24 week baby bump

Maternity Style | LBD, Take 2

maternity outfits: black midi dress with nude heels and green biker jacket

24 week baby bump

black maternity dress with green biker jacket

black Michael Kors handbag

green biker jacket

This post is a collaboration with Esprit

I never thought I’d say it, but I think I’m finally starting to really appreciate the colour black.

And, I mean, to be fair, I’ve always appreciated black … on other people. In fact, I went through a phase in my early 20s when black was more or less the only colour I wore: I had this idea in my head that it would make me look like some kind of cool French girl or something, but actually, it just made me look like I’d been recently exhumed, and once I’d learned that painful lesson, I tried my best to steer clear. I do have my fair share of little black dresses and capri pants, of course, but it’s not a colour I usually go looking for, if you know what I mean?

Then, of course, I got pregnant, and suddenly black clothes were the only thing I could find. Or, OK, not quite the ONLY thing – that’s an exaggeration. Maternity collections tend to rely heavily on dark colours, though, and as frustrating as that was during the summer, when I was looking for lighter, brighter shades, now that autumn is on its way (Or has arrived, depending on which calendar you use: mine is whichever one it is that says autumn doesn’t start until this Friday, meaning I have three more precious days of “summer” to enjoy!) I’m starting to embrace the black – and to really quite like it.

This dress is by Esprit, and it’s not actually from the maternity section: so far I’ve found that this style of stretchy midi dress is by far my favourite thing to wear in this pregnancy, though – they’re just so comfortable, and I love the fact that they can be so easily dressed up or down, too. On the day these photos were taken, I bumped into my neighbour, who asked me if I was wearing a black dress because black is supposed to be “slimming”. I was just like, “Er, no, I think that ship has sailed, somehow!” Actually, I think the main reason I’m liking black so much right now (especially in the form of bodycon dresses) is that it actually helps to emphasise the bump, rather than hiding it – which (hopefully) makes it a whole lot clearer that, yes, that’s a real baby in there, not a food baby! (Although, let’s be honest, there’s a bit of a food baby present in these photos, too…)

With this, I’m wearing my trusty green biker jacket: this is a few years old now, and there’s absolutely no way it would still zip up at this point, but luckily it’s still warm enough to not need it to. I’m absolutely determined not to buy a maternity coat (Because who wants to have to spring for a coat they’re only going to wear for a few weeks), so we’ll see how I get on when winter gets under way, so if the weather could just stay at this kind of temperature for the forseeable, that would be awesome

black maternity midi dress
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Dress c/o Esprit

River Island biker jacket (similar)

Office ‘On to Point’ heels

Michael Kors ‘Hamilton’ satchel*


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  • Just wear some really big scarves with your existing coats if it gets cold, you’ll be fine. xx

    September 19, 2017
  • gosh you look so glamorous!

    September 19, 2017
  • So glam! your hair looks amazing as well xx

    September 19, 2017
  • Valentina


    Amber you shine! Love the look and this lbd suits you perfectly! Big hug from Italy

    September 19, 2017
  • JHP


    When you buy nonmaternity dresses/skirts to wear, do you size up to accommodate the bump, or does the fact that the material is stretchy allow you to base your size on your pre-bump measurements?

    September 19, 2017
  • You look great, Amber! Love that biker. Hopefully, the dropping temperatures won’t be too much of a worry (who knew maternity coats even existed?!!) – I’d just layer up with blanket scarves if I were you.

    September 20, 2017