Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Review | Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

It’s been a few weeks sinceDean Jones Hairdressing, asked if I’d like to pop along to his new Edinburgh salon for a complimentary cut and blow-dry, it was just the push I needed to actually do something about it.

Now, as some of you know, I’m slightly salon-phobic, and will tend to put off cuts for as long as possible because of it, but I really needn’t have been in this case: not only were Dean and his team all lovely and welcoming, the salon (tucked away behind Leith Walk, in a beautifully renovated listed building) is absolutely gorgeous, and amazingly relaxing, which I’d never have guessed from the central Edinburgh location.

I always think the most important part of any haircut takes place before the scissors are even picked up: it’s the all-important consultation, in which I try my best to find ways to say, “Please make me look like Brigitte Bardot, or, failing that, Taylor Swift will do,” without wanting to die of embarrassment. Luckily, though, Dean instantly knew what I was talking about (which is no small achievement): I knew as soon as he picked up an iPad and pulled up a photo of Lucy Hale of Pretty Little Liars, as “something to aim for”, that I was in safe hands, and while I was under no illusions that I would leave looking like Lucy (she doesn’t have a fringe, and I’m not a 25-year-old drop-dead-gorgeous actress, more’s the pity. Also, Dean is a stylist, not a miracle worker…), I was happy to place my ginger hair in his capable hands.

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

As for what I went for: well, I’ve really enjoyed having a fringe, but because my natural ginger hair grows so quickly, I haven’t enjoyed the maintenance of it quite so much, so I’d gone in expecting to just leave the front of my hair to its own devices, even although that would mean living with an awkward lump of hair in my eyes until such a time as it grew long enough to be given some kind of shape. After discussing it with Dean, though, we actually decided to cut the fringe back in, but with a slightly different shape, which will allow it to grow out more gracefully. I was really happy with the result: the fringe looks good now, but will still look good as it grows out, making me less likely to want to trim it every couple of weeks – or here’s hoping, anyway. Dean also cut some layers back in, using a razor to keep the look fairly soft:

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

Dean Jones Hairdressing, Edinburgh

And the finished product:

new hair

I love it, and have so far found it really easy to maintain, too, which is always a bonus!

You can find Dean’s salon at 3a Elm Row, Edinburgh, or visit the Facebook page here: if you’re looking for a stylist in the Edinburgh area, I can really recommend this friendly and talented team, who have a real passion for what they do, and who I’m sure will be a huge success!

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  • Steffi


    Looks fantastic! And you’re pretty drop-dead-gorgeous yourself 🙂

    July 7, 2014
  • The fringe suits your face.

    July 7, 2014
  • I love it. I just had to take 6 inches off my hair so I went more for Emma Stone this time than Taylor Swift, but I think I will grow out my fringe next time. My hair stylist always talks me into it and I end up hating it days later.
    I love how your hair turned out though, it’s lovely.

    July 7, 2014
  • It’s gorgeous, I am a huge advocate of the fringe!

    July 7, 2014
  • I need to find myself a stylist as good as this one. He did a wonderful job and you look beautiful, as always! I love the layers and this fringe looks like it will grow very nicely. I know all about the annoying upkeep of having bangs.

    July 7, 2014
  • Amber, looks great! How awesome is it to have a stylist call and say ” Do you want to come in for a free style and haircut’. Sounds like it came at the right time for you. I love the look. Mine has been the same for years. I have red hair, poker straight and face framed. Very similar, except I don’t have the bangs. They look great on you, very natural!
    stop by sometime, jess

    July 7, 2014
  • Clawdeer


    You look lovely!!! Kudos to Dean (and your parents for their beautiful genes!)

    July 8, 2014
  • Adrienne


    Ohhh fringes! I got mine almost a year ago now. I’ve had several times in the past, but always ended up growing it out rather sooner than later because it drove me insane. I still have my fringe now but today is one of the days where it really drives me insane and I keep pulling on it in a vain attempt to make it look “normal”. See, it is raining today, and whenever it is raining, my hair turns into my enemy. I hate it in general, but on my fringe? I would love to just go back home and crawl under my bed where nobody can see me. I also always (or most of the time) trim it myself since I’m way too cheap to pay £10 each time (how much they ask in Switzerland), and even though I’ve heard that some hairdressers trim fringes for free, I’ve yet to find one who actually does it.
    Ok, that was a long rant about my fringe. Having said all that: your fringe looks absolutely gorgeous on you and I do think you have that “fringe face”, ha. I think I do, too, mainly because my forehead is so ridiculously high that I look like Humpty Dumpty without my fringe. I just wish it would cooperate a bit more!

    July 8, 2014
  • Alison Somerville


    Looks great Amber and fantastic photos of the salon. I keep toying with the idea of growing my hair again!

    July 8, 2014
  • So gorgeous Amber! I recently got a fringe and I am really hating it! I went for the whole thick full fringe look and it’s wrecking my head (Literally, I cannot keep it under control. I have super frizzy hair), can’t wait for it to grow out.
    I love your posts about Edinburgh – love that place so much!

    July 10, 2014
  • Ada


    So. Much. Red. Hair. I love it so much I think I’m going to explode.

    July 10, 2014