Christmas place setting

Christmas Day 2014

Christmas place setting

Cgampagne bottle -

Scrabble place settings for Christmas dinner -


Happy Christmas, everyone!

I hope you’re all enjoying the holiday season: we definitely are – in fact, if we continue to enjoy it to quite this extent, I’m pretty sure I’m going to need a whole new wardrobe, preferably containing only items with elasticated waists. Of course, I COULD just consider stepping away from the Chocolate Orange for a while, but that would be totally un-Christmassy, wouldn’t it?

Our celebrations always begin on Christmas Eve, which also happens to be Terry’s brother’s birthday, so we spent the evening with Terry’s side of the family, before heading to my parents’ place, where we stayed until yesterday evening. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may recall that my mum’s Christmas table-dressing is legendary, and that every year she decorates the table around a different theme. This year’s theme was words/books, so we had Scrabble place-settings, a book tower (which she found in a second-hand store, and re-painted herself), and hand-made paper decorations, printed with the titles of some of our favourite books, and, of course, blogs. Ahem.

Book-themed table decoration -

Home-made Christmas decoration -

(I suspect I may be partly responsible for this theme, because ever since I mentioned that 2015 would be the year I finally wrote my best-seller, my family have all been excitedly wondering what I’ll wear on the talk-show circuit, and if I’ll be able to introduce them to J.K. Rowling. Let’s hope those 424 words don’t disappoint, huh?)

Once the table had been admired, we moved on to the feast:

Christmas place setting

Christmas dinner - starter and sorbet

Christmas dinner and a hungry dog

We don’t always go for the traditional turkey dinner at Christmas, but this year was an exception, and it was amazing. Before long we were all absolutely stuffed, but there was one more surprise in store, in the shape of this fabulous cake which my dad made:

Igloo cake

‘Hot Igloo’, for the uninitiated, is the name of our business – apparently my dad had seen an igloo cake in a shop somewhere, and considered buying it, before thinking, “What the hell: I’ll just make one myself!” And he did. Isn’t it amazing?! (It tasted as good as it looked, too…)

Bucks Fizz on Christmas morning

My Christmas day dress was Boden’s ‘Beatrice’ dress, which I snapped up in the sale last week, thinking it would come in handy both for Christmas day itself, and for any other holiday parties that present themselves. For now, though, I mostly just want to do this:

sleeping dog, lying

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone!

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Ghalia


    You look STUNNING! Glad you had a lovely Christmas 🙂

    December 27, 2014
  • Love your outfit. The igloo cake looks amazing, very interesting design.

    December 27, 2014
  • Suki


    Everything looks perfect, such a pretty table setting. Love the way Rubin is waiting nicely for some scraps.

    December 27, 2014
  • The table settings are just stunning! Lovely outfit, too. xxx

    December 27, 2014
  • Hana


    Adore the table dressing, adore Rubin!

    December 27, 2014
  • Your mom’s table is INCREDIBLE. (Sorry for the shouty letters, but it is!) I love the theme, and that she incorporated your blog – so sweet!!! The food looks absolutely amazing as well, totally worth the elasticised waistbands (or hours spent sweating and cursing on the treadmill come January). And you look darling as always! Keep enjoying the holidays Amber!
    Can’t wait for the bestseller.

    P.S. By a creepy-crazy coincidence, I am writing my own bestseller in 2015 as well. Is there something in the water?

    December 28, 2014
  • Happy Christmas! This all looks gorgeous but mostly I just want to gush about that cake – amazing!

    December 28, 2014
  • Merry Christmas Amber. Tell your mum she has great taste, maybe she should be a blogger too x

    December 28, 2014
  • Lisa


    Merry Christmas! (Although it’s a little bit late…)
    The table looks stunning, your mom has a great taste! But thinking of my dad, the igloo cake is even more incredible.
    I really like “our christmas” which is relaxed and comfy, but we definitely lack your glamour 😉

    Greetings, Lisa

    December 28, 2014
  • Ellesworth


    I love your Mum’s Christmas table decorations and your Dad’s cake. Your family are awesome. 🙂

    Gorgeous dress. It looks as if it runs quite large in the top half, was that the case?

    December 28, 2014
  • Aw, your Christmas was just what I had envisaged for mine! Except where you had glitter shoes, a party dress, and an impeccably set table, i was lying ill on the sofa in leggings and comfy tunic, and all hope at table decorations was lost. I love your Mum’s imagination for the Christmas table – maybe next year I can up my game! Hope you enjoy the rest of the festive season x

    December 28, 2014
  • Maria


    I would totally read a blog by your Mom on setting a rocking table! What a gorgeous spread! You clearly have an artistic family 🙂

    December 29, 2014
  • Love the words/books theme, may have to steal that for one of the legendary dinner parties I will be renowned for throwing once I move out of my parents’ house… and learn to cook. Yeah, this plan has a flaw somewhere… 😉

    December 29, 2014
  • What beautiful photos! I adore the book theme and the table looks absolutely stunning. As does your dress.
    I hope you had a wonderful day xx

    January 1, 2015
  • Your Christmas looks beautiful! That table setting is amazing and that dress, Yowser!

    January 2, 2015
  • That’s a gorgeous dress – and ooooh those super pretty sparkly heels! Your mom is a super star and your dad, too! Really impressive and original! I’m glad you had a great time together! Best wishes from the couch 🙂

    January 2, 2015
  • Such a beautiful table setting! Congrats to your mom! And of course to your dad who made that cake! It looks delicious, and I’m sure it was.
    And you looked stunning in your dress! Of course I mostly admired the shoes!
    Looks like you had an amazing Christmas Day! 🙂

    January 3, 2015
  • Selina


    Can I adopt your mum? If you could just parcel her up and send her to NZ, that would be great!

    Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year! xx

    January 4, 2015