green floral ASOS wiggle dress

OUTFIT | Dinner at Madeo


green floral ASOS wiggle dressgreen floral ASOS wiggle dressL.A. is a reealllly casual city. The first time I came here, I spent the first few days feeling like I needed to hit the gym STAT, because every second person I saw seemed to be in workout clothes, and I assumed they were all just super-healthy, and obsessed with yoga. Then I realised that was just what they were wearing, and went back to my rigorous routine of lazing by the pool and not even thinking about yoga, because GOD, I hate yoga. But anyway!

L.A. is super-casual for the most part, but it’s also super ‘don’t-don’t-give-a-crap’, in the sense that, as I mentioned in this post, you can basically wear whatever the hell you like, and no one will bat an eyelid. For instance, we took these photos in front of our rental house, at rush hour, with a huge queue of traffic slowly rolling down the street in front of us, and not one person honked, jeered, or rolled down the car window to yell “GINGER!” at me. NOT ONE. If I tried to take outfit photos outside my own house, I’d never live it down. People would still be pointing and laughing years later. L.A. fashion bloggers: you guys have it SO EASY. The weather, the backdrops (er, not this one, obviously, but I didn’t have time to go anywhere else), the lack of casual ‘gingerism’ and abuse – do I HAVE to go home? Seriously?

Anyway! Again! I threw this dress into my suitcase at the last minute, and didn’t really expect to have an opportunity to wear it. As it happened, though, the dress’s luck was in, because on Tuesday night my friend Erik and his folks invited us to dinner with them at Madeo in West Hollywood, which is one of those restaurants you always see celebrities getting papped in front of. Despite that, I knew it STILL wouldn’t be particularly dressy, but that’s never stopped me before (and the last time I wore this dress was on a beach, so…), so the dress went to Hollywood, and will no doubt bore all the other dresses to tears about it when it gets back home. Much like I’m boring you all about it now, in fact.

As for the restaurant, it’s a family-owned Italian, and it totally lived up to the hype – the food and service was amazing, and Kris Jenner was at the next table, which was pretty trippy. (For her, I mean. She was all, “OMG, is that Amber and Terry? And is that THE ASOS dress?!) (No, I’m joking, she totally wasn’t. She should have been, though: I mean, it’s a GREAT dress…) The company was even better, though, and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves: it’s always fascinating to get to talk to people who actually live in the city you’re visiting, and get their perspective on the place, and we’re really lucky to have some great people to spend time with here. And, of course, good food doesn’t hurt, either…



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  • Carol


    You look fabulous and Kris Jenner is lucky to have been near you!

    September 14, 2015
  • Myra


    Love the dress. You look fabulous in green. I didn’t know who Kris was until two days ago, so I wouldn’t have known her lol. I did share business class to NYC once with Janet Street Porter.

    September 14, 2015
  • I am so jealous of bloggers in this part of the world already and now you’ve just confirmed all my suspicions that they have photo-taking ridiculously easy!! I’m off to have a ‘not fair’ tantrum…

    September 14, 2015
  • Ah man, I have the blue version of this dress and stupidly bought it to small. Not had any joy getting it a size up despite obsessive ebay trawling! Every time I see you in this frock I remember how awesome it looks when it fits properly, you look STUNNING! Also, how much I want the green version too….!

    September 14, 2015
  • Moira


    It is a GREAT dress, & you look a picture in it.

    September 14, 2015
  • I’ve heard that in some places in LA bloggers queue up in an orderly manner to take photos in front of particular backdrops – can you confirm this Amber?

    September 14, 2015
  • This is a beautiful dress and it looks perfect for dinner on a warm evening!

    September 15, 2015
  • I am so glad you packed that dress, it’s one of my faves on you (meaning that in a non-creepy way).

    And I live in Sydney, so I am mostly surrounded by people who wear jeans and thongs most days of the year, except in summer, where they were shorts and thongs, so I get it. Wait, thongs as in flip flops, not as in the underwear. ANYWAY I’m always overdressed and that is perfectly okay by me, these days. I’m pretty good at brushing off. “Why are you wearing a dress?!” “Because it’s easier than trying to match two separates together.” ‘Where are you off to dressed like that?” “The supermarket, I need the heels to reach the top shelf.”

    Also, isn’t going out with locals fun? I was in Stockholm a few months back and we went for dinner at a friend’s family home. Best fun ever to chat with them and share a more ‘local’ experience.

    September 15, 2015
  • Lily


    “the lack of casual ‘gingerism’ and abuse – do I HAVE to go home? Seriously?”

    One of the main reasons I want to visit the States.

    September 15, 2015
  • Well, I love that dress and it’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed, or so my nana is always telling me.

    September 16, 2015
  • Gorgeous dress and it should definitely have bragging rights over the other dresses when it gets home.

    September 16, 2015