True Confessions

Seeing as my “Amber in ‘I Wear Uggs’ Shocker!” post went over better than I expected, I have climbed into the virtual confessional to produce some more shockers for you:

  • I have been wearing leggings to the gym. Oh, don’t worry, I’ve been wearing them with a long t-shirt, so I’m not exposing my crotch and butt all the time, a la Lindsay Lohan (well, I wasn’t until yesterday, when I threw on my gym clothes in a hurry and didn’t realise until I got onto the treadmill that, whoops, my long t-shirt had shrunk in the wash) but I have been wearing them. See, the thing is, being short and somewhat skinny, I couldn’t find any yoga/jogging style pants to fit me, and I’d rather not expose my pale blue winter legs to the gym-going public, so leggings seemed like the only choice. And you know what? I love them. They are oh-so-comfy, and don’t trip me up on the treadmill, like the jogging pants would have. What more could a girl want? (Oh, yeah, some style. I get it.)
  • I have been cheating at NaNoWriMo. See, I’ve already written a huge chunk of my novel, so, rather than start a new one (because the neat-freak in me hates the thought of lots of half-finished novels lying around) I’ve been… well, let’s just say I’ve been copying and pasting chunks of the existing novel into the new one. Sorry, NaNoWriMo!
  • Despite doing this, I have still only reached 10,000 words. Goodbye, fat advance check! Goodbye book tour! Goodbye, cruel literally world!
  • That whole “five portions of fruit and veg per day” thing? Screw that.
  • When I was a kid, my dad once managed to persuade me that March 10th (my birthday) had been “cancelled” by the government, as part of an ongoing project to change the calendar. I believed him, because I am THAT STUPID.
  • I think I was about ten at the time, i.e. old enough to know better
  • Terry once convinced me that the word “gullible” had been removed from the dictionary. Yes, I checked.
  • I think I was about 25 at the time…
  • I don’t floss.
  • I still count on my fingers.
  • And I sometimes forget which is “left” and which is “right”. If you asked me to turn right, for instance, I’d have to surreptitiously twist my hand into a “holding a pen” shape to remind myself which one that is.
  • My eyes are so sensitive to light that I carry my sunglasses with me at all times, and have got into the habit of wearing them whether I need to or not. So if you ever see a stupid looking redhead out wearing Ugg boots and sunglasses on a really dull day, that’ll be me.
  • I am completely incapable of listening to my iPod without singing along, or at least mouthing the words. This makes me look like even more of an idiot when I’m at the gym. (See “I wear leggings to the gym,” above.)
  • When I first joined the gym we’re members of now, I got so bored that I’d take a book or a magazine with me and prop it up on the front of the bike, so I could read while I “worked out”.
  • Yes, I DID have to cycle really slowly to make that possible…
  • When I was a kid, I briefly had a picture of Prince Charles on my bedroom wall.
  • My parents were really relieved when it was replaced with one of Han Solo instead…
  • Sometimes when I have absolutely nothing to say for myself here on my blog, I like to make lists instead of going to the effort of writing a proper entry. What do you mean you hadn’t noticed?

OK, the confession booth is closed. Your turn now…

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • I totally don't "feel" right and left either. I mostly just guess.

    November 15, 2007
  • I hate vegetables so instead of eating them, I'll juice them and then slam down the juice so I get my stupid vegetable intake for the day.

    I kept a pair of STIRRUP pants (trousers) in my wardrobe even though I don't wear them.

    I forget left and right, too so I have to take my hand and hold up my index fingers and thumbs to see which one makes the L for left.

    I listen to Christmas music all year round. On my ipod. And I sing with it. In public. And don't care.

    You had a picture of Prince Charles on your wall? I'm so sad for you. 🙁 hehe

    November 15, 2007
  • I could get past the leggings, but Prince Charles?

    November 15, 2007
  • First off, there is NOTHING wrong with bulleted blog posts like this. I say that because I do them all the time.

    I count on my fingers.

    I mouth the words when listening to my iPod. I don't see the point otherwise.

    And I have very sensitive retinas, so I'm the jackass in Chicago wearing sunglasses every day. Sometimes those cloudy days are too squinty. Yeah, it's a word.

    November 15, 2007
  • Amy


    I just about spit out my coffee when I read the Prince Charles/Han Solo bit.

    I frequently think to myself "man, Amy, that was STUPID, why did you do that?" Once I was thinking that after I missed the bus… and someone turned to look at me. I wasn't thinking it. I was saying it. My boyfriend confirmed that I do that all the time… it wasn't a one-time slip.

    November 16, 2007
  • We share a birthday, so if what your dad told you had been true, I'd be pretty upset myself! I also mouth words along with my mp3 player, worse yet, I dance along with it too…yeah, I know. When I used to go to the gym, I'd watch cooking shows while on the eliptical machine…I must be the only person who watches the Food Network while I'm trying to lose weight. Not smart.

    November 16, 2007
  • I'm so glad I'm not the ONLY person in the world to do the pen holding thing to work out left and right – everyone I know laugs at me because it is apparently SO much cooler (and more normal) to make the L shape for left with your hands…

    And while we're confessing, I had a picture of Philip Schofield on my wall – circa Going Live! And also the centre page out of Smash Hits with all the words to 'Too Many Broken Hearts' and a big close up of Jason D in a brown suedette jacket…

    Maybe I have confessed too much!

    November 19, 2007
  • As far as I can tell, NOBODY in Ireland knows their left from their right. This is important to keep in mind when getting directions from people here. Love your blog. I happened onto it because Forever Amber was my favourite book as an adolescent, but I will be back!

    November 19, 2007
  • Heidi


    I am constantly amazed by small things. That might sound like a good thing, but trust me, its not when you are amazed by a plain old truck.

    There was this one time I was crossing the street and a huge truck appear out of no where. I thought "oh my, look at that big truck!" As it happens, I said that out loud. My bf looked at me like I was a moron. That was eight years ago, today, my bf still like at me sometimes with that same 'moron, unreadable expression'. lol

    There, I am amazed by small stupid things and I say things out loud without filtering through them.

    November 21, 2007