how to wear dresses in the winter

How to Wear Dresses in Winter

Disclosure: This post on how to wear dresses in winter contains Amazon affiliate links

how to wear dresses in the winter

If you’ve come here after typing some variation of the phrase “how to wear dresses in the winter” into either Google or Pinterest, I’m just going to begin this post by reassuring you that it’s OK: I’m not suggesting you wear this EXACT outfit in the winter. Calm down. 

No, this outfit is very obviously retro-inspired, and, to be totally honest, it’s not something even I would wear these days (I originally wrote this post in 2013, at the height of my pin-up style obsession, but I’m updating it in 2024, when my winter style mostly revolves around leggings and puffer coats, so this look is a little bit ‘extra’, even for me…)

But the principles are the same, though. Regardless of the dress itself, or your own personal style, there are some basic techniques that will allow you to wear dresses in the winter without freezing. Here are a few of them…

How to Wear Dresses in Winter

  1. Pick the right dress to start with 

Again, I’m not talking about personal style here, because it’s a given that you’ll pick a dress you actually want to wear, not one some random redhead on the internet told you about. But you all those advice posts you see about how to wear a summer dress in winter, or whatever? Guys, this is not one of those posts. In fact, I’ll even go so far as to say you’ll never see me write one of those posts, because my philosophy on this is simple: DON’T DO THAT. Don’t try to wear a summer dress in winter. Don’t tell yourself you can just ‘layer it up’ with boots and tights and it’ll look fine, because, honestly? It won’t? It will look like a summer dress being worn with boots and tights: and summer dresses aren’t designed to be worn with boots and dresses, so unless you’re the kind of magical fashion unicorn who can just throw on anything and look amazing (And if you are, then I’m going to guess you don’t need to read this article, do you?), it’s going to be really difficult to make that look work. So choose dresses designed for the weather. Thick fabrics. Long sleeves. No weird cut-outs at the waist or shoulders. And then move on to step 2….

2.  Add tights (or leggings)

Boots and tights might not make a summer dress look wintry, but they will make a winter dress much warmer, which means it’s just a question of figuring out WHICH boots and tights to go for. Personally, I can’t stand ANY kind of tights: no, not even those ones you’re about to suggest that never fall down or make you feel like your legs are in some kind of horrible lycra jail. I hate all of them, so, instead, I’ll normally wear leggings, which look exactly LIKE tights once you’ve added your trusty pair of boots to them, but which I find much warmer, and more comfortable – especially the fleece-lined or thermal variety. Obviously this preference is purely a ‘me’ thing, so you do you, and wear tights if you want to; just make sure your legs are adequately protected from the cold, is all I’m saying. 

3. Add boots 

over-the-knee boots with green dress

Next up: boots. My preference here has always been for over-the-knee boots, which are one of those items which look like they might be difficult to wear (Let’s just say that if you’re going to try it, you should probably brace yourself for all of the ‘Pretty Woman’ comments you’re going to get…), but which can be surprisingly versatile when you know how to style them. I like wearing them with dresses which are midi or knee length because the boots disappear under the hemline, creating a much smoother silhouette than you’d get with ankle boots, say, or any other footwear that basically draws a line across your leg at some point. With that said, ankle boots would also work with an outfit like this one: all you have to do is make sure your boots are same colour as your tights if you want to lengthen (or at least not shorten) the appearance of the leg. 

3. Petticoats / slips / whatever you want to call them

These days, petticoats and slips (we used to call them ‘underskirts’ when I was young, but I’m from Scotland, and we talk funny here, so take that with a pinch of salt…) are something a lot of us associate with a bygone age, much like Elizabethan ruffs and 19th century bustles. Actually, though, slips are still around today, and if you’ve never worn one, you’re missing out, because, as well as making your clothes fall more smoothly, and preventing your skirt from sticking to your tights due to static, slips will also help keep you warmer if you’re wearing a dress in the winter. 

how to wear dresses in the winter

As you can see, I’m wearing a tulle petticoat with this dress, which makes the look spectacularly “extra” and not at all practical for modern life. (Seriously, what was I THINKING?) For most of the dresses you might wear today, though, I’d actually recommend a simple silk slip, which won’t add any volume, but which will add warmth. (And some are really quite pretty, too, so you get to feel like you’re wearing something a little bit special…)

4. Other layers

In point number one, I mentioned choosing a dress with long sleeves. Well, as you can see, Past Me didn’t take her own advice on that, and the dress in the photos has three-quarter length sleeves, which I’ve cunningly made more wearable in winter with the addition of elbow length gloves. These would be of no use to me at all when I was inside, obviously, but when you’re outdoors, make the most of the gloves, scarves and hats at your disposal, kids – this is their time to shine. 

Oh, and one last “tip”…


green dress in the snow

Wear a freaking coat. 

I took my coat off purely to take these photos, but, rest assured, it was just out of sight, waiting to put back on as soon as we were done – there’s absolutely no way I’d spend more than a minute or two in the snow without one!

