green pleated skirt

New Year’s Eve Reprieve

green pleated skirt with black leather biker jacket
Well, 2016 may have been one of the worst years of my life so far, but I’m relieved to say that it’s going out on a good note:

I got discharged from hospital!

Yes, after 8 weeks of blood tests, scans and non-stop stress, yesterday morning we drove to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for the last time. Of course, we didn’t KNOW it was going to be the last time when we set out, and, me being me, I’d worked myself up into such a state of panic about it that at one point I thought Terry was going to have to manhandle me into the car just to get me to the appointment, but the blood draw went perfectly, and a couple of hours later we got a call which started with the words, “Fantastic news…” Well, it was about time we got some of that, wasn’t it?

I’ll be completely honest: as relieved as I am to no longer have to worry about the possibility of surgery, or something going horribly wrong, the emotions that come with something like this are so complex that I don’t really know HOW to feel right now. As with any pregnancy loss, there’s a lot of sadness to work through, too, and I know it’s going to take a long time to fully process everything that’s happened, and to start feeling like myself again. As guilty as I feel to say it, though, I think I’m mostly just relieved to have these awful few weeks behind me now, and to be going into 2017 without any lingering worries or looming hospital appointments. It might not be the outcome we’d hoped for 8 weeks ago, when all of this began, but at least this new year will be a true fresh start, and I think that’s about the best I could’ve hoped for, under the circumstances.

With all of that said, I can’t end the year without saying a massive thank you to everyone who’s reading this. I’ve always known I had a particularly awesome bunch of readers, but this year has proved to me just how lucky I am, so to everyone who’s commented, emailed, or even just spared a kind thought for Terry and I over the last few weeks, thank you from the bottom of my heart – you will never know just how much your support has meant to us both, or how grateful we are for it. Thank you for reading, for following, for just being there to make me feel a little less alone: you’re amazing, seriously, and if anyone deserves to have the best new year ever, it’s YOU. Yes, you right there: I’m looking right atchya. Scary, no?

Speaking of the new year, I know I’m not the only one who’ll be happy to see 2016 come to an end, so rather than re-iterate how outright awful it’s been for so many of us, I’m just going to say, “Phew, thank God THAT’S over!” and leave it at that. As the song says, it’s been a long December, but who knows – maybe this year really WILL be better than the last? I hope so, anyway: and I also hope that, whatever you’re doing tonight, you have an awesome New Year’s Eve, and a wonderful 2017:

Happy new year, everyone!

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

I also write books
  • Happy New Year beautiful lady!! Xx

    December 31, 2016
  • Natasha


    Oh, I’m so glad. Here’s hoping 2017 brings better for all of us.

    December 31, 2016
  • Fantastic news ❤️

    December 31, 2016
  • Great news. Process things at your own pace. Support is here regardless. Well done for facing such a big fear. Have a great New Year’s Eve.

    December 31, 2016
  • That’s brilliant news! All the best for 2017. X

    December 31, 2016
  • Myra


    The best news to start a new year with. Here’s hoping for a better 2017, although I’m sure you’ve learned a lot about yourself this year, and as the saying goes – whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. My wish for you and Terry is health and happiness and love.

    December 31, 2016
  • That’s really good news….thank you for sharing your story. Have a fab start to 2017, life is ever changing, I hope a lot of good stuff is headed your way…

    December 31, 2016
  • Maria


    Fantastic news !!! Happy new year to you three xxx. All your dreams will come true in 2017

    December 31, 2016
  • So glad to hear you’re ending the year with good news!
    Happy new year!

    December 31, 2016
  • Now that’s good news, and good timing! Time to leave 2016 behind…

    December 31, 2016
  • Thank you for your bravery in talking about such a difficult but necessary topic. I wish you all the best for 2017.

    December 31, 2016
  • Excellent news x

    December 31, 2016
  • So pleased to see you got the good news you needed . Wishing you health and happiness for 2017 xx

    December 31, 2016
  • Cazroline


    Hurrah! Great news x

    December 31, 2016
  • So pleased to hear that Amber. Happy new year to you and Terry ❤

    December 31, 2016
  • Jennifer


    Happy new year! So glad the hospital time is over for you. Heal.

