I Love Lists

It’s been a while since we had a good ole list-fest round here, and because I’m not ashamed to fall back on bullet points when I’m feeling lazy, let’s welcome with open arms the first Forever Amber Bulleted List of 2008!

  • I have some kind of lurgy. It’s kind of disappointing, actually, because it’s not a proper lurgy. If it was, I’d be lying in bed right now, eating grapes and demanding that Terry drive down to the supermarket to buy me Lemsip and chicken soup. As it is, I’m just sitting here trying to work with a slightly sore throat, a slightly runny nose and a slight feeling of lurgy.
  • I know beyond doubt, though, that while I am currently not ill enough to retire to bed until I’m feeling better, by the time the weekend comes, and there’s absolutely no chance of getting some guilt-free time off work, it will develop into a full-blown flu. Gah.
  • I’m thinking of getting a fringe/bangs. Yes, again. Because that last fringe I got cut? Wasn’t actually a fringe. As soon as I finished uploading those pictures of it, I just swept it to one side, and my hair looked exactly the same as it had looked for the past twenty years. This time, though? Will be different. Oh yes. Well, maybe
  • As soon as my weird, possibly mythical, car problem resolved itself (by which I mean, "It hasn’t happened since, so we’re just not going to think too hard about that right now, thanks") Terry’s car started making a weird whining noise, so today we took it to the garage to have it fixed, and they charged us £110 for the privilege.
  • We decided to walk to the garage to pick the car up.
  • We thought it would be, you know, nice.
  • It wasn’t nice.
  • Actually? It was pouring.
  • Because that’s what it does in February, dumbass Amber-and-Terry.
  • I had to stand outside the garage in the rain for ten minutes with the dog, while Terry paid for the repair work/whatever it was they did to the car.
  • And while I was standing there, some guy came out, got into his van and did a SARCASTIC WOLF WHISTLE at me. MEN! WHY?!
  • I know it was sarcastic because I was wearing Ugg boots at the time.
  • Before you all judge me on that, let me just remind you: February. Scotland. And let me just say, "Walk a mile in my Ugg boots before you try and tell me I shouldn’t own such things."
  • The car is still making the squeaking noise, though.

So, basically you’re all up to date. It exciting being me, it really is. Now, back to my regularly scheduled lurgy…

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I also write books
  • Kerry


    I sympathise on the hair cut front. I too have long straight hair and I'm torn between totally sick of it and wanting to do something radical, and not wanting to get rid of my long hair which I am actually really attached to (literally at the roots as well as emotionally!)

    February 20, 2008
  • Kerry, it's a dilemmna, isn't it? My hair has literally been more or less the same since I was a kid, but I'm just too scared to cut it. The last two times I've had it trimmed, though, the hairdressers have kind of sneered at it and said, "It's really LONG, isn't it?" as if that was a Very Bad Thing, so I'm thinking it may be time for something a *little* different. Or, you know, not.

    February 21, 2008
  • Ahh the dreaded lurgy. Hope you will feel better and will be spared over the weekend.

    Car troubles suck. Last night some random guy scared the bejeesus out of me by knocking on my car window as I was stopped at a light to tell me I almost had a flat…F..I was so freaked out.

    Not judging you because of the Uggs. They look comfy to me.

    February 21, 2008
  • Kat, they totally are, and trust me, I am usually the LAST person to even consider comfort when it comes to shoes, but when I'm out walking the dog in February, and the only people who're going to see me are white van men, I wear my Uggs with pride. OK, not exactly with pride, but with warm feet, anyway.

    That would have totally freaked me out too, with the knocking on the window thing. Same thing happened to me at a petrol station once: turned out I'd driven the last couple of miles with my hazzard lights on, and the man had stopped to tell me…

    February 21, 2008
  • my slight cough/cold turned into a full blown fluish disease. blech. take care of yourself!

    February 21, 2008
  • I started with the slight lurgy thing this morning, contemplated not coming into work and realised I wasn't ill enough to stay in bed. Am counting down the minutes til 5pm now when I can go stock up on lemsip max strength (oh yeah! take it to the max!) and will probably stay in bed for most of tomorrow, the day I'm taking off in order to do all the chores I have to do before I can move next weeeknd…

    Gah – flippin flu.

    I had to read back through your post to work out why halfway through a paragraph about Terry's car I'd started singing Henry's Cat in my head…

    February 21, 2008
  • Is it bad I had to look up "lurgy"? I do not know your UK slang! I mean, I gathered what it was, but wanted to check to be sure.

    Hope you feel better xoxo

    February 21, 2008