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  • The petticoat makes this dress look amazing!

    January 14, 2013
  • This looks fantastic! I especially like the colour combination of your hair and the dress, it’s perfect.

    January 14, 2013
  • Love this outfit. The green really works well with your hair and the petticoat detail makes this so interesting xxx

    January 14, 2013
  • Beautiful! One of my favorite colors, too, and the petticoat just makes it that much better. Glad you finally got a black one because the color combination is perfect!

    January 14, 2013
  • What do you hate so much about elbow length sleeves?

    Thanks for posting this, even though it was the same colours as your last post! I love the dress with the petticoat, I think I prefer this colour to the mustard one. Even though I usually love mustard yellow. I guess I just love green more.

    I am most upset that everybody hyped up the snow. Everybody was panic buying at work yesterday, it was mental. Then I wake up to hardly any. I had my red sledge ready and everything =(

    Corinne x

    January 14, 2013
  • That dress: AMAZING. Those boots? SWOOOOOON.


    January 14, 2013
  • I love this outfit, don’t apologise for wearing green again when it looks so good on you. I love the petticoat underneath this and how it changes the look of the dress completely. I really want to try a full petticoat under some of my dresses, I am not sure I am brave enough for the attention it would most likely cause in my town (not all positive attention either I may add. The cool, quirky kids would get it and tell me how much they love it, the chavvy scary kids would probably punch me in the face. I am not sure I am ready for that yet)

    I saw a lovely long sleeved dress in Topshop today that got me thinking of you. I think I have been reading your blog too much (if you can do that?!?). This is the dress, would look beautiful with your petticoat (that is if heart print is you thing?)

    Anyways, hope you are having a fabulous Monday and avoiding the OMGSNOW by being wrapped up at home with Rubin.

    Janine xx

    January 14, 2013
      • Aw that would look funny haha. I didn’t think about the length I just got so excited at the sleeves :-p lol.

        When I am a fabulous dress maker (I am getting a sewing machine soon so this obviously means I will morph into Madeleine Vionnet overnight) I shall make you lots of dresses with sleeves in a midi length covered in green polka dots, all I ask for in return is a pair of your shoes per dress, deal? 😉

        Although I wouldn’t get your hopes up as I managed to sew my dress to my bra over Christmas when I decided to adjust the neckline whilst still wearing it (because the 20 seconds it would have taken off to do it was obviously too much for my busy party schedule!). My logic never ceases to amaze me!

        January 14, 2013
          • I am so glad I am not the only one. Once again, thanks for making me feel less alone in my weirdness 🙂

            January 14, 2013
  • Love, love the dress, I’m so envious, especially because I love 3-quarter length sleeves.
    I’m some kind of weird freak of nature where my underarms, hands and feet are warm all throughout the day (feet go very cold at night) while my thighs and overarms are always cold.
    The difference is so huge for me that I fold up every long-sleeve I own, while I’m cold in any sort if t-shirt/top without overarm protection, even in the middle of summer. O.o

    January 14, 2013
  • I wish that dress was still available!


    January 14, 2013
  • Nobody I know can wear green as well as you. Looks like the coat and the dress are the same shade, so they must have looked so elegant together (I’m in an “elegant” mood tonight after a visit to 2ndhand shop). And the pettycoat is a great idea.
    And we’ve had a +20C day. Give me half of your snow!

    January 14, 2013
  • this petticoat blends in perfectly with your red hair. I love it!


    January 14, 2013
  • Lovely combo. I am so into your boots. Beautiful.

    January 14, 2013
  • I am really inspired by you wearing midi dresses and knee-high boots – it looks so elegant and classy, yet it must be keeping you warm! Great look on you. I hate elbow-length sleeves too, I actually wear elbow-length fingerless gloves to work when wearing them in winter.

    January 14, 2013
  • Amber I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this… you look just about the most stylish person I’ve ever seen in the snow. Love, love, love… you look so beautiful!!!! That’s it 😉

    I’ve been meaning to buy a similar petticoat to go under skirts… you’ve reminded me how amazing they look. Must invest!!

    Catherine x

    January 14, 2013
  • Amazing dress, marvellously accessorized – I love the long boots and long gloves, with the furry scarf and sheer edge of petticoat, altogether wonderful effect. Glad you photographed it, this outfit is outstanding.

    I can imagine how running around all coatless and everything in a consistent colour combo might stop traffic in the snowy streets, but never on the ‘net, it’s smashing! And people have too much time on their hands.

    January 15, 2013
  • Yay! You got a black petticoat! I keep meaning to buy a black one and a hot pink one, but as you commented upthread they take up so much space in the wardrobe! Also I find wearing it to be addictive – as, like you, I love dramatic dressing.

    January 15, 2013
  • I can’t believe that’s an old dress from DP. That underskirt adds a hundreds of pounds to it – it looks amazing! And love the colour of it with your hair. The snow in the background looks lush – just love it all!

