neutral winter outfit

New Year’s Day

neutral winter outfitneutral winter outfitWell so far it looks like 2013 is shaping up to be a long-sleeved pencil dress kind of a year. Which is… a little odd for the rest of you, I guess (Terry, for instance, just isn’t sure whether he can pull off a pencil dress…), but just fine by me: it’s one of my favourite shapes, after all, and I’m building up a small (but long-sleeved) collection of this style of dress, which will hopefully see me through many a winter to come. Assuming I can stay away from the Haribo mix, that is, and so far it’s not looking very likely. So sweet, but also so sour!  And fruit is one of the essential food groups, right? Ahem.

Now, I don’t generally play “favourites” with my clothes, so whatever you do, don’t tell the rest of them I said this, but of all of the dresses I own, this one is definitely one of my favourites. For now, anyway. As well as being beautifully made, in the most gorgeous, thick fabric, with a cunning little zip at the hem (so you avoid getting into situations like this one…), I just love the sheer simplicity of it, and the fact that something so totally plain can be dressed up and made to look special. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to wear it, and I figured the start of a New Year was the perfect excuse, because obviously if you’re going to be consuming a ton of food, the best thing to wear is a pale-coloured dress, which will stain easily, no? I swear when I walked through the door for our traditional New Year’s Day dinner, my family all started crossing themselves and muttering prayers under their breath, and I’m pretty sure I saw my dad hiding the ketchup and red wine in the garage. I DID consider simply cutting a hole in a sheet and popping my head through it, but in the end I opted for a couple of strategically draped tea towels. That’s my standard dinner-time look, actually. Sometimes I wonder why I bother buying actual CLOTHES, when it would be so much simpler to just cut out the middle-man and buy a selection of overalls and aprons. Maybe with polka dots, say. Or stripes.

Anyway, as luck would have it (And I’m pretty sure it WAS just dumb luck, and nothing at all to do with me…) the dress managed to get through dinner unscathed, and will live to see another day. As for New Year’s day, well, it was a pretty good one, all things considered. My mum almost lost an eye removing a rogue contact lens, and Rubin woke Terry and I up in the middle of the night with what I will simply refer to as an “upset stomach” and allow you to fill in the foul-smelling, gag-inducing blanks yourselves, but there was lots of food, lots of wine, and it was basically a bit like Christmas, only without the pressure to buy people gifts. And, well, with a whole lot more dog poop. Yes.

We’ve been telling ourselves the whole half-blinded mother/erupting dog incidents were NOT omens of doom for the rest of the year. I mean, it COULD still turn out to be a friendly dragon, despite the slightly less-than-auspicious start, couldn’t it? A fluffy, friendly, long-sleeved-pencil-dress-wearing dragon. Fingers crossed, everyone…

beige pencil dress and over the knee boots

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  • I NEED long sleeved structured dresses in my life. Also 3/4 sleeves – just bloody sleeves. 😀 (And knitted dresses don’t count – I love them but they make me look scruffy or pregnant or both).

    January 4, 2013
  • I like the faux-fur scarf, it makes this whole look so glamorous xxx

    January 4, 2013
  • I don’t know how else to say it – you are SUCH a lady!! Maybe it’s the gloves. Or the fur. Probably both. Whatever it is, I love this outfit for being so pretty and feminine and perfect for you!! I’m thinking 2013 may be the year I treat myself to Louboutins (would you hate me if I called them Loubies? 🙂 ), and I may be asking for your advice eventually on which ones to wear!

    January 4, 2013
  • You just ooze class and sophistication. Gorgeous. Happy 2013, lovely!

    January 4, 2013
  • Oh wow… you look absolutely stunning and glamourous!
    I am totally into dresses and you are so right about long sleeved ones since I live in Southern Germany and unfortunately we do have cold winters. Not a fan of layering either because I feel a cardigan does not enhance but indeed hide the look of a dress. My collection of long sleeved dresses is building up.

    Laughing about your dinner experience 😉 Well done!
    Much love from Germany,

    January 4, 2013
      • You are sooo right about tights!!

        January 7, 2013
  • You look spectacular! Love how you’ve accessorized this amazing dress with its brilliant hem-zipper. 🙂

    *files away sheet-with-hole protective garment idea for personal use*

    January 4, 2013
  • I absolutely love this outfit – you look fabulous (even better than the model wearing the dress that I simply had to look at and am now coveting in red). If you decide to go down the spotted apron route instead of actual clothes – you couldn’t go wrong with the Doris apron from Cakeadoodledo (granted I wear mine with clothes!) Happy New Year, thank you for all your stylish inspiration in 2012 and much more to come (my New Years Resolution – dress more fabulously) 🙂

    January 4, 2013
  • Gorgeous outfit. You look like a movie star!


    January 4, 2013
  • SOOOOOO in love with this whole look. You look so elegant and fancy!! <3


    January 4, 2013
  • Gorgeous outfit! So elegant and beautiful! But I do love all of your outfits. You have such an amazing style!

    January 4, 2013
  • Love this elegant look! Classic.

    January 4, 2013
  • I love this outfit and also the telephone box! They are rarer than a white dog pooh these days (ha sorry, after you sharing about Rubin I thought it would be ok to sneak at least one pooh based joke in?..)

    Looking gorgeous as always, and also haribo are practically a health food, just keep on enjoying them for a bit longer 🙂

    Janine xx

    PS Did someone give Rubin some cheese?…..


    January 4, 2013
  • You always look so beautiful. I love your outfit.

    January 4, 2013
  • You always look so classy and this look is perfectly you! I don’t come across long sleeved dresses much, but then again I tend to cut off and hem all long sleeves, so I probably wouldn’t give a second look to a long sleeved dresses. 🙂

    January 5, 2013
  • Hurrah for more wonderful photos. Your blog is quickly becoming one of my favorites! You are so elegant, I could easily buy your photos and put them on my wall. Is that weird or creepy? Oh no.

    Corinne x

    January 5, 2013
      • Ok, well it is the internet so it’s okay if people are weird and creepy on it. Seems to be a theme or something.

        Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my blog! It means a lot coming from such a wonderful blogger like yourself, although I am a little embarrassed that here you are with all these lovely photographs in beautiful backgrounds and there I am taking pictures in my bathroom on my iPhone 5 (hey, at least it’s it’s the latest model, right? That has to count for something.. and we all have to start somewhere!).

        Hope you had a nice weekend,

        Corinne x

        January 6, 2013
  • Looking like a movie star per usual!

    January 14, 2013