Snapshots of San Francisco

Hello from San Francisco!

Well, we got to the West coast safe and (mostly) sound, and I have a few minutes to spare while I’m waiting for everyone to be ready for breakfast, so I thought I’d quickly show you some photos from my phone (which is all I have to take pictures with at the moment, on account of our camera being surgically attached to Terry’s face at all time). Here are some quick snaps from yesterday, when we walked for around 10 miles around the city, and which you’ve probably already seen if you follow me on Twitter…

(A pair of shoes, just lying in the gutter. I would love to know the story behind that…)

And oh yeah, I might have shopped:

(Sorry about the super-blurry photo, I think my hands must’ve been shaking with excitement…)

I also found a Hermes scarf for $0.99 in Goodwill. People really weren’t joking about the quality of the vintage stores here.

So far? We LOVE San Francisco. Tonight: the night boat to Alcatraz!

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I also write books
  • Nikki G


    So glad you guys are having a good time in San Francisco! I love the city. They have a lot of great little dive bars and hole in the wall restaurants. It is a great, great city as long as you don’t mind the fog.

    June 4, 2011
  • Looks like you’re having an awesome time! Oh, how I wish I was going someplace nice this summer. It seems like everyone else on earth is going on some lovely trip.

    And I’m very intrigued by the abandoned shoes.

    June 4, 2011
  • Adoring these snapshots…wish I were there! you need to show us that Hermes scarf when you have the time xxxx

    June 4, 2011
  • Sandy


    Ooooh Bettie Page bag..oooh…ooooohh!!!

    Glad to see you’ve arrived safely!

    Sorry…my priorities are all wrong some times!
    So, whatsinthebag, whatsinthebag??!?! 😀

    June 4, 2011
  • maz aka MallyMon


    Oh, I do love SF! But how weird, that you, shoeperwoman, should come across a random pair of shoes in the gutter…! (Don’t forget to wear flowers in your hair before you leave, btw…)

    June 4, 2011
  • Welcome to SF!

    June 5, 2011
  • Oooh – Bettie Page excitement! Looking gforward to see your purchases. Also, pleased to hear on the news yesterday that not one, not two, but THREE volcanoes wauted until your safe arrival before errupting! Cx

    June 6, 2011
  • Erin


    Hermes! Scarf! Betty! Page! *faints*

    June 6, 2011
    • Erin


      Woah. So. Breathless. Misspelt. Bettie. *faints some more*

      (Finding an Hermes scarf is my DREAM.)

      June 6, 2011
  • San Francisco is such a great city, you’ll have lots of fun! I also did some shopping in that Bettie Page store, they have so much wonderful dresses… 🙂

    June 8, 2011