hair in bun with oversized bow

Old Hollywood Inspired

Old Hollywood inspired style
hair in bun with oversized bow
v-back jumper and stripe Tibi midi skirt


I hope you’ve all had a good start to 2015. After a few years of going out for New Year’s Eve, Terry and I decided to spend this one with our families, which made for a nice, relaxing start to the year, and also gave me plenty of time to indulge in some of the maudlin introspection I’m prone to as the old year slips away. I’d spent the earlier part of the evening scrolling through my Bloglovin’ feed, and catching up with the ‘year in review’ posts everyone had published, all of which seemed to refer to huge changes, life-altering experiences and the generally wild and crazy ride 2014 had been for the authors of the posts. My 2014, meanwhile… well, it was fine.

Don’t get me wrong: there’s a lot to be said for fine. I consider any year in which nothing bad happened to be a pretty good one, and, by that standard, 2014 was definitely better than fine. While last year seems to have heralded some pretty major changes for so many of you, however, I feel a bit like my year was spent standing still, treading water… er, mixing metaphors, apparently. And as I said, I can’t really complain about that, but as the clock struck midnight I found myself hoping this year will be a little bit more than just fine, and that when I look back on it, 12 months from now, I’ll have some landmark moments of my own to remember.

It’s exciting, the start of a new year, because absolutely anything could happen, and isn’t that an amazing thought? It’s also a little bit scary, though, because, well, anything could happen, and isn’t that just a terrifying thought, too? I may not be a fan of New Year, however, but I’m a sucker for a fresh start and, on January 1st, as I got ready for the traditional New Year’s Day dinner, I found myself listening to Counting Crows’ A Long December on repeat. It’s one of my favourite songs of all time, and different lines from it have had special meaning for me at different points in my life, but yesterday morning it was the last line of the final verse that stood out: “I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself / to hold on to these moments as they pass.”

I’ve never been the type to make lists of resolutions, but if I had to name one goal for this year – and for this blog, come to think of it – I guess that would be it: to hold on to these moments as they pass.*

2014 was a long December. But as the song says, maybe this year will be better than the last.

Audrey Hepburn inspired*Also to lose those extra few Christmas pounds and write a book. Well, they can’t ALL be vague, poetic-sounding goals, can they?

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Peggy Lyu


    Happy New year to you and Terry! And rubin too!

    January 2, 2015
  • Oh good Lord, your photos are always amazing and inspiring, Amber! Who takes them, btw? 🙂 I hope you have a great 2015! Your voice is awesome and I hope to read more of your adventures this year! 🙂

    January 2, 2015
  • Holly


    Completely superficial, but that skirt looks amazing on you!

    January 2, 2015
  • Dear Amber,

    I am really glad all difficulties are over and next year will be full of good things only!

    I love love love your blog and wish you further success!

    I like everything you wear, your taste, looks, everything! 🙂

    Happy New Year!

    January 2, 2015
  • Happy New Year Amber. I love that striped skirt! Keep us up to date on how you get on writing your book. 🙂 xx

    January 2, 2015
  • I would be all for buying and reading a book by you!

    Now I’m going to have to listen to Counting Crows have you have that song stuck in my head!

    Hope you have a bit more excitement in 2015!

    Corinne x

    January 2, 2015
  • Brit


    Happy New Year Amber. I would love reading a book by you. Thanks for introducing this song from the Counting Crows. I didn’t know it and now I think I will listen to it for the rest of the day.

    January 2, 2015
  • DANA


    2014 was when I stumbled upon a blog I found myself wanting to return to (a first!), and have been returning regularly to make sure I don’t miss a post.
    What draws me in is the varity in topics, the insights, the unique style of writing – and of course the Random Acts of Stupidity and assorted googly eyed beings.
    2014 was also the year I typed up my first comment – anywhere on The Internets.
    And here we are again in 2015…
    Rubin, Terry and Amber – may you have a 5 gnome year!
    (perhaps Larry will make an appearance; unless he insists on keeping a low profile)

    January 2, 2015
    • Tess


      High 5!

      January 2, 2015
  • TinaD


    Happy New Year–and for the record, I think “look ma, new bathroom!” and “the day they came and dug up my house” might count as milestones of a sort. Although it’s really nice to see that, as with childbirth, in the aftermath you appear to have forgotten some of the pain:)

    January 2, 2015
  • Spectacular outfit! Happy new year to you – and there is a lot to be said for fine 🙂

    January 2, 2015
  • Happy New Year! I’m sure 2015 will hold lots of exciting things for you!

    January 2, 2015
  • Lovely outfit, I love how you combined everything and those shoes are amazing!
    I hope 2015 turns out as great as you want it to be! 🙂

    January 2, 2015
  • I feel exactly the same about 2014 – hence my round-up posts were all about the superficial things that wearing clothes during the year taught me. Really not that life-changing..! I felt a bit of a failure, everyone else seemed to be doing everything and my 2014 ended much as 2013 did. But, having nothing bad happen, like you say, is definitely good. And means that the next year could bring something amazing. I’m glad you’re saying the same thing, really. Oh, and you look absolutely stunning in these photos – I love the leaning out of the car shots, they’re beautiful. Happy New Year 🙂 CC x

    January 2, 2015
  • You look so gorgeous! Probably one of my favourite posts of you! 🙂 Happy New Year! xxx
    Tatyana x
    Secret little Stars

    January 2, 2015
  • That first photo is soooo beautiful! It looks like a movie poster, or a photo in a magazine! And such a pretty look once again! You always look amazing.
    Happy New Year Amber! I hope all your wishes and dreams come true this year! 🙂

    January 3, 2015
  • Happy New Year Amber! Love this look… so old Hollywood Glamorous!


    January 3, 2015
  • Lisa Ven


    Very well put! Your blog is def my fave! happy new year 🙂 x

    January 3, 2015
  • Awesome photo you look great.

    January 3, 2015
  • Maissaa


    You look amazing. Hair glasses makeup outfit and sheos I loved the look so much it hurts

    January 3, 2015
  • Here’s to a 2015 that is more than “fine” – and now I’m going to go listen to that song, which I haven’t heard in years. It sounds better than I remember it being. 🙂

    January 4, 2015
  • Moni


    Same here, Amber, and I don’t feel bad about it.
    For me 2014 has been a pleasant year, but without big events that changed my life. So what? I had my share of “big things” (new job in 2012, vacation overseas all by myself in 2013) in the years before, and I was very satisfied with just having a nice, easy year that just let me be happy enjoy myself.
    And I wouldn’t mind if 2015 continued along that line.

    January 7, 2015
  • Oh, my 2014 was (at least at its lowest points) abysmal. Win some, lose some.

    Thanks so much for commenting on my blog as it means I’ve been able to discover your own site! Cue a flurry of subscribing every which way, because I love you already 🙂

    And these photos are incredible.


    January 8, 2015