Max's first photo… to Max John Miaoulis, born at 11:51 this morning – 7 pounds 6 ounces of perfect.

I have lots more to say, obviously, but I also have a gorgeous baby boy to stare at, so I know you’ll all forgive me for the quick update: Max and I are both doing well, though, and Terry and I are absolutely besotted with our new arrival, so I’m sure there’ll be plenty of photos in the days to come!

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

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  • Ida

    Oh he’s so cute. I’m so happy for you. And also: OMG you made a baby. And I know people make them every day but it’s still so cool.

  • JoAnn Moran

    I’m incredibly happy for you and your family. He is absolutely gorgeous. What a sweet face. Welcome to motherhood!

  • Molly Molloy

    Welcome to Max with his lovely starry eyes. So glad you are all well.

  • Marilyn

    Many congratulations to you all! What a photogenic pair, lovely news that all is well. Beautiful little boy x

  • Katie Davis

    Congratulations! So glad you are both alive (((Hug)))

    Looking forward to watching this handsome little chap grow up xxx

  • Diane

    He’s beautiful! I’m so happy for you, huge congratulations ?

  • Sally

    Congratulations! He is beautiful!

  • May

    Congratulations, Amber and Terry! He is so incredibly cute ?

  • Jaime

    Congrats Amber and Terry!

    My little girl, Everly, is 4 weeks old today! She also came into the world C Section (after being 2 weeks late!) and if you have any questions or concerns about recovery please feel free to ask (I also have health anxiety so hopefully we can relate to each other 🙂

  • Justina

    Congratulations!!! He is adorable and already looks like Terry. Sending love and good wishes.

  • Becky Chick

    Congratulations to you all he is just beautiful! Sending you all lots of love. Xxx

  • Louise

    Congrats Amber, Terry and Max!! x

  • Elaine Lawton

    He already looks as though he’s happy having his photo taken – congratulations on the arrival of Max to you and Terry, Amber x x x

  • Vicky

    Was thinking of you today. Well done, you made it, and you have a gorgeous son.

  • Massive congratulations Amber – you did it!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending so much love to all three of you, can’t wait to see/hear more 🙂

    C x

  • Pip

    Congratulations to you all! I thought of you this morning – it’s so wonderful you have shared your fantastic news and delighted to hear you are all doing well.

  • Erin

    I’m so glad that you updated! I love the name Max and he looks just like Terry! Congratulations to your beautiful family <3

  • Ripple

    Congratulations on the arrival of this gorgeous treasure! He looks so amazingly cute. Best wishes for all of you! <3

    With kindness,

  • Kay

    Been thinking about you all day as I shopped for things for my currently-just-a-small-bump! So happy for all three of you! You did it!! Well done Xxx

  • Jaynie

    Congratulations! I was definitely thinking of you and I’m glad to see it seems things went fine, and that you can now enjoy being besotted to your heart’s content. 🙂

  • Imogen

    Congratulations to all you and your family! I have been following your updates as someone who identifies very strongly with the fears you have had with the pregnancy etc and you have definitely helped me be more aware of my issues!

    Have a well deserved new year and celebrations!

  • Sally

    Congratulations, yay your baby boy is here! And what a little beauty, enjoy your living in your blue baby bubble xxx

  • Alison S

    Congratulations to you both, he is gorgeous. Well done and take it easy, enjoy these first few weeks getting to know each other xxxx

  • Alison

    Very happy for you all. it’s a lovely time. Enjoy all ththe cuddles.

  • Sharon

    I prayed for you! So glad everyone is well. He is adorable.

  • Sue

    He’s beautiful! Many congratulations!

  • Karlie

    Congratulations, I’m so glad everything went well.

  • Wendy

    Best news of the day. Xx

  • Emerald

    Wa-heyyy!! You did it! Well done you and congratulations galore to you and Terry plus families.

    He is gorgeous! Welcome to the world, Max. X

  • carolyn young

    Well done amber and congratulations! He is gorgeous!!

  • Lindsey

    Congratulations! He is beautiful!

  • Silke

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you both that I actually teared up a little when I saw this post. I’m so glad to know that both you and your little baby boy are doing well. Max is absolutely gorgeous!

  • Charlotte Steggz

    So glad it went well! Congratulations!

