how to get big hair

Review: Swarzkopf Got2b Powderful Volumizing Styling Powder

hair volumising powder

This month, my ongoing quest for Big Hair led to to purchase a tub of Swarzkopf Got2b Powderful Volumizing Styling Powder. Two things about this:

1. The fact that they used numbers as letters in the product name hurts my heart a little.

2. I do no use styling products on my hair. Ever. Well, I mean, I’ll occasionally give it a blast of hairspray if I’m wearing it up, but only very occasionally, because I hate that “crunchy” feel it creates, and I have a habit of using too much and ending up looking like I’m wearing a hair helmet.

The fact is, most styling products don’t seem to make a whit of difference to my hair, other than in a negative sense: I have very greasy roots, and almost everything I try seems only to make them even more greasy. So, to say I wasn’t expecting much from this would be an understatement. In fact, if I remember rightly, I think I actually purchased it on eBay, because I was too cheap to pay full price for something I was sure I’d use once, hate, and then put in a drawer, never to be seen again.

But I was wrong.

Got2b Powderful is, as I’m sure you’ve guessed from the name, a powder which you apply to the roots of the hair in order to create volume. I was suspicious of this because I tend to be clumsy, and I imagined myself spilling it all over a black dress or something, and then walking around like Casper the Friendly Ghost all day. Or ending up with grey roots, because, me being me, I would be sure to use too much.

I needn’t have worried, though. (Or not about the grey roots, at least: I probably still SHOULD worry about the spillages…) This, you see, is a very finely milled powder, which the instructions advise you to tip onto the palm of your hand, and then gently rub your hands together, before distributing it through your roots. (You can also simply tip it onto the roots of your hair, if you’re feeling adventurous…) When you do, it becomes invisible, as if by magic, (Note: no actual magic is used in this product. It does become undetectable on your skin, though.) and you can then rub it onto your roots without fear of it turning them grey. I generally tip my head upside down to do this, and try to distribute it as evenly as possible. Then I tip my head back up the right way, and just like that, my transformation into a crazy lady with implausibly large hair is complete!

[Yes, this post would’ve been more useful if I’d included a photo. But I didn’t, so you’re just going to have to take my word for it.]

All joking aside, though, this does make quite a difference to my fine, poker-straight stuff, and I’m happy to report that it does it without creating a sticky, greasy mess at the roots. Yes, you can tell that there’s some product there when you touch it, but you can’t tell by looking at it, and I like it enough to have made it a permanent addition to my morning hair routine.

This is priced from around £2.99 and you can click here to buy it from Amazon.

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  • you are so pretty! you look like amy adams on enchanted! 🙂

    November 30, 2011
    • Wow, thank you! I absolutely love Amy Adams, so that’s a huge compliment!

      November 30, 2011
  • KON


    I can only recommend the got2b styling line by Schwartzkopf. I used it sometimes myself, especially some spray to make your hair all bling bling 🙂
    It’s just some spray that doesn’t have that hair spray effect of plastic hair. Easy to apply and with nice effect. My bright blonde hair is super shiny afterwards and its a good finish for every hair-do.

    December 1, 2011