Forever Amber: UK influncer

Outfit | Low Winter Sun

Forever Amber: UK influncer
That low winter sun is at it again, folks.

(And yes, I’m very aware that I’ve spent the whole winter complaining about the lack of sunshine, and now I have the gall to complain about the presence of it, but what can I say: “fickle” is my middle name.)

(Note: it isn’t. But it probably should be.)

As pleased as I was to see the sun finally make an appearance on the day these photos were taken, though (And it was actually WARM, too! I mean, not WARM-warm, but warm enough to get away with a leather jacket and sheer tights, and right now that’s more or less a heatwave around here…), I have to admit that the sun wasn’t totally without its problems, because, when it’s low in the sky, like it is now, it plays absolute havoc with your outfit photos – and that’s the most important thing, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Also of importance, however, is the havoc it plays with my eyes. I know people often laugh at me for wearing sunglasses in almost every photo, but the fact is, my eyes are so sensitive to sunlight that if I don’t wear them… well, there would have been even fewer usable photos from this particular set, let’s put it that way. Because of my extreme sensitivity to sunlight (Er, I JUST this second realised that I’ve totally just made myself sound like a vampire here, and I don’t expect my deathly pallor in these shots is helping much in that respect, is it? Those aren’t white tights I’m wearing, guys: they’re sheer ones, so those are my actual LEGS you can see shining like the surface of the moon here. GOD.), sunglasses are a wardrobe essential for me: I literally won’t leave the house without a pair, and I have a pretty large collection, around 30% of which can generally be found scattered around the car at any given time.

As much as I love sunglasses, however, it’s been quite some time since I updated my collection, and I was starting to get seriously bored with them all, so when SmartBuyGlasses asked if I’d like to choose a pair from their website, I wasn’t about to say “no,” to that, was I? These particular sunglasses are by Tom Ford, and I’m honestly not joking when I say it’s been a lifelong ambition of mine to own a pair of Tom Ford sunglasses. (Well, my entire ADULT life, anyway: it’s not like I came out of the womb all, “Hi mum: where are my Tom Ford sunglasses?” or anything, although that DOES sound like the kind of thing I would do, to be honest…)

Anyway, I picked these because I’d been looking for a pair of oversized glasses for a while, and these fit that requirement, while also sticking firmly to the cat’s eye shape which I love so much. I love them – and I can guarantee you’ll be seeing a whole lot more of them in upcoming outfit posts, so don’t say you weren’t warned.

Speaking of things I love, this dress is by Collectif, and I love IT so much that when I saw that it was on sale last week, I… well, I ordered a second one, as a back-up. Yeah, I’m not sorry: it had gotten to that stage where I’d worn the dress so much that I’d started to feel like I should be rationing my use of it, so I didn’t wear it out. Then it went down to £21, and it was like the universe had briefly aligned, in order to provide me with an easy solution to what was about to become a big problem, so no regrets, people – no regrets.

P.S. If you’ve also had a lifelong dream of owning a pair of Tom Fords – or any other brand, for that matter – SmartBuyGlasses are offering Forever Amber readers 5% off purchases on their website, using the code amber5″. There’s no limit to how many times you can use this code, either, so go forth and buy sunglasses!

Tom Ford Anoushka sunglasses


Collectif dress

River Island jacket

Office shoes

Phillip Lim Pashli Mini bag*

Tom Ford sunglasses c/o SmartBuyGlasses

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  • Green is such a lovely colour on you. It goes so well with your hair – but I think you know all this.

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    March 1, 2017
  • As ever, green is definitely your colour. Quick question: where do you purchase your nude tights? I always struggle to find any!

    March 1, 2017
      • I’ll have to look harder I guess! Thanks 🙂

        March 1, 2017
  • Myra Boyle


    Loving the sunshine and the Tom Ford glasses (kind of you to pass on the discount). And the green – definitely your colour ?

    March 1, 2017
  • Lori


    Love this color on you. I also have sensitivity to sunlight and have approximately eleventy pairs of sunglasses everywhere. My husband makes fun of me for having at least 5 pairs in each car plus another couple in my purse at all times. I’m currently loving a Tory Burch pair but your tom ford cat eyes look amazing.

    March 3, 2017
  • Ellen


    Great outfit particularly the jacket. I love River Island! How did I ever miss such a nice little biker jacket when it was in stock?!

    March 4, 2017
  • C


    My eyes are the same, always make sure to buy sunglasses with a UV rating of 3 plus anything lower is going to damage your eyes (it’s actually worse than wearing none at all)

    March 5, 2017
  • This outfit is so beautiful. I love the green dress.
    Greets, Bianca

    March 5, 2017
  • aa



    December 16, 2021