    My latest post ** 10 Facts About Fashion Bloggers **

    Lots of love, M

    January 15, 2013
  • This is a traffic stopping, drop dead gorgeous look Amber! I see no errant tire tracks in the snow, so I assume there were no fender benders while your photos were snapped. {Whew} I have been slowly, but surely building a romance with petticoats. I purchased a pattern a few weeks ago, and now am trying to narrow down my colour choice of tulle. White would be most versatile, but I really do want chocolate. Seeing your black petticoat is encouraging.

    Sue xo

    January 15, 2013
  • Petticoat. Is. Life.

    January 15, 2013
  • Amber, what a gorgeous outfit. I’ve only just found you and had a look back over your previous posts. I love your style. This green dress teamed with black works wonders against the amazing amber of your hair. Superb photography, look fowards to following your style!

    Zoe xxx

    January 15, 2013
  • Things I need to buy before next Winter: elbow-length gloves. I’m not sure how I’ve managed without them thus far.

    January 16, 2013
  • Green dresses look amazing on you! Before I find your blog, I would have never tried red and green together, but it green look sooo good with your fabulous red hair. And the petticoat does make the outfit more special! And please, don’t stop posting outfits with more green dresses. We love them! And green is one of my favorite colors as well.

    January 16, 2013
  • Phoebe


    Amber, on your blog there is adverts for Milanoo shoes. Have you ever purchased from there? Because the shoes look really nice and pretty I am just worried that they are cheap because being shipped from China and got massive discounts at the moment. would you recommend? xxx

    January 17, 2013
  • Phoebe Ellis Hi Phoebe, I’m not sure which site you mean, because I don’t have advertising on Forever Amber, but if you’re talking about one of the others, the adverts are served by agencies, so I don’t have any control over what appears,and different people see different ads depending on where they’re based etc. Milanoo isn’t a brand I’ve heard of, I’m afraid, so unfortunately I don’t have any experience of them – sorry I can’t be more help!

    January 17, 2013
  • Haha, snap! I have the yellow version of your dress (The green is SO LOVELY though! I think I might even like it bettert than my mustardy one.) and I too have lately taken to wearing it with a massivo petticoat underneath. Funnily enough, the last time I posted on my much-neglected blog was a post about the different ways I wear that dress. Far less elegant than your styling!!

    January 17, 2013
  • Phoebe

    REPLY the shoes are so beautiful, I am just weary because they’re coming from Korea and they are so cheap. Don’t want to be in a situation that I order some and they look so plastic and I have to send them back to Korea! Thank you for your help anyway! 🙂

    January 18, 2013
  • @Phoebe They’re almost all copies of high-end designer shoes… They’re not claiming they ARE the designer shoes they’re copying, so they’re not counterfeit, but I tend not to trust brands who copy designs exactly because they’re on quite shaky legal ground to begin with. (Not saying they’re breaking the law, because it’s really complicated, just that it makes me less likely to trust them!) As I said, I have no personal experience of this company, so they might turn out to be fantastic but I would also be quite wary… Maybe try looking for any reviews of them or something?

    January 18, 2013
  • Phoebe


    Yea I will Thank you so much for taking the time to write back to me 🙂 x

    January 18, 2013
  • Gorgeous outfit. I especially love the gloves minus the coat. Treated myself to a similar pair that make me want to don a 1940s outfit. Those boots are to die for. Lovely, all of it.

    January 19, 2013
  • this look is fab. love that shade of green. i’m adoring your style!

    January 19, 2013
  • First and foremost, after lurking your archives I have fallen in love with your blog! As a pale redhead with a love of petticoats, heels and reading, you remind me of a much more put together and lovely version of myself. You always manage to look so feminine and delicate- plus that shade of green is gorgeous on you!

    Okay, enough verging-on-creepy gushing on my part, I have a question to ask you about the fit of your clothing. You’re quite slim/petite and yet your clothing always seems to fit perfectly right off the rack. I’m guessing we’re around the same size (although I must be hippier than you at 83-57-90) but I own a lot of the same items as you or similar ones from the same brands and even their smallest size doesn’t fit me very well. Do you tailor all of your own clothing or do you have it done professionally? Also, can you suggest any brands/stores that offer clothing for smaller girls (although please not petite sizes, I’m a honking 174 cm)?

    Thanks for your time!

    January 20, 2013
  • You’re gorgeous!

    February 6, 2013
  • Lovely. Just lovely ♥


    April 12, 2013
  • Maria


    I just discovered your blogs — your style is fabulous! I particularly adore the combination of the high boots with the petticoat+midi dress. I have a pair of thigh high boots that I just love, but have previously had difficulty styling in a non street-walker way. (My Mom had quite the giggle at my expense when she helped me move and discovered them.)

    Thanks for the inspiration! (Now, I just wish I could find that dress! Or something equally awesome.)

    An American Girl

    May 12, 2014