Green Lindybop Vanda dress

The Perfect Dress for Christmas Day


Green Lindybop Vanda dress

green dress on a pale skinned redhead

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!

This outfit is the last of my 12 Days of Christmas Outfits series (I guess the ‘Day 12’ in the title kinda gave it away, huh?), and it’s also what I’ll be wearing tomorrow. I always like to wear something “special” on Christmas Day, but this year I’d actually decided not to buy anything new. Well, I’ve been trying my best this year to try to streamline my closet a little, and to spend my money more wisely, and as you’ve probably seen from some of the other outfits in this series, I have a few party outfits which have yet to be worn, so it wasn’t like I really NEEDED another dress, Christmas Day or not.

Then I saw Vanda here, on the Lindybop website, and honestly, it was love at first sight. The second I laid eyes on this dress, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind what this year’s “something special” was going to be: it’s one of the most perfect dresses I’ve ever had the pleasure of wearing, and, well, resistance was futile, basically. And I may not have NEEDED another dress, but it’s not like it’s ever stopped me before, has it?

I’m wearing the dress with a petticoat for these photos, but will probably go without one tomorrow, just to keep things simple: I actually don’t really think it needs one, and they can be a bit of a pain, especially if you’re sitting down a lot. I’d definitely wear it if I was going dancing or something, though: gotta love that extra volume!

Anyway, as I said, that brings my little Christmas series to an end: I’ve really enjoyed doing these posts, and hope they haven’t been too boring for you to read! I’ll be taking a couple of days off now for the holidays, but I’ll be back soon with more posts. Until then, I hope those of you who celebrate it have a very merry Christmas – and that those of you who don’t have an excellent rest-of-the-week!


P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Mel


    Beautiful dress! Merry Christmas, I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog this year – I love checking it late morning to see if the new post is up yet 🙂

    December 24, 2015
  • TinaD


    Good dress. Happy Christmas to you and Terry and the family!

    December 24, 2015
  • Moira


    Amber, discovering your blog was one of my favourite things this year. Wishing you and Terry a wonderful Christmas, and a fantastic 2016!

    December 24, 2015
  • I ‘ve tried to leave this comment three times so sorry if you get it three times! Happy Christmas to you, Terry and your family! Xx

    December 24, 2015
  • Bex Miller


    Merry Christmas Amber, you’ve been one of my favourite things to read this year! xx

    December 24, 2015