pale skinned redhead sunbathing by the pool

A Swimsuit Called Bill

pale skinned redhead sunbathing in a white swimsuit


Norma Kamali Bill swimsuit in white

This swimsuit is called Bill.

I’m telling you this, partly because it’s totally not what I’d have expected (I mean, I’d have said it was more of a Tallulah, personally, or maybe a Scarlett, wouldn’t you?), but mostly to try and distract you from the fact that I just posted photos of myself in a swimsuit, because if there’s something MORE cringeworthy than that, I don’t know what it is.

I mean, let’s face it, taking photos of your outfits is weird enough without adding swimsuit shots into the mix, right? It’s hard not to feel like you’re doing some kind of low-rent glamour shoot, and even harder not to imagine everyone looking at the photos and being all, “Who the hell does she think she is?” and then zeroing in on all the things you hate about your body.

It’s kind of a shame to always feel embarrassed about being seen in a swimsuit, though, because we all wear them, and they’re the probably one of the hardest items of clothing to shop for, so let the record show that:

a) This is the best swimsuit I’ve ever worn, seriously.

b) Also the most expensive – YIKES. (Full disclosure: I saved up Shopbop credits for it – I’d never have justified it otherwise…)

c) Worth it, though. Because it’s basically like a dress in swimsuit form. It pulls you in, holds you up, doesn’t ride up when you walk, or have to be constantly yanked up in case you inadvertently flash someone…

Oh,, and no, it doesn’t turn see-through in the water: I did make sure to test that in private first, though!

pale skinned redhead in white Norma Kamali swimsuit

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  • Helen


    Love it – absolutely stunning!

    September 21, 2015
  • Jayne


    You look like a movie star

    September 21, 2015
  • Beautiful swimsuit, and you look fantastic! Very Marilyn

    September 21, 2015
  • You look amazing and you certainly should post pictures when you look this fabulous – who else will?!

    September 21, 2015
  • Nellie


    Lovely suit. Looks like you are getting a tan 🙂

    September 21, 2015
  • I’m in love with Norma Kamali, i wanted to buy a swimwear from the Bill mio Collection, only black was available, so I bought a Wolford swimbra and bottom from the Tabitha serie. The style is something not too far, I paid half the price (the white one was on sale) than Norma Kamali, I think is beautiful but i still love the NK…

    September 21, 2015
  • that is a totally You swimsuit and looks fantastic on.

    September 21, 2015
  • Fran



    September 21, 2015
  • Myra


    It was made for you, I can’t imagine someone with more panache

    September 21, 2015
    • Julie Hanna


      Ive just come across your post as I was looking for reviews of NK swimwear. I would just like to know if this is simply a sun lounger suit i.e. sitting by the pool/on the beach, or if it is suitable for swimming i.e. in seawater/pool water. If it’s a yes, how does the swimsuit wear. For example does it discolour with sunscreen or seawater, does fake tan stain it etc.

      Incidentally you look amazing in it – hope I look half as good if I buy.

      Kind regards Julie Hanna

      August 7, 2022
  • YOWZER!! You look freakin’ amazing!!! LOVE the swimsuit… it’s perfect for you!
    Suzy x

    September 21, 2015
  • Gorgeous swimsuit, really classy and beautiful.

    September 22, 2015
  • You look amazing in it, very feminine and pretty x

    September 22, 2015
  • I couldn’t imagine what you physical traits you could be harping on, you look amazing! That suit seems like it was made for you!

    September 27, 2015
  • Ivana


    Where can I buy Bill? ?

    February 2, 2016