The Gnomes Are Increasing In Number

So, Terry and I woke up one morning this week to find that this guy had mysteriously appeared in our garden overnight:

rude gnome

If you’ve been following my gnome saga, you might recall that Terry and I have an ongoing gnome infestation problem. It started with the arrival of three little gnomes back in September (which my parents finally admitted to planting), then one large, evil gnome a short while later (which my parents continue to deny all knowledge of, but which we think our friend Steven knows more about than he’s letting on…).

Suspicion surrounding the latest gnome has, once again, fallen on my parents, and specifically on my mum. As you can see, this gnome is cheerfully flipping us all the bird, and that, my friends, has my mum ALL OVER IT. Er, to give that statement some context: Terry and my mum have an in-joke in which they will each try to flip each other the bird, in some sly kind of way. It’s more amusing than it sounds, which is good, because to be perfectly honest, it sounds pretty weird when you actually write it down.

But anyway! This running joke, combined with the winking, bird-flipping gnome, makes me think my parents are up to their old tricks: they, of course, deny it, but the evidence speaks for itself, don’t you think?

And that was my week! How was yours?


This week’s Morning Coffee was sponsored by Made in Italy is an online boutique, a place where you can find only top-notch and high- quality garments designed, developed and manufactured entirely in Italy. Check out their website here.

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  • Aww no, it sounds like your week’s been a bit frustrating, at least you’ve got chocolate lollipops to get you though now! x

    February 21, 2015
  • Hi! I’m sorry to hear about your week, but the little gnome made me laugh so hard … x Josune, Your Beauty Script

    February 21, 2015
  • Sounds like a frustrating time at your PC! At least you had chocolate to cheer you up – if you hadn’t eaten it beforehand that is!

    February 21, 2015
  • DANA


    When I first saw the little yellow fella on Twitter, I thought it was Mr. Spring giving a special “salute” to Winter.
    Now, reading the backstory, I appreciate his appearance even more :o)

    February 21, 2015
  • Ghalia


    The new gnome is definitely my favourite. Thanks for the laughs – your family is too funny!

    February 24, 2015