Forever Amber

Rock n’ Roll

Well, hello, ’tis I, your redheaded blogger-friend, who hasn’t actually updated her blog in WEEKS, but who still expects you all to be faithfully reading along, even although you probably unsubscribed weeks ago, and are only here now because I kept tweeting the link, and you eventually just clicked on it to shut me up. Bloggers, eh?

I didn’t actually intend to disappear for so long: it’s been a really hectic couple of weeks, though, which culminated at the weekend with this:

Flying HaggisThat’s my dad (on vocals), my uncle (on guitar) and my cousin (on drums), all being rock stars. Of course, my family have always been rock stars as far as I’m concerned, but back in the 70s, my dad and uncle (who’s my mum’s brother) played in a band together: a band which had assumed almost mythical status in my mind, so much had I heard about it. Although I’d heard all about those days, however, I’d never actually seen the band perform, because by the time I was born, they’d split up, leaving only one fuzzy audio recording, and a whole lot of stories. A few years later, my uncle and aunt moved to Canada, the bass player moved to Texas… basically, there was never really a time when everyone was in the same country at the same time, so a reunion had never been possible.

Until this weekend.

A few months ago, it was decided that the time was right for the great band reunion. A venue was found, flights were booked, people flew in from their various countries, including my cousin, (who I last saw when he was five), who was standing in for the original drummer, who hadn’t been well, and wasn’t sure he’d be able to perform. As it turned out, he did manage to do a couple of songs after all, so the band was reunited, and I finally got to see them.

They. Were. Amazing.

Seriously: I’ve heard my dad sing, obviously, and I’ve seen my uncle play guitar. I’ve never seen them on stage, performing as a band, though, and pretty much as soon as my dad took to the stage, I started filling up. He was absolutely amazing: I was so proud, and only a tiny bit emotional. OK, a big bit emotional. In a good way, though.

I also took the opportunity to wear Dress # 74. Because, you know, none of the other 73 dresses I own would do, apparently.

black wiggle dress with pink high heels(I had literally about two minutes to take some photos for Shoeperwoman before our taxi arrived, so of course every single one of them came out blurry. I’ve bumped up the contrast in a bid to distract you with my extreme pallor, so… er, let’s just pretend that worked, OK? While we’re at it, let’s also pretend I don’t have that random piece of hair sticking out the side of my head. Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated…)

This particular dress was actually free, because I bought it with some River Island vouchers I won. Free dresses totally don’t count, do they?

Anyway: it was a fantastic night, and we got to catch up with lots of friends and family we haven’t seen for a while, which made it even better. Now we just have to persuade them all to do it again sometime…

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Glad you’re back! Those macaroons are €1.60 here. Each.

    October 20, 2011
  • Awww I can totally feel the emotion 🙂 That’s so cool 🙂
    Btw looking GAWJUS missis. Total starlet xx

    October 20, 2011
  • You are hilarious. I’ve definitely missed your posts! 🙂 Also: I want your shoe collection. And your red hair.

    OMGLADUREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent no joke 50 euros on macaroons when I was in Paris (first and so far only time). When one of my friends went, she brought me back some and I actually TEARED UP. They really are that good.

    October 20, 2011
  • Moni


    … just when I was about to ask you if everything was alright, because I hadn’t heard from you for such a long time.
    I’m glad that you’re okay and had such a great time! And you look sooooo beautiful! 🙂

    October 20, 2011
  • Stephen


    Brilliant. Love it. Wish I could have been there!

    October 20, 2011
  • You are SO behind the times – I did the macarons photo over a week ago! Also: your dad may be the awesomest (yes it IS a word!) dad ever. Love the dress.

    October 20, 2011
  • I might be a blogger cliche in my love of OMGMACARONS but I do love them – they may well be my favourite sweetie treat. Although I favour the large ones from Paul rather than the little ones. Still though – very good – and as I’m back in London more frequently now and therefore close by Paul and Laduree, I foresee more macarons in my future. Also, they travel quite well if you ever fancied some more.

    The band looks amazing and it sounds like you had a fabulous night – and I love the dress! Free dresses totally don’t count 🙂

    October 21, 2011
  • Sally


    Thanks for sharing your family moment 🙂 You look so happy – and gorgeous as always!

    October 22, 2011
  • Macarons have only just hit New Zealand. (Not literally hit, that would be messy.) I finally tried some a few weeks back and OMGMACARONS! Now I see why everybody raves over them.

    Also, your family is awesome. And your dad is super-awesome. And your hair looks amazing. And OMGMACARONS!

    October 22, 2011
  • How dare you have such little faith, I shall never unsubscribe until the internet is closed down forever!

    That dress look bloody gorgeous on you 🙂

    October 22, 2011
  • We are still here Amber, checking up on you, even when you’re silent 🙂 I have actually been quite absent from the blogging business, for some horridly annoying reasons, which can be read about over at – shameless plug over 😛

    Now seriously, it looked like a great family get-together, around live music which is always a treat. Oh and your outfit… VERY pretty 🙂

    October 23, 2011
  • maz aka MallyMon


    Oh, how lovely, I love that kind of gig! Especially when it’s so personal. My Dad could sing like Dino but he never would take to a stage, he was far too shy. I was always disappointed, we could have lived such a crooner family lifestyle…..
    Re : macarons – they sell them in Bettys but they call them macaroons and they sell for a mere £7.50 a half doz. (plus delivery, I suppose, call it a tenner!) But then they ARE made of gold dust…

    October 23, 2011
  • Amy


    Of course we’re still here! Those shoes are fantastic… and you make me laugh every time. Glad you’re back, now go write another post! 😉

    November 5, 2011