women’s shoes?
04/07/2017Great post, much needed hah 🙂
Check out my page if you get a chance, I would really appreciate it
Happy Blogging xo
05/07/2017I love this post, so useful. I agree that Mary Jane’s are easier because your feet feel enclosed in to the shoe. Is there a product that might hold your foot into a court shoe – like a posh and invisible elastic band that goes around the shoe and around the top of your foot. I feel that this would make us feel a little more secure in our high court shoes??
05/09/2017Dear Andrea,
There is an inserts product that will make it a lot easier to wear court shoes (high heeled shoes with a narrow toe box called pumps). This product holds your foot at two places underfoot, one piece holds the foot at the front of the ball of the foot to keep your foot from sliding forward,(this prevents pain that results from squeezing of the forefoot or from bent toes) the second piece holds the foot at the front of the heel to keep your heel firmly over top of the heel of the shoe and removes some of the pressure from the ball of the foot. The two inserts also keep the foot from moving sideways at the forefoot or at the heel. The foot is very stable inside the shoe and does not wobble about because it is held at several places. This makes walking in court shoes easier because your gait is more natural and you also feel that your shoes will stay on your foot . The ball of foot cushion absorbs shock and never gets crushed or flattened, therefore it is available to cushion every step and spring back after each one. The inserts also take up very little room inside court shoes. They will easily fit into shoes for which full length or 3/4 inserts would add too much bulk. Look for the inserts by searching on Google for, “permanent high heel inserts”
Laura Lou
05/22/2017Very nice and informative post.
05/24/2017This made my back and knees hurt just to read. I have a knee replacement and cannot wear anything other than a flat. ANY heel just makes my knee ache. Shame!!!!
07/27/2017Is your caps lock broken?
08/09/2017Like you said take baby steps and start with kitten heels and move up
08/11/2017My first pair: I’m 55, and just now starting to wear high heels. By reading some of those ideas , I think I’m going to have to start with a slightly lower heel! I’m used to flats, though I’d though I’d try 4″ heels! Woops, I was wrong. Maybe in a little while! I love the look of knee high or thigh high boots, so I guess I’ll start out taking baby steps with lower heels!
08/11/2017This is the first time in high heels. I’m 55 and just starting, I got two pair of thigh high boots because I love the look. Well, I’m kind of topsy turvy, and need to start out with baby steps. What I should do is start with a lower heel and work my way up! Hit two or three inch before four or five! We’ll see what happens!
09/15/2017I purchased a pair of heels from the resale store because I knew I wasn’t going to wear them all the time. But I got pretty darn good at walking in heels. I’m a guy but I can easily walk in 4″ heels
11/16/2017I love using platform heels. It lowers the arch makes it easier to walk in.
12/10/2017I’m a man, not a crossdresser, and wear heels 4-4.5 inches nearly all the time. For me they are an instant cure for backache. In flats, my back aches after just a couple of minutes on my feet. In heels, I get no pain, and I can stand and walk in them all day. I go for styles that are not so noticeable, and I’d say 98% of people don’t even notice them. I’ve never had any comments, either positive or negative. I often forget I’m wearing them until I try to run! Actually I can run in them but not as fast as I’d like sometimes when crossing the road…
02/17/2018Being a naturally clumsy person heels were the only way I could walk gracefully. I naturally took to walking in them with only a few mishaps. I have never been able to walk in wedges I constantly fall over in them. I stopped wearing heels for a few years and am just getting back into wearing them. I thought it would be easy to get back into walking in them. I was extremely wrong. I am now trying to completely re teach myself how to walk in high heels.
02/19/2018Amanda, I thought walking in heels was a bit like riding a bike – once you’d learnt you could do it at any time! There are lots of Youtube clips on doing it, but the main thing is to keep your foot arched – don’t let it spring back when you step forward to the other foot, or you’ll end up slamming the heel down long before the toe on your next step, and that’s what causes balancing problems and twisted ankles. Just keep your foot at an angle where the heel goes down just before the toe and you’ll be fine.
Maria Wii
03/29/2018Hi Amber! 🙂
Saw your comment about comments on a blogg, so decided to type one small note…thank you so much for this blogg and all shoes talking, so interesting and inspiring, especially this one. I wanted, for a year ago, to go from 6-8cm to 10cm for every day life and found your page! Your typing about the subject are still helping me today in my way of thinking when I looking for new heels! So thank you!
Congrats to your newbie and have a lovely Easter!
Jesse Dimapilis
07/23/2018Thank you so much for this! this is such a great help. been struggling in using high heels, there are times that i would slip and fall out it public and it is so embracing
11/09/2018I live in my trainers, but need to wear heels for a wedding. I’ve bought some lovely medium height closed front courts. They fit fine, and are not too narrow, but I feel as though my big toes are being pushed into the front. Help!!
04/13/2019I live in high heels, even have high heel thongs. The BEST advice is to learn how to balance- just stand and have your weight balanced between your toes and heel, once you have mastered your balance it is so much easier. I wear at least 10cm heels to work and I am on my feet from 8. 30 to 5pm. Oh sometimes gels can help, if standing for long periods of time
04/29/2019I have always had a problem with pain in the ball of my foot. I’ve used Dr. Scholl’s cushion pads and they give some relief, but not all day at work. Might you have any suggestions? I wished I had read your excellent tips in my early twenties. Thank you
06/04/2019Try rubbing Ibuprofeb into the balls of your feet before you head out, it helps the pain in the balls of your feet.
10/15/2020I got some new heels at the beginning of the year and they’re somewhat of wedges. I wear cowboy boots normally but my feet are so narrow that they just slide to the toe of heels. We couldn’t find my size so the lady at the shoe store told me to get some sole cushion things (they go on the inside of the shoe so it makes it more comfortable to walk in) and to also get some heel cushion just in case. Both of those basically made the heels a size smaller and even though I’ve only worn them once. They feel really comfy
01/02/2023I suggest going strappy. With straps that you can adjust, the heels are more like a part of your feet, instead of just something that your feet happen to be inside of.
03/05/2021I love wearing “high heels”! It took some practice and a couple of different styles of shoes, from wedges to pumps to 4″ stilettos. After much practice, I feel very comfortable wears “high heels”. That’s very good for a transgender girl, like me.
Alexia de Sissia
11/21/2022I really like this post. Great information, and Im have been following this to acquire the ability to walk in heels. One problem that I have discovered as I get more and more heels… sometimes the heels I wear seem to push my foot’s heel off of the heel to the side, usually to the inside of my feet. Any suggestions?
01/02/2023I suggest you consider heel straps. I use them when I’m wearing open-back heels, they’re quite helpful at helping me to keep my heels on.
05/09/2023What a fun article, and I stumbled upon it because I was tired of the terribly embarrassing spectacle of falling out of court shoes in the shoe shop! OK, soft court shoes purchased and being worn in at home until I stop tottering.
Thanks Amber!
05/14/2023Wearing high heels is a journey, Julia! It will be challenging at first learning to wear them, but please enjoy the journey!
07/30/2023Loved this article,it’ acually what I’ ve done,go slow work on heel toe keep feet one foot in front of the other.The thing I noticed the most was going to 4 inch heel.It put my calves at an angle that made them cramp.Start slow.Now when I wear 4s I get a calf,hamsring,and glute workout.I can feel I’m using and developing muscles I never used .Thank you,Kimberly.