Swimming with dolphins (and jumping really high…)

dolphinsWe tried to get the dolphin to do YMCA with us, but at least one of us couldn’t spell…

This was the most amazing experience, and something I’ve wanted to do for years. It was worth every penny, too, and we were in the water with the dolphins for about 30 minutes, which gave us plenty of time to play with them. (Don’t tell Rubin, though: he gets jealous…)

Also, Terry has complained that the last “jumping” shot I posted here wasn’t an accurate reflection of his mad jumping skillz, so I would like to submit the following into evidence:


Let the record show that Terry can, in fact, jump much higher than me. He can’t keep his tongue in his mouth when he does it, though, and I can. I’ll beat him next time 😉

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  • You two are so cute 🙂

    I love your swimsuit, btw! I didn't get enough time to find beautiful vintage swimmers in the USA… although I managed to find four gorgeous skirts at JC Penney and yummy vintage red lipsticks at MAC! Also, spent roughly a bazillion times more than I meant to at Disneyland, but… WOOOT!!

    OMG, Disneyland is THE BEST PLACE EVER! When you guys go to Florida next year, Dave and I might just coincidentally book a Disneyland-Disney World-Harry Potter World trip at the same time… 😉

    June 24, 2009
  • Sophie


    Wow!! Terry was right – the other photo didn't do his jumping skills justice! Swimming with dolphins sounds soo great! I've always wanted to do it too 🙂

    June 24, 2009
  • Wow, sounds great! BTW: Happy belated BDay Terry! Love your bikini, you look great! (Totally jealous b/c of the Louboutins, heehee) Have a great holiday!

    June 24, 2009
  • Awwwww, I am so jealous! Swimming with dolphins is one of those "must do before I die" things. Also, I don't think it's that Terry can't keep his tongue in his mouth when he jumps, it's actually that if he doesn't stick his tongue out he can't jump!

    June 24, 2009
  • Oh my! What fun! And you look really sweet. And very cute swimsuit (where's it from?)!

    June 24, 2009
  • Have to apologise to Terry – you are the jump master.

    How cool to swim with dolphins, definitely something I want to do sooner rather than later.

    .-= Mhairi´s last blog ..David's Kilt – Done =-.

    June 24, 2009
  • I want to swim with dolphins!
    .-= Amanda Nicole´s last blog ..late to bed, early to rise =-.

    June 24, 2009
  • Soooo cool! Sooo jealous…
    .-= Lauren´s last blog ..Getting Crunchy =-.

    June 24, 2009