Remember a few months ago, when I wrote about the Pay After Delivery Service – you know, the one that allows you to buy stuff now, but not have to pay for it until after it’s been delivered?

Now, I absolutely LOVE this service, but there’s just one catch: it’s not available on every website – which is why I was so excited to hear about Klarna.

how to shop now but only pay after delivery
how to shop now but only pay after delivery

Klarna is a Swedish company, which was founded in 2005, and serves 45 million consumers through 65,000 online retailers. Which is more than even I could shop from in one lifetime, isn’t it? (Answer: no, not really…) They offer their own Pay After Delivery service, which I’ve been trying out this week, because you know me, if there’s shopping to be done, I’m always willing to take one for the team, and suss it all out for you. I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE.

(Yes, it was a hard job, but someone had to do it, didn’t they?)

Anyway, the first thing I did was to register with the Klarna website, which took all of about two minutes, and really just required my name and email address. Next, it was time to shop. The horror!

Klarna works with a range of retailers, which you can find here. The reason I was so excited about it is because, as you can see, none of these retailers are ones that you can use the existing Pay After Delivery service with through Paypal itself. I’m talking about sites like Topshop, Dororthy Perkins, GHD, Miss Selfridge… In the past, if I was shopping from any of these sites, I’d have to make the payment upfront, and then go through the refund process if I had to send the item back, for some reason. Once you’re registered with Klarna, however, when you go to a participating website, you’ll see a new payment option listed there:

Klarna payment option

Then, when you go through checkout, you’ll see something like ‘Shop Now, Pay Later,’ or ‘Pay After Delivery’ listed alongside the usual suspects:

Klarna Pay After Delivery Service

For my little, er, experiment, I’d been looking at all of the photos people have been posting from London Fashion Week, and, as I’m easily led, I’d really started craving some of the beautiful loose curls I kept seeing on people, and which I can never seem to create with any of my many, many existing hair tools. I still absolutely love my Nicky Clarke tong, and use it several times a week, but the curls it gives me are fairly tight ones, and now I wanted looser ones (Isn’t this always the way of it, though? As soon as you manage to perfect one hairstyle, you immediately want a completely different one…), so I headed over to the GHD website, and placed an order for one of their Soft Curl Tongs. Paying for this actually felt kind of weird, to be honest, mostly because I didn’t. Er, pay for it, that is. Basically, once you’ve selected the Klarna ‘Shop Now, Pay Later,’ option, you go through checkout without entering any financial details: I literally just added my address, and that was it.

Honestly, I was slightly worried that nothing would happen after that, but the next morning, these arrived at my door:

GHD soft curl tongs(I placed my order at around 4pm, and delivery was free, by the way, so I was really, really impressed with GHD…)

A few hours later, I received an email from Klara, reminding me that payment is due in 14 days, and telling me to log-into my account to pay the balance. You can do this at any time: the funds aren’t debited automatically, so, if you’re happy with your item, you’re free to log in and make the payment whenever you like. There’s no interest or fees, so it’s not like a credit card, and – most importantly, for shopaholics like me – you DO have to pay within the 14 day time frame, so you can’t go crazy and rack up debt with it.

This post is sponsored by Klarna, but I was genuinely excited to find out about this service, and will be using it in the future. (Yes I will, Terry: sorry.) As for the GHDs, meanwhile, I’m probably going to do a separate post on those, because I think I’ve rambled on for long enough in this one, but here’s a quick look at my “Fashion Week inspired” loose curls…

loose waves with GHD soft curl tong

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  • I can’t wait for your GHD updates. I’ve been wanting to get one for a long time but I’m still not sure. Your hair looks lovely in the last photo.

    Charmaine Ng
    Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

  • Fi

    This would be really useful for sites where you have to spend a certain amount to get free shipping, when you might not want to actually spend £100 or whatever. Now you don’t have to. Genius!

  • Erika

    Sounds like a great site! I’ve never looked into this kind of payment service, but sounds like it’s worth a try. Great purchase choice for this experiment. You have perfect loose curls!

  • Lizzie

    How do I set it up? There’s no option to?

  • Nicole

    klarna is crap because if you had a previous bad credit they reject u. which is crappy really.