If you were to ask me to name my #1 autumn style essential (And I honestly don’t know why you would ask me that, but let’s just go with this, OK?), I’d have absolutely no hesitation in declaring it to be the humble biker jacket.
Or, you know, FOUR humble biker jackets: because, at the time of writing, I currently own a black one, a green one, a beigey-creamy-green one, and now this gorgeous tan one, which was part of the River Island package I received earlier this week. And, honestly? I would buy more, if I possibly could. Like, I don’t think one in every colour would be too much? Or ENOUGH, even? Because, once you have every colour, you also need them all in leather AND suede. Fur trimmed (Or faux-fur, in this case: I don’t buy real fur…) or not fur-trimmed. You get the picture, I’m sure.
So, I love biker jackets, is what I’m trying to say, here. I particularly love River Island biker jackets, too: that’s where my beloved green jacket came from, after all, and I wear it constantly at this time of year, which is why I was so excited to see this tan version on the site, too. River Island generally release a selection of jackets in this style every season: they normally have a cropped shape, a detachable faux-fur colour, and what is, for me, the perfect fit. I’d been on the lookout for a tan biker jacket for absolutely ages now (To this day, I still think about the one I didn’t buy in March 2016: one of the biggest regrets of my life, that…), so this one was the answer to my prayers.
This was another one of those freakishly warm autumn days we’ve been having this year, so I could probably have done without the detachable faux fur collar, to be totally honest. I love the drama it adds to the outfit, though, so I left it on for now, although the jacket does look pretty good without it, too. To go with it, I also chose these matching ankle boots: I know some of you will cringe in horror at the heel, but I wore these all day, while pushing a baby around in a stroller, and then wore them out again in the evening – again with a baby in tow. I’ve said it before, but when it comes to walking in heels, I generally find boots much more comfortable than shoes, purely because of the ankle support. I now have my eye on this similar pair: and, as with the multiple biker jackets, I’d justify this purchase on the grounds that you can never have too many pairs of boots. And, when you live in Scotland, where it’s autumn for approximately 10 months of the year (The other two months are normally winter…), you really can’t.
Hey, did I mention that the jacket also comes in grey and cream? I think I might need an intervention, guys…
Related: How to walk in high heels
11/09/2018I love the colour of that jacket. I’ve been enjoying trenchcoats myself this autumn seeing as it’s taking a bit longer than usual to get cold enough for thick winter coats!
Jill www.stylishatsixty.wordpress.com
11/10/2018You look fabulous! This jacket , style and colour look great on you.
11/13/2018this outfit is gorgeous!! love the jacket!
sarah x // http://www.sarahjanelamb.co.uk
11/16/2018I love this tan jacket! How do you find the quality and fit? As with many biker jackets, I worry about faux suede being too stiff and the length being TOO cropped…
Been pouring over your blog since seeing you featured in Angie’s (YLF) blog! I am a fellow ginger (and a mum!) and struggle with dressing. Your site has been SO helpful!
11/16/2018The quality’s great – it’s not stiff at all!