Stuff. In the form of a list.

Because I am lazy:

1. I still haven’t found The Dress. This is much to the distress of Terry, because it seems that I just can’t stop talking about it. I mean, I thought I’d maybe be OVER IT by now. But no. The loss of my preshus dress is as fresh and as painful as it was on that dreadful day that I realised it was gone. GOD.

2. I have, however, bought another dress. It didn’t really make me feel better, to be honest. I mean, it’s a nice dress and all, but it’s JUST NOT THE SAME.

3. See, still can’t stop talking about it.

4. On a positive note, I haven’t lost or broken anything else this week. Not that I know of, anyway. I DID think I’d lost Ted this morning when I was making the bed, but it turned out he was just hiding under a pile of Terry’s clothes. Here’s what he was wearing:


I just hope Nike are paying him well, is all I can say.

5. When I was coming out of the gym yesterday, SLEET started falling out of the sky. And, OK, it only lasted for a few minutes, and then we were back to brilliant sunshine (then torrential rain. Then brilliant sunshine. Then thunder. Then torrential rain. Then brilliant… oh, you get the picture.), but still, SLEET. Sleet.

6. Because of the whole non-stop-rain thing, my lawn hasn’t been mown for three weeks now, and has consequently grown into a small jungle. I’m actually afraid to let Rubin out there in case he never finds his way back. (Thought: could The Dress be in the Jungle Garden?) Weirdly, though, all of our neighbours still have perfectly manicured lawns. HOW DO THEY DO IT? Are they mowing their lawns during the middle of the night or something? No, really, how?

7. Number 6? That right there tells you why updates have been few and far between this week, because THAT’S how interesting my life has been, really.

8. At least Rubin has been helping me with the blogging, though:


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I also write books
  • Awww Rubin looks so cute and important in that pic:)
    .-= Veronika´s last blog ..Leisure. =-.

    July 31, 2009
  • Re: Number 5 – it's been torrential rain / sunny / torrential rain / sunny down in London too – but without the sleet. Sleet, in July?! Maybe British Summer and British Winter are having a fight. I suspect British Winter is winning.
    .-= Gemma´s last blog ..Stuff That Works: Zam-Buk =-.

    July 31, 2009
  • Sleet?! Brrrr. Rubin looks so cute there, 'helping'!
    .-= Rachel Pattisson´s last blog ..Look What We Made! – Craft Cress Heads =-.

    July 31, 2009
  • Maz aka MallyMon


    Ah, you have Rubin. Nothing else matters really, does it?!

    July 31, 2009
  • Haha, such a good helper.
    .-= Amanda Nicole´s last blog walk: UBC =-.

    July 31, 2009
  • Now we know where the blogging magic happens.
    .-= Kristabella´s last blog ..Dear God, Thank You For The Blog Material =-.

    July 31, 2009
  • Hoshi


    My cat does almost the same thing to me- except that he sits on top of my arms.
    Sounds like a bad week for you- hope things look up!

    July 31, 2009
  • Sophie


    SLEET??? If I were you, I would search the jungle garden for your dress….

    July 31, 2009
  • Sleet? Good god that is ridiculous! I am forced (not for the first time I might add) to question what is happening with British weather? Absurd I tell you! And I got caught (unhooded) in the most horrific rainstorm today, miles from home. I was not most pleased, I can tell you!
    .-= Lauren´s last blog ..The Phenomena of “The Sale” =-.

    August 1, 2009
  • I have that very same red metal chest of drawers as you! But no little dog to help me write.
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Oh oh oh! Love Your Look is live on UK MAC site =-.

    August 5, 2009
  • If you have a photo of The Dress, you could have it made up in a different fabric. Good news/bad news: you choose your seamstress carefully, it’s not cheap, it’s not instantaneous, you get to pick out the fabric, it’s custom fitted to you, it will be easier to replicate down the road if you want it in more than one color, and if The Dress turns up again, it will have a lil’ sis!

    August 21, 2015