OUTFIT | Camel and Tan

A camel outfit for winter…

came wiggle dress with over the jknee boots

camel pencil dress with tan bootscamel pencil dress with tan boots

camel outfit ideas

Well, so far March has been hellbent on living to its reputation, and has, indeed, come in like a lion. A really cold, mean old lion. God, I hate lions.

Still, with a bit of luck, our old friend March will also decide to go out like a lamb, which means you should only have to look at a few more photos of me trying my best to stay upright in the snow, while the wind does its best to rip my hair right off my head. (Yes, there are some awesome out-takes from this particular photo shoot. I’m starting to wonder why I bother blow-drying my hair in the mornings, when I could just stick my head out the window for a couple of minutes instead…) I hope so, anyway: I’m pretty much resigned to the fact that I’ll never get to wear my spring clothes ever again, but I gotta admit, I could do without having to mop the floors 15 time per day, thanks to all the snow the dog keeps dragging in…

But enough of this whining! It’s March! The end is in sight! And, in what has to be my most matchy-matchy outfit yet, I have boots which are almost the same colour as my hair! How… interesting.

In other news, by Monday of this week, I’d already managed to commit two random acts of stupidity, both of which involved the same form, which I had to fill out, scan and return to a brand I’m going to be working with soon. (Well, I mean, I WAS going to be working with them soon: let’s hope they still want me, after this…) The first act of stupidity came when I wrote the date as 2014, not once, but THREE times. Three times, people. So, basically, I know it’s March now – I’m just not sure which year it is. GOD.

Once I’d corrected that error, I had to scan the document in order to return it. Now, I had two choices here: I could either go back in time to 2005, which is the last time I used a scanner, or I could go to my parents’ place and get them to do it. I chose the latter option (well, obviously), and it was as I attempted to email the scanned documents back to myself that I committed my second random act of stupidity, which was to attach the WRONG documents to the email. That’s how I ended up emailing a certain brand a copy of the invoice for the work my parents had done on their roof last year. And very interesting they found it, I’m sure.

In related news, this week’s post in my Blog Tips series has the working title, “How to Be Really Professional Online, Just Like I Always Am.” In the meantime, if anyone needs me, I’ll be repeatedly banging my head against the desk…

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camel dress with tan boots

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  • I love the dress, is gorgeous!!

    March 4, 2015
  • Jemma


    This is such a well put together outfit!
    Looks amazing with your hair. I’m loving camel atm.
    Currently looking for a camel gillet

    March 4, 2015
  • Myra


    Loving this outfit x

    March 4, 2015
  • Ima huge fan of those boots! Always hunting for the perfect boot.

    March 4, 2015
  • Lisa


    Your outfit is great!
    And don’t worry – last time I had to fill in a document at the doctor’s I wrote 2015. Unfortunately they asked for my year of birth *head –> desk* (when I phoned them, they asked how old I am because I sounded so young xD)

    March 4, 2015
  • Ah the old wrong document on the email mishap – if nothing else you probably gave them a laugh. And you look good – so, y’know, we can’t all be perfect all of the time… (Matchy matchy is right up my street)

    March 4, 2015
  • Sara


    There is an app called Genius Scan, which allows you to take a picture of anything and make it in to a PDF file and attach it to an email, all from your Ophone. AND it’s free.
    I hope this will save you some future trips and troubles 😉

    March 5, 2015
  • Trudy


    You are so lucky to look so good in camel. I love the colour but when I wear it I look like I died and people forgot to bury me 🙂

    March 5, 2015
  • loving this outfit

    March 5, 2015