Stop Staring dress

Dressing for Dinner (and Hilton Hotels giveaway)

Stop Staring navy vintage pin-up inspired dress

Stop Staring navy vintage pin-up inspired dress

Stop Staring navy vintage pin-up inspired dress[Dress: Stop Staring // Shoes: Christian Louboutin]

One of my favourite things about Dunkeld House Hotel was the fact that it was very much a “dress for dinner” kind of place. As you know, I over-dress for EVERYTHING, and I’ve long-since become accustomed to sticking out like a sore thumb everywhere I go. There are so few opportunities to get “dressed up” these days, and people are so hellbent on being “comfy” at all costs that it can be quite difficult to indulge my love of fashion without feeling like a bit of a freak because of it. People regularly find my blogs having Googled something like “Can I wear jeans to a wedding/christening/other special event?” and I guess when even something like a wedding is deemed denim-appropriate, the act of wearing a dress when you don’t actually HAVE to can seem totally incompressible to some people.

At Dunkeld House, though, I finally felt like I had found my people. It’s extremely rare for me NOT to be the most over-dressed person in the room, but when we went down to dinner on Saturday night I didn’t feel even a little bit out of place, which was a strange and wonderful feeling. Naturally, then, I totally failed to capture this moment in photos: it was starting to get dark by the time we went downstairs, and it was also absolutely freezing outside, so the combination of the flash and my “OMG, hurry up and take the photo so I can go back inside!” look meant that these were the only shots that were even vaguely usable: d’oh!

Anyway, since I’ve (finally!) run out of photos to show you,  I guess this is the perfect opportunity to give you the opportunity to go and take some for yourselves. Hilton Hotels have kindly given me a £100 gift voucher for their hotels, to give away to one lucky reader. The voucher is valid for one year, and I’m afraid it can only be used at hotels within the UK, but hey, I guess that’s a good excuse for you to come and try out somewhere like Dunkeld House for yourselves.

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • I love getting all dressed up with someplace to go! You look lovely Amber. I’ve entered (of course, it’s so rare any of the blogs I read hold a giveaway that UK readers can enter!), would be lovely to take my husband away for a weekend somewhere and get all dressed up 🙂

    April 26, 2013
  • You’re so right Amber! People don’t dress up enough these days, I always say that. Although I’m one of those ‘comfy’ looking people, your blog (and me finally discovering how fun fashion is) have inspired me to make more of an effort on non-occasion days. I have entered your competition (thank you for giving us the opportunity), love your blog x

    April 26, 2013
  • What a gorgeous dress shape! You look lovely and very much in your element.

    Have entered of course – God knows we need a break! 😀

    Good luck all!

    April 26, 2013
  • Dressing up is one of my favorite things to do! I so wish I lived in the UK for this giveaway. I could use it as an excuse to take a trip, though… And we are due for a trip across the ocean…

    April 26, 2013
  • I cannot get my head around someone googling about whether or not it’s ok for them to wear denim at a wedding.
    my email is

    April 26, 2013
  • You look fabulous!

    April 26, 2013
  • Absolutely love that dress. It looks lovely on you!

    April 26, 2013
  • You would love Dallas, TX because over dressing is the norm. I once had someone tell me I was over dressed because I wore earrings to a picnic. I was in Nebraska at the time maybe they have some rule.

    April 26, 2013
  • I adore your dress! I used to overdress too but since I have had my last 2 kiddies I dnt feel confident enough to do it. I cannot believe how much I love that dress!

    April 26, 2013
  • Just had to say how gorgeous are in that lovely vintagey dress. You’re re-kindling my wish for red hair 🙂

    April 27, 2013
  • I am glad you found your people! I feel over dressed all the time, oh dear.

    That dress is lovely, it’s a pity you couldn’t get the photos you wanted, but hey, it’s an excuse to wear it again, right?

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Corinne x

    April 27, 2013
  • PS – do you have some form of button or something I could use for my blogroll page?

    April 27, 2013
  • What a lovely dress! And sounds like a lovely hotel.

    April 27, 2013
  • Oh you look so lovely, I love getting dressed up even to go food shopping lol! This would be perfect for a girly weekend away with my mum & friends for a nice night out & of course shopping 🙂
    Thanks for a lovely giveaway x

    April 27, 2013