Amber wears a white, high-necked mini dress with a full skirt as she stands on the hotel balcony in the late evening sun

Dressember Day 15: The Curse of the White Dress

Amber wears a white, high-necked mini dress with a full skirt as she stands on the hotel balcony in the late evening sunAmber wears a white, high-necked mini dress with a full skirt as she stands on the hotel balcony in the late evening sunAmber wears a white, high-necked mini dress with a full skirt as she stands on the hotel balcony in the late evening sunYou see this dress, people? This dress carries a powerful curse, a curse that can only be broken by… actually , I have no idea how the curse can be broken. I expect it involves shopping, though.

See, for the anniversary of T-Day (Transplant Day), Terry and I wanted to do something special. We’d found a nice restaurant, and as this restaurant was both nice AND located in the grounds of one of the swankiest hotels on the island, I figured it was one of the few places here where I’d be able to wear this dress and look only moderately overdressed in it, as opposed to OMGOVERDRESSED. So, off we went.

We reached the hotel and walked for what seemed like miles through it to reach the restaurant.

It was closed.


Well, no problem, we thought: we’d simply go to our second choice restaurant instead, which was ALSO located within a giant hotel. We got there, we walked for more miles through the hotel, then we got a little lost, and had to walk even further, which was frustrating because by this point we were both absolutely starving. Finally, we reached the restaurant.

It was also closed.

There was only one thing for it. The sister hotel to the one we’re in has what looks like a lovely restaurant, looking out over the sea. We would go there and we would celebrate T-Day in style, we thought.

Except we didn’t. And I expect you can guess why.

Yup, that restaurant was ALSO CLOSED. Screw you, low season!

We ended up eating in a little Chinese next to the hotel, with a view of a parking lot and a taxi rank. And I went back to the room first and changed into my jeans, because sometimes even I discover a limit to my overdressedness, and this was it.
Still, despite everything, we had a really nice meal, overlooking that car park, in our scruffy jeans, and I don’t think we’d have had a much better time in one of those oh-so-swanky restaurants by the sea. Sometimes simple really is best.

I still need an excuse to break the curse of the white dress, though. I suspect the curse will only be broken when the dress actually gets to fulfil its destiny and be worn for something other than trailing around hotels for hours…

Amber wears a white, high-necked mini dress with a full skirt as she stands on the hotel balcony in the late evening sun

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  • Chloe


    You look beautiful in these photos 🙂
    And the white dress is gorgeous.

    December 16, 2010
  • Siel


    Wow, you look stunning!

    I haven’t seen those shoes yet… Can we be expecting another Shoe Challenge? 🙂

    December 16, 2010
  • It may be cursed, but it is a beautiful dress!

    December 16, 2010
  • it’s an OMGDRESS!
    it’s so beautiful and looks great on you! I’m sure the restaurants have nothing to do with the dress! Maybe it’s a cursed… jeans? who wanted to be worn for a speacial event??))


    December 16, 2010
  • On the plus side you look like a movie star in these pics. *seethes quietly with envy* 😀

    December 16, 2010
  • beautiful dress. Yes indeed sometimes the simple of evenings can be the most fun…I say it tends to be like that almost always.

    I’m going to the south of Spain next week with my man, and it will be probably raining, just like last year’s xmas trip, qhen it rained so much we could hardly enjoy going anywhere. I guess I shall call that the curse of the xmas holiday…but who cares, it’s still southern Spain 😛

    December 17, 2010
  • First off, wow to your legs, they look stunning in these pictures.

    Secondly, sometimes it is absolutely wonderful doing something that wouldn’t have been your first, or second, or even your third choice – and it sounds like you did just that. Congrats on T-Day 🙂

    December 17, 2010
  • Sammy


    That dress is stunning.

    I think my curse would be I’d spill something before arriving at the resturant if I ever attepted to wear it.

    December 17, 2010
  • Emily I


    I don’t think the dress is cursed; I think all the other dresses are jealous and forced restaurant closings so they wouldn’t have to be in a side by side comparison. Congrats on all your special occasions.

    December 17, 2010
  • Moni


    What beautiful pictures, and what a stunning dress indeed!
    I love everything about it: The bodice, the skirt, the collar. Wow!

    December 17, 2010
  • Awesome dress. I’m sorry for your dinner fiasco. You’re right, though, sometimes simple is better. In fact, I could really go for some Chinese food right about now…

    December 18, 2010
  • Keeva


    I have to say this is one of my favourite dresses I’ve seen you wear Amber. You look like an elegant first lady or something 🙂

    December 18, 2010