blonde faux fur coat outfit

No faux fur coats were harmed in the making of this post

bonde faux fur coat with camel dress and tan knee boots

plush faux fur coat in blonde

winter outfit featuring faux fur coat and tan leather boots

What do you do when you’re a fashion blogger with a new coat which you’d really like to feature on your blog, but it’s been snowing all day, and you know that when it stops, it’s just going to start raining again, and keep on going for the next 100 years or so?

Well, you COULD take your photos indoors, of course. You might feel a bit silly wearing a coat in your own home (or in anyone else’s, for that matter), and the snow makes it so dark indoors that the photos won’t be very good ones, but that would be the sensible – indeed, some might say the ONLY – thing to do.

What if you’re not “sensible”, though? What if you’re, well, ME, basically, and you’d secretly like to pretend to be Lara in Doctor Zhivago, for a few minutes at least? In that case, you just head out into the snow anyway – even although you know you’re going to get soaked, and end up looking like you have a really bad case of dandruff, into the bargain. Because you’re a fashion blogger: it’s just what you do, isn’t it?

blonde faux fur coat outfitAs the title of the post says, however, no coats were harmed in the taking of these photos: I was only out in the snow for a couple of minutes, which was long enough to ruin my hair, but not my coat, thankfully. The coat in question is this one from Dorothy Perkins, which you might remember from this post, in which I talked at length about how I just couldn’t go on living without a faux fur coat, or some other such nonsense.

Don’t worry, this isn’t yet another example of me breaking my January resolution: it was actually a gift from Terry, back at Christmas, when there was even more money off in the sale. And then I went and repaid him by making him go out in the snow and take photos of me wearing it, while frantically trying to blink the snowflakes out of my eyes. It’s a glamorous job, for sure. Not for me, obviously: for me it’s all shaking snow out of your hair and trying not to fall over as you head back indoors after a 2-minute photo session, but it’s got to be glamorous for someone out there, right?

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  • That’s the funny thing about photography, isn’t it? The photos kinda lie because a single frame of a moment can look glamorous as all get out (and in the case of these ones, I think they totally are) but the actual reality of the situation is that you’re cold and wet and well… not actually so glamorous.

    January 14, 2016
  • It’s a lovely coat and I’d totally have gone out in the snow in it, as well.

    January 14, 2016
  • Well, at least the photos are pretty! Worth it…

    January 14, 2016
  • So gorgeous!!! I love a good fur coat! I loved how you paired it with the brown dress and boots! Although it’s cold out there you looked fierce Amber!

    Jasmine 🙂

    January 14, 2016
  • The photos look so amazing, they are worth the sacrifice! LOVE!

    January 14, 2016
  • Andrea


    I’m glad I’m not the only person who wants to be Lara in Dr Zhivago. I often try to get my fiancée to chase after me in the snow. Perhaps if I got such a lovely coat he might offer a better response than to suggest running in the snow is not safe…but it is romantic..

    January 14, 2016
  • Very impressed that you got Terry out in that weather to take these plus get good shots in such contrasting light! Nice coat!

    January 14, 2016
  • These pictures turned out really well! We’ve not had snow yet but I don’t think I could look as glamourous <3

    Gisforgingers xx

    January 15, 2016
  • Love these photos, I wish we would get some snow here!

    L x // bloglovin’

    January 15, 2016
  • anya


    You look lovely! It is my ambition in life to look like Elsa/Snow queen hersef/Jadis of narnia when i step out into the snow Such a great excuse to hoard white coats and matching gloves( red, baby blue , purple ).
    I actually feel a lot more glam in the winter when i am not feeling myself melting at +40 Weather. Plus . boots , pencil skirts and elbow length leather gloves are the glamification itself 🙂
    And one does not need to be cold. enough termals and good insulated boots and coats are good. I have this friends who are like omg i am always cold and i m like BUY SOME WARM CLOTHES and they are like no, i want to wear a cable sweater and a fur vest and be warm in jan. Well, me to but ain’t gonna happen

    January 17, 2016
  • Looks pretty glamorous to me! I wish we had some proper snow. We’ve just got slush, which is far less photogenic.

    January 18, 2016