amongst the daises

OUTFIT | Soft pinks and floral prints

pink and white summer outfit: foral skirt and fitted sweater

red hair and pink sweater

summer outfit: pink sweater and floral print midi skirt

Hey, remember that awesome outfit I was planning to wear at Easter, only it was freezing that day, so I ended up wearing jeans instead?

This is that outfit, folks.

Yeah, I know: it was well worth waiting two months for this, wasn’t it? I mean, it’s SO DIFFERENT from the kind of things I normally wear, what with the midi skirt, and the high heels, and that pink sweater that’s never off my back right now, and… oh.

OK, so this definitely isn’t the most exciting outfit I’ve ever worn, and honestly, it was a little too warm for that sweater, really, but still. I wore this last Sunday, which was Terry’s birthday: we spent the afternoon hanging out with the family in his mum’s garden, and eating birthday cake baked by our nephew, George (I totally forgot to take a photo of it, because I was so busy eating it, but it was delicious, trust me…), and then, afterwards I got up and went and rolled around in the daises for a few minutes. No, it wasn’t awkward at all: what makes you think that?

Shortly after the photos below were taken, my brother-in-law got out the lawnmower and cut those daisies DEAD. It was tragic. Also, I really hope he didn’t do it to stop me rolling around in them again? Hmmm.

Anyway, the summer slump has well and truly set in around these parts – and I’m not just talking about my own total lethargy – which means I very much doubt many of you will be around to read this post today, when you could be out enjoying the sunshine (or, alternatively, complaining about the heat) instead, so I’m going to keep this one short, and come and join you. Er, not literally, obviously: that would be weird. Unless you ALSO happen to be a fan of rolling around in random patches of daisies, that is?

Amber amongst the daisies

floral skirt and pink sweater amongst the daisies


ChicWish skirt*

Pink sweater

Missguided shoes

Phillip Lim Pashli Satchel*

Related: How to walk in high heels

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I also write books
  • Such a darling outfit! Millenial pink looks so lovely on you x

    June 21, 2017
  • Very pretty! Love the daisies

    June 21, 2017
  • This is such a pretty outfit! I love pale pink so much in the summer x


    June 21, 2017
  • D Ann


    That is one gorgeous skirt! Well…the entire outfit is!
    Remember how they said redheads should not/could not wear pink? You showed them!
    Happy First Day of Summer!
    (I like exclamation points…obviously.)

    June 21, 2017
  • Erin


    Notafashionblogger, but even I dragged my husband out to take pictures of me in a field of flowers this spring <3 I'd be rolling around in those too! Heck, I lay in the grass even when the flowers aren't there. Lovely outfit, as always!

    June 21, 2017
  • Myra Boyle


    Very pretty in pink. I love daisies in grass, our lawn is currently covered in clover and the bees love it, which is very good for my bee count app.

    June 21, 2017
  • D. Johnson


    Absolutely GORGEOUS pictures! The tiny blue flowers form a constellation. I can relate; ever since warm weather came to my area I am running out of the house far-too-early in the morning (nothing’s open) and they opened a new Barbeque restaurant virtually next door, so the wonderful smells from that tempt me at dusk. One of the reasons I enjoy your posts is to remind myself: CLOTHES! No tour of restaurants, must fit in pretty clothes!

    June 21, 2017
  • Beautiful look, love the daisy photos! X

    June 22, 2017
  • Christine Marie


    I love seeing all the pretty outfits. I would love to know if you’re satisfied with chicwish and their shipping/quality.

    December 7, 2017