    December 31, 2016
  • Izabel


    Happy New Year, Amber, Terry, and Rubin. I hope it brings lots of joy and the odd ballerina skirt as well.

    December 31, 2016
  • Hana


    Yay!! Great news, so happy for you! All the best for 2017, maybe it will surprise us in a good way.

    December 31, 2016
  • The Other Emma


    Fantastic news. I hope 2017 is kinder to you x

    December 31, 2016
  • So, so happy to read this Amber. Of course, you’ll still have tonnes to process but going into 2017 with a clean bill of health is as good as possible a place to do that from.

    Hope you and Terry have a lovely evening, whatever you have planned, and I look forward to catching up with you on the other side.


    December 31, 2016
  • Kristian


    Happy New Year- I’m glad that the medical visits will end and that you don’t need surgery. Hope this next year is better for you!

    December 31, 2016
  • What a great ending to an otherwise crazy year for you! Let’s go everything goes upwards from now on! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng
    Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    December 31, 2016
  • Wonderful news! Wishing you and Terry a much, much happier 2017. x

    December 31, 2016
  • Fabulous news! I hope you got a really big bottle of something fizzy on your way home xx

    December 31, 2016
  • Louise


    Well done in sticking it out and getting through it. My thoughts are with you and Terry (and Rubin!) and I wish you all the best for 2017 xxx

    December 31, 2016
  • Elaine


    I’m so pleased to read your good news today Amber. Wishing you a fantastic New Year full of happiness. Xx

    December 31, 2016
  • Thomasina Watts-Robinson


    Happy New Year! It’s good to hear that you have been discharged. Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and successful 2017 (and beyond!) X

    December 31, 2016
  • Brit


    Great news, Amber. So glad to hear or better read this. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!

    December 31, 2016
  • Barbara West


    Of course you’re relieved! So glad to hear you won’t have to endure more tests. Here’s to a new year full of comfort and joy for you, Terry, and Rubon!

    December 31, 2016
  • Mardi


    That’s great news. You look lovely in the photo. I know you wouldn’t have had your hair cut but it looks amazing at that length. Was it tucked inside your jacket?

    January 1, 2017
  • Mardi


    Sorry, on re-reading that sounds really pass agg. It wasn’t meant to be, I was just trying to say you look really nice! Happy new year and all the best to you, Terry, Rubin and your families. I don’t comment often but I read all your posts so I look forward to continuing in the new year 🙂

    January 1, 2017
  • Maria


    Great to hear this!

    January 1, 2017
  • That is indeed fantastic news! Here’s to 2017 being an excellent year all round xxx

    January 1, 2017
  • Happy New Year, Amber!

    January 1, 2017
  • Kelly Glen


    That is just wonderful news for you and Terry. I hope you have a much better year this year.
    Take care and all the best.

    January 1, 2017
  • Mandy


    Great news! Here’s wishing you a much happier, smoother 2017 xxx

    January 1, 2017
  • Erin


    Happy New Year, Amber! Great news! I join you in hoping this year will be better than the last. xo

    January 2, 2017
  • Sophikita


    Great news 🙂 I have been reading your blog for a few years and have been touched by your story, and your honesty. Happy new year xx

    January 2, 2017
  • Excellent news, Happy new year Amber and Terry x

    January 3, 2017
  • Aw that’s great news! All the best for 2017!

    January 3, 2017
  • Lily


    Happy New Year, Amber! I hope it brings much better things for you and yours. 🙂

    January 3, 2017
  • Nickolina Jacoby


    It’s nice to have a fresh start after going through so much. Moving on, although with scars, means healing has been happening. I hope you have some fresh flowers or whatever you enjoy as you celebrate these next steps. And sunshine. I hope the sun shines sometime soon.

    January 3, 2017
  • D. Johnson


    So glad to read you are well!

    January 10, 2017