Blue polka dot Stop Staring dress with Vivienne Westwood Cherries shoes

Polka Dots & Cherries

Blue polka dot Stop Staring dress with Vivienne Westwood Cherries shoesForever Amber: UK fashion blogStop Staring blue polka dot dress

On our way back to the apartment after the trip to Tarpon Springs I wrote about in my last post, we stopped in at the little town of Dunedin*, purely so I could pay a visit to Kina Kouture, which is basically my idea of heaven, selling dresses by Stop Staring, Bettie Page, Trashy Diva – all my favourite brands, in other words.

Unfortunately, when we arrived at the store we discovered it was actually closed for refurbishment, but the lovely owner must have seen the look of anguish on my face, because he very kindly allowed me to come in anyway, and not only to look around, but also to try on this dress in the bathroom (which was like a boudoir, and totally awesome), seeing as the changing rooms were closed at the time. The dress in question is by Stop Staring, and I’d seen it in the window as we drove up, and immediately known it would be coming home with me. Sure enough, ten minutes later I was in possession of the Prechus, which I wore to dinner the very next night, thus continuing my “a-polka-dot-dress-a-day” streak. GOD.

Of course, pin-up style polka dots call for cherry accessories of some kind, so I wore this with my Vivienne Westwood/Melissa Cherries shoes, which just might be my most favourite shoes ever. Shh, don’t tell the others!

(*Fun fact: the summer I graduated from university, I applied for, and was offered, an internship with the local newspaper in Dunedin. Because of the extreme level of stupidity I was operating under at the time, though – and still am, actually – I’d completely failed to realise that an internship wasn’t, you know, paid, and that I’d be working for nothing, but would still have to support myself, the whole time I was there. (I think I’d imagined I’d just be hanging out at the beach all the time, maybe hitting up the Magic Kingdom on the weekends?) Well, I couldn’t even afford the airfare, let alone several months worth of food and accommodation in the US, so I had to turn it down. It was a shame, because I’d already concocted an elaborate fantasy around this job, in which I was such a success as an intern (you know, whatever that was) that after a couple of weeks I was promoted to editor: a job which came with a huge salary, a penthouse appartment, and a clothing allowance. Instead, I spent the summer working in a call centre in Scotland. Oh, the humanity…)

Stop Staring dressStop Staring dress

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  • Lindsey McKay


    That is one gorgeous dress! How lovely of the owner to let you in. I also love the clutch bag. Oh so stylish!

    July 11, 2012
  • That is a gorgeous dress! Love it so much!

    July 11, 2012
  • That’s one gorgeous dress and I LOVE the cherries on the shoes. You look stunning Amber

    July 11, 2012
  • Your new polka dot dress is amazing! And it was very sweet of the owner to let you in to try some clothes on.
    And those cherry shoes are definitely one of my favorite pairs of yours! Although you have an amazing shoe closet, and it would be very hard to choose just one favorite pair! 🙂

    P.S. Athens is indeed very hot in summer. I live in Northern Greece, in a city called Thessaloniki. It’s the 2nd biggest city of Greece, but a lot smaller than Athens. You should visit it someday! It’s very beautiful and we have fantastic beaches in nearby areas. 🙂

    July 11, 2012
  • Just A Nobody


    I find it completely annoying that you’re milking hits for both of your sites by putting a shoe save on one site and outfit posts on another. You should at least include one full body outfit/shoe photo in your shoe save posts.. I’m really not interested in your life, I just want to see how your wore the shoe.

    July 11, 2012
      • Just a Nobody’s comment is ridiculous on a number of levels, but even if you *were* engaged in some sort of OMGMILKING activity, you haven’t monetised your personal blog anyway so it’s not like there’s some nefarious intent (because obviously HOW DARE bloggers make money from blogging, duh!)

        For the record, I think it would be really sad if you stopped doing the odd outfit shot because I love seeing how you wear your outfits and I enjoy hearing about your life, both here and on Shoeperwoman, and I don’t think I’m at all in the minority with that.

        July 12, 2012
        • Well said Roisin. I LOVE seeing your outfits Amber, you are way more stylish than me and I can’t wait to see what you wear next. What you wear and how you wear it is part of who you are.

          p.s. ADORE that dress, you look hot! (in a non-creepy way, obviously)

          July 13, 2012
  • Panthera


    ^Wow, what a nasty comment! I thought personal outfit photos and life blogging went hand in hand. I love reading the stories that go with the photos!

    The dress is sooo pretty, and I love that the shop keeper let you in through the renovations. The outside/side-looking photo looks like it’s taken right out of a high-class fashion magazine, amazing!

    July 11, 2012
    • Panthera


      You posted your answer right when I posted. I was of course referring to the original comment and not your reply, which it now looks like I’m pointing at. 🙁

      July 11, 2012
        • Panthera


          I knew you were considering just stopping the outfit photos all together, and not joining in the shoe challenge, so I was soo happy when you decided to join in anyway, and continue with the outfit photos too.
          I love seeing your style and your dresses, and you’re all absolutely great photographers.
          Your photos are a great inspiration for me, so I get so pissed when people berate you about it!

          We’ve had rain here too, but fortunately no flooding! I wish we could have at least one full day of sun..

          July 11, 2012
            • Mum

              Just read the comment from Just a Nobody. Are the schools on holiday already?

              July 12, 2012
  • Kim


    The whole look = perfect. And I love reading about your adventures and seeing what you’re wearing, so please don’t stop! 🙂

    July 12, 2012
  • Just A Nobody



    July 12, 2012
  • Adrienne


    Living on the opposite side of the world to you, and due to the fact that not many on-line stores will post over here (NZ), it is actually this blog that I prefer as I LOVE seeing your outfit posts. So … please don’t stop posting your outfits just to please one disgruntled ‘Just.A.Nobody’ viewer. 🙂

    July 13, 2012