This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Just nine months after we last flooded our house, it happened again.
You know how there are some things in life that pretty much everyone has done? I'm taking here about things so commonplace that when someone mentions one of them, everyone else ...
As I write this, we're just about to enter week 4 of what I've come to think of as DIY hell. Four weeks, people. Four weeks of dust, mess, and a ...
I'll be totally honest with you here: I wasn't going to write a post about my Russian Lashes disaster. I mean, when I decided to start a series called, "I Try ...
Just nine months after we last flooded our house, it happened again.
I''m an awkward person. But you know that. I'm that particularly difficult combination of introverted and shy, and while I do enjoy social occasions (especially when they involve people I'm comfortable ...
About five years ago, almost all of my friends decided to start having children, pretty much simultaneously, and this came as a huge surprise to me, because WHOA, isn't that, ...