You know Miffy – the lovable bunny, whose adventures have charmed children the world over? (Or I assume so, anyway – I mean, it’s not like I keep track of these things or anything…)

I was a big fan of Miffy when I was a little girl, and, when I was pregnant with Max, my parents gave me a set of the books, which I’ve been reading to him. It’s been a revelation, honestly. Like, did you know Miffy was the product of an immaculate conception? Or that, for her birthday, her parents gave her, “Some very sharp scissors, that could really cut!”?


And here was I, thinking she was just a cute little bunny, who sometimes went to the zoo, or out for a picnic!

So, I’d been reading these books to Max, and, honestly, I’d been starting to wonder if Miffy really WAS as sweet and innocent as I’d always thought. Then, one morning, my suspicions were confirmed when I brought Max down to the nursery to change him before his first feed of the day, and was met with this sight:

Miffy reads to the toys

Yup, it’s just as I always suspected, folks: at night, the toys come to life. And, er, then Miffy reads them all a story, apparently?

Or DOES she? I mean, at first I thought she was just reading them an innocent little story:

Miffy at the seaside

Um, a story about HERSELF, obviously. Because that’s just SO Miffy, isn’t it?

WAS it just a story, though? Or was it perhaps, I don’t know, some kind of weird Miffy Manifesto, designed to lead the toys astray, and persuade them all to follow their leader? Their leader being MIFFY, obvs, because the very next day, I opened the nursery door and found this:

Miffy leads the way

So, yeah, this time it seems Miffy had decided to lead the toys in a revolt, and they’d all  taken to their steeds, and attempted to leave the nursery.

It was… bizarre:

bear on a vcar

There had been casualties:


(Well, I mean, I assumed at the time there had been casualties. Terry later posited the theory that the cat was secretly a defector who hadn’t wanted to follow Miffy in her cunning scheme – whatever it was – and he and the horse had feigned their own deaths, in order to escape her. I… like to think that’s what happened.)

What WAS Miffy’s plan, though, I wondered?

A few days later, I walked into the office and found her – with her accomplice, Lil’ Miff – using my computer:

Miffy at the computer

Then I caught them in the hall, just staring at the door, as if waiting for someone:

Miffy in the hallBut who could it be?

Well, this week, I finally found out:

Max and his toys


Max and his toys


Mr Maria Miffy nightlight

So, it seems that, unbeknown to me, Terry had been in touch with the people at Mr Maria, who make both the giant nightlight and the smaller one we already owned, who had kindly agreed to make my dream of owning a giant Miffy lamp come true. Er, my dream of MAX owning a giant Miffy lamp come true, that is. And, as I think you can see by his face, he’s very happy with that – as am I, of course.

This does, of course, mean, that the toys have a new leader – an even BIGGER bunny to run the nursery and lead them all astray.

I wonder what they’ll get up to next?

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

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  • Marie

    What a great post! What an awesome husband! LOVED this! X

  • Angel

    That was such a fun post to read! I absolutely love it! Max is adorable and so is the big miffy lamp ❤

  • JoAnn Moran

    So much fun.

  • Myra Boyle

    You should write children’s Books with Max as the hero

    • Kelly Glen

      That is a brilliant idea.

    • Raquel

      I absolutely support this!!
      Also, way to go, Terry!

  • LindaLibraLoca

    Okay, I had to chuckle, but until the end it did really creep me out. i mean, my kids have a ton of toys, what if they really are up to something?

    Anne – Linda, Libra, Loca

  • Kelly Glen

    Is it wrong of me to want one of these even though I don’t have children?

  • Heide V

    This was hilarious, LOVED it!!

  • Lisa Valerie Morgan

    This is adorable. Also, it looks like mid-sized Miffy is a bit miffed about having a larger Miffy to answer to. 🙂



  • Sally

    Love the post as well! (And all I could look at in the last two pictures were the adorable baby toes!)

  • Sarah Rooftops

    Do you have the one in which Miffy gets “a hammer, nails and wood” and builds a birdhouse, unsupervised? I can’t decide whether I love it or find it utterly terrifying!

  • Alicja

    That is such a heartwarming (and worrying!) blog post! Love it.

  • C

    I’m 25 and I desperately want that giant Miffy lamp. Even if I have no child. 😐 I love Nijntje ~

  • Lori L.

    This is one of my very favorite posts ever!

  • Ghalia

    Max’s hair (that hair!) and smile in the last photo <3 <3 <3 Excuse me as I scoop up my melting heart

  • Skimpy

    🙂 🙂
    Someone make the movie!

  • Debs

    Haha this was brilliant!
    Debs @

  • Ginger

    Love it!! 😀

  • Amber DeSadier

    That is friggin adorable. So cute!

  • Anna International

    I absolutely loved these stories on Instagram, and delighted to find out that Miffy was only planning a new addition to her gang, and not some bloody revolt! 🙂
    Your husband is an excellent chap. You and Max are both very lucky! (Not that you need me to tell you that of course!) x

  • V

    The best Miffy is when she goes to the art gallery. I love Dick Bruna’s versions of the art (the Mondrian is a particular favourite).