Oh, crap.

I really thought the whole kitchen situation couldn’t get any worse. "It totally can’t get any worse," said Terry, cheerfully wrenching a cabinet off the wall with his bare hands. And I believed him. Then last night I went downstairs and found this:


Which, really? Is WORSE.

And then there’s this:



On the plus side, the whole no kitchen = no food thing means that a Chinese takeaway is on its way to us right now. Even so: WORSE.

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Man,I hate home renos. Even poor Rubin is frowning!

    April 25, 2008
  • The past eight years of my life have seen many photos of my own home just like these. Hang in there!

    Also, your puppeh is adorable!

    April 25, 2008
  • Anonymous


    Errr… is now a bad time to say" told you so"?

    April 25, 2008
  • Keep your eyes on the prize! Things sometimes have to get worse before they can get better (like chicken pox).

    April 26, 2008
  • So getting the man to come and install our new addition to the kitchen is looking like it was a really good idea then!! Good luck!

    April 26, 2008
  • Steph


    Oh dear… my bedroom looks a bit like that!

    April 27, 2008
  • Henri Hunter


    well, at least you have a ready made venue for ceilingcat, and that will keep the Rubin entertained for sure !
    Good luck……..

    April 27, 2008
  • Stephen


    Our kitchen gets started tomorrow – I'll send you some photos, just to make you feel better. Or, y'know, at least not so alone in all this chaos….

    April 27, 2008
  • Oh no! Well, it has to get worse before it can get better, isn't that what they say? Good luck!!

    April 27, 2008