Glamour Bunny green wiggle dress

OUTFIT | Glamour Bunny green wiggle dress and high heels


Glamour Bunny green wiggle dress

Glamour Bunny green wiggle dress

glamour bunny green wiggle dressA few days before we left for California, I became obsessed with the idea that I needed a new pair of black capri pants. How could I live without them, I wondered? How can anyone, for that matter?

Well, I hit up Google, and after many hard days of searching, I finally found the perfect pair of capri pants at a site called Glamour Bunny, which I had vague memories of possibly having visited at some point in the past, but which I obviously hadn’t visited recently enough to know that that was where all the capri pants were hiding. GAH. It was too late to order the black capri before I left (Or the indigo ones, for that matter. Or even the red ones. One day, though, people, one day…), but I DID find the time to have a quick look at rest of the site, and that’s when I saw the green wiggle dress.

I’ll just say those words again for you: GREEN. WIGGLE. DRESS.

And after that, I was all, “What black capri pants? All I care about is that green wiggle dress, because OMG!”

Now, I think you all probably know by now that I’ve never met a green wiggle dress I didn’t like, so I added it to my wish list, then I headed off on holiday and forgot all about it. It didn’t forget about me, though, because in the last week of the trip, just as I was starting to complain a lot about having to come home, I got an email from Gerry at Glamour Bunny, asking me if I’d like to try something from the site. Fate? I think so.*

(*Not really.)

Well, you can imagine what I said, can’t you? I said, “GREEN WIGGLE DRESS! GREEN WIGGLE DRESS!” Or words to that effect, anyway. I should say here that the dress is much more emerald than it turned out in these photos (for some reason this is a colour I always have a really hard time capturing on film, which is a shame, because it’s such an amazing colour), but that parcel definitely made coming home a whole lot more fun, and it also gave me quite a few more items to add to my ‘Things I Really Shouldn’t Buy, But Probably Will Anyway’ list. Starting off with those capri pants…


Related: How to walk in high heels

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  • Chiarina


    Amazing dress, and you look stunning as always. Do I see right and does this dress have a little split in the back? So I assume this time around “wiggle dress” is not too literal, when you have to walk up a flight of steps… 😉 😛

    October 6, 2015
  • I adore Glamour Bunny, their dresses fit unlike any other and are so beautiful. This colour is so gorgeous on you!

    Sarah xo

    October 6, 2015
  • Niamh


    Their sizes are somewhat on the small side- XL only a 40″ bust!

    October 6, 2015
  • Need this dress. And all your shoes, please and thank you.

    October 6, 2015
  • Love these photos! Still so jealous of your shoe room!

    October 6, 2015
  • Yes, I can see why you were so excited by this dress! The colour is definitely you!

    October 6, 2015
  • I’ve never tried this brand, but been tempted to several times… The prices have always put me off as dresses so rarely fit me without alterations. This one is lovely though and it suits you so well. By the way did you know your website is driving Bloglovin’ crazy? I’ve got tonnes of blank posts that seem connected to your site design… I’m sure someone’s warned you by now but in case not!!

    October 7, 2015
  • Stunning! A classic ‘Amber’ dress! Love it, never heard of Glamour Bunny, but I’ll most definitely check it out – I blame you personally if I go into my overdraft this month!

    October 7, 2015
  • Oh, you look so beautiful in this colour. And I need this show storage!!!
    Yuliya x

    October 26, 2015
  • Tess


    I prefer your look in this Lena long sleeves pencil dress much better than their model. I referred this post to my BFFs and they fell in love too (some already followed your Instagram and Facebook but don’t read post). Glamour Bunny should ink the deal for long-term with you. Please tell me they’ve done that.

    December 3, 2015