  • Laura

    You did it! He’s amazing, a little bundle of cuteness. Happy birthday to Max and huuuge congrats to you and Terry! (I might be crying a bit right now…)

  • Katie

    Huge congratulations to you both. Such a gorgeous photo and loving the name! Was actually thinking of you yesterday wondering how you were going. Thanks for sharing your special news and enjoy this magical time x

  • Anna

    Such an adorable baby face. I’m glad you are both doing so well and I look forward to yourupdates, when ypu can tear yourself away from baba x

  • Kathrin

    Omg!!! Congratulations to you and Terry! So happy for you :-)))))

  • Ghalia

    Congratulations on your beautiful beautiful baby boy! I’m so glad you posted this! Warm wishes from your readers xxxxxx

  • Hayley (fka blankjane)

    Well done!! Beautiful, beautiful boy. I’ve been following your blog since before you got married, and with every bit of happy news my heart leaps for you. Enjoy that sweet baby ?

  • Tina

    Congratulations to you all, beautiful pics an thankyou for sharing so quickly well done???

  • Mona

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you! You did an awesome job and you can be so proud of yourself (I am terrified of C-sections and I admire everyone going through with one). May your recovery be easy! Ivwish you and Terry the best of luck with all new baby things, you will make great parents! Max is extremely cute!

  • Rachel

    Congratulations Amber and Terry! He’s absolutely gorgeous; and what a great name! So happy for you xxxx

  • Jennifer

    Congratulations! So sweet

  • Gillian Robidas

    Congratulations! So excited for you and Terry and can’t wait to hear your stories!!

  • Amy

    Congratulations! Lovely name and perfect baby.

  • Elaine

    Congratulations to all of you. I was overjoyed to log on and see this picture of your beautiful new son with his Dad! Well done Amber. I’m so happy for you!

  • Tracey

    Congratulations Amber and Terry, and welcome to the family Max!

  • WeeBurd

    Congratulations Amber & Terry, and welcome to the world wee Max! You did it, Mrs. ?? xxx

  • Cass H

    Huge congratulations to you both on your new arrival! He is so adorable!!

    Can’t wait to see a picture of the new family of three!

    You bloody went and did it!! So so happy for you!!

  • Myra

    I am so delighted that you baby boy has arrived safely. I love his name (obviously, and as your mum, Max’s new gran said, now we both have a Max).
    I am sure he will be every bit as much fun as ours and as loving.
    Congratulations to you all and very well done. I am so proud of how you overcame your fears to bring Max into the world.

  • Skimpy

    Congrats to you three 🙂

  • Wave to Mummy

    How wonderful! What a lovely little man and a gorgeous name. Congratulations!

  • Honest Mum

    He’s so beautiful! Congrats! Is your husband Greek, recognised the surname x

  • Frida

    Wow congratulations! Sweet little boy he is ?Welcome Max!

  • Annabelle

    Félicitations to you three! Plenty of love to come. I’m so relieved to know you and Max did just fine. He is lovely.

  • Veronica U

    Congratulations!! I got chills when I saw your Insta update earlier. So happy for your family. Enjoy every precious moment 🙂

  • Kim

    Congratulations! He’s beautiful and precious!

  • Mel

    Congratulations to you and Terry, Max is absolutely beautiful! So very happy for you.

  • Trudy

    I wasn’t going to post a comment, because I don’t have anything original to post, but I just HAD to say congratulations! He looks absolutely perfect! And I’m pleased you have obviously come through OK too. Hugs to all ?❤

  • Judy

    Thanks for posting, I was thinking of you and wondering how it went! He is beautiful. You should be in awe of what YOU grew.

  • Kate

    The biggest of congratulations to you and Terry, Amber! Although I really never comment, I’ve been following this pregnancy from the beginning and you’ve been in my thoughts so much over the last few days! I’ve been sending all my positive thoughts and finger-crossing from halfway around the world, even though I know it’s silly I hoped all of our support could be felt and help in some way. I’m SO incredibly happy that you are both doing so well, and so excited to see more of Max! Hugs xx

  • Tanya

    Congratulations, Amber. You have such a cute baby boy. Best wishes to all of you!

  • Rachael

    Congratulations Amber & Terry and well done for getting through those months of anxiety. He is absolutely stunning!

