The Auditorio de Tenerife

The Auditorio de Tenerife




The Auditorio de TenerifeThe Auditorio de Tenerife

The Auditorio de Tenerife

This is the Auditorio de Tenerife, which is located in the island’s capital city, Santa Cruz, and is home to the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. Pretty cool, huh?

Here’s the back view:

The Auditorio de Tenerife“It looks like a butt,” said Terry. And sure enough, once you see it, you can’t UN-see it. Sorry to lower the tone…

For those of you whose mental age is higher than ours obviously is, this building – and the area around it – is well worth a visit, if you’re ever in the area: it’s just stunning to look at, and although we weren’t allowed inside, we spent quite a bit of time just wandering around and enjoying the view. The building is right on the coast, next to the Parque Maritimo lido – which looked particularly inviting to me, given that I’d managed to totally mess up with that whole “dressing myself” business again. GOD.

Santa Cruz, you see, is located in the north of the island: every other time we’ve been there, it’s been pretty overcast, and I’d been quite chilly the previous week, when we visited nearby Puerto de La Cruz, so this time I thought I’d be clever, and wear jeans and a blazer, rather than the sundress I’d normally have gone for. What YOU know and I obviously didn’t, however, is that “being clever” in this case would’ve meant checking the weather forecast, because yup, it was absolutely boiling. I kept my blazer on for these photos – er, because otherwise this outfit would’ve been even MORE boring – but, in a strange reversal of my usual photo-taking process, I had to take it off as soon as we were done. One day I swear to God I’ll learn how to dress for the weather: one day…
Parque Maritimo, Santa Cruz, Tenerife

The Auditorio de Tenerife

Here’s some more info on the Auditorio de Tenerife:

  • Located on Constitution Avenue in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Designed by architect Santiago Calatrava.
  • Reaches a maximum height of 58 meters before curving downwards and narrowing to a point.
  • One of the most prestigious and important centres in the Canary Islands, as well as an emblem for the city and the island.
  • Looks a bit like a butt when viewed from a certain angle.
  • As well as concerts, the Auditorio de Tenerife is also used for theatrical productions. It has a total capacity of 1600 seats and the main auditorium is crowned by a dome.
  • There are a variety of performances scheduled at the Auditorio de Tenerife each year including concerts, sports and theatre events. These performances take place in the main auditorium, the music hall and other smaller rooms.
  • Looks good on Instagram.
  • The opera department of the Auditorio de Tenerife is also able to offer a special rate for children and students, as well as discounts on a number of shows. If you are a member of a large family, you can get a 30% discount on the price of your season ticket.

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  • I like your dresses and skirts as well as your simple jeans and blazer outfits.


    April 8, 2016
  • Hi Amber, with that building shape like a bum – I see boobs. What are we like! *ahem*.

    April 8, 2016
  • You look stunning!!! I love that outfit! And yes, haha I think it’s so great when bloggers re-wear!

    xx Chelsea

    April 12, 2016


    You look stunning !! and I love the jeans and the shoes. you help me a lot because i think i have a way to always put two things who don’t go together. it’s such a shame. this year i try to learn how to dress with my clothes and put them together so you help me a lot!!!even if i look at your shoes and wish to be abble to wear them and also afford them !! lol did you know where i can find similar jeans and shoes?

    June 5, 2016