  • Moni

    My goodness, he’s SO cute! 🙂
    Congratulations and all the best to all of you!!!-

  • Charlotte Lane

    So incredibly happy for you both! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed following your journey and reading all of your pregnancy posts and I’m looking forward to following more of your journey 🙂 xo

  • Marie

    He’s beautiful Amber! Congratulations to you and Terry. What an amazing achievement – you should be super proud of yourself. Hell, I’m proud of you and I don’t even know you!

  • Ginger

    How darling! Congratulations on a safe arrival! Max has Terry’s eyes. What a sweetie!

  • Barbara West

    Hurray for Max! And hurray for his parents, Amber and Terry! He is charming and beautiful and all that babies should be. Thank you so much for sharing the photo and


  • Kelly Glen

    Congratulations to you and Terry. I was thinking about you on the day and I am so glad to see that everything is fine. He looks a real little beauty already and you must be so pleased. What a great start to the new year. Thank you for keeping us updated on how it went.
    Take care and all the best.

  • rings90

    Congratulations. Max is adorable.

  • Justine

    Many congratulations Amber and Terry, welcome little Max, thankyou for the gorgeous photo.
    I wish the THREE of you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

  • kim

    congratulations! he’s adorable!

    midnight snark

  • Sarah B

    Yaaaaaaaay!!! Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you both!!!! As you’ve shared with us, this was such a scary hurdle for you, and I’m really so happy that both you and your adorable little Max are doing okay 🙂 He’s soooo cute! Wishing you and your lovely family a very happy new year, and all the best for a restful recovery! ❤️

  • Nellie

    Congratulations to you and Terry! I’m so glad you and Max are doing well. He’s beautiful.

  • Amanda

    Congratulations. He is beautiful !

  • Congrats! He is the cutest! Enjoy every moment with him!

  • Kirsty

    Congratulations!! Hope all went well and you’re home very soon with your new family ❤️

  • Anna

    Congratulations!! He’s beautiful and I’m so happy for you!

  • Ashley Hutchinson

    OMG he’s perfection!!! Cannot tell you how thrilled I am for you — your beautiful Max is so lucky to have such wonderful parents!!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

  • Teresa

    Such a cute little thing! He’s so beautiful! 🙂
    Wishing all the best for the three of you!

  • D. Johnson

    He is so beautiful! Congratulations! Thank you for keeping us updated. I was thinking of you, Terry and Max. Enjoy bonding. ((hugs)) He’s so adorable!

  • Viridiana

    Congratulations to you and Terry and welcome Max!

  • Kirti

    Aww he is adorable.. Congratulations to both of you.. 🙂

  • Amber Rhodes

    Congratulations, well done to all of you! Good luck!!

  • Brenda

    OMG that MIGHT be the cutest baby I have ever seen! Look at how alert he is!!! Great name, too, by the way! Congratulations to you all!

  • Cathie

    Congratulations Amber, so glad you are all well, I too have been putting out the good vibes. Enjoy this precious time.

  • Angela

    Congrats on little Max. He is so adorable! I hope you’re going to enjoy motherhood!

  • Sophikita

    So cute, congratulations!!! Xx

  • Welcome to the world, Max! He’s so adorable!

  • Laura

    How wonderful. I hope all three of you have a 2018 full of love, good health and happiness xx

  • Catherine

    What a beauty. Max looks just like his dad!

  • Inge

    What a precious baby boy! Big congratulations, Amber & Terry! Wishing the three of you all the happiness in the world!

  • Ruth

    Congrats and God bless the little one and your family x

  • Turkesha


  • Luc

    Congratulations – what a blessing! Wonderful start to 2018 – enjoy every moment 🙂

  • Amy

    Well done Amber! Congratulations to you and Terry and a big welcome to Baby Max! <3

  • Veronica

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you all!

  • Laurie

    Congratulations! I’m so happy both you and baby are happy and healthy.

  • Mandy

    Congratulations! He is absolutely perfect xxxx

  • Dawn Alliman

    Congratulations, Amber and Terry. Max is gorgeous! I’m very sorry to hear about Terry’s Mum. I’ve been following your blog on and off for a few months now, after finding it by accident. You have a great mix of articles and I sympathise about your anxiety issues, but the way you write about them is absolutely hilarious. You do know yourself. Anyway, congratulations again, and parenthood is the wonderfullest (I know), scariest, funniest thing, and I hope you enjoy every moment of it. Dawn