natural red hair in the sun

Outfit | Biker Ballerina

tulle skirt and leather biker jacket
what to wear in Tenerife

natural red hair in the sunAs I’ve mentioned probably a few too many times now, I spent most of my recent holiday dressed pretty casually by my standards.

This was a bit of a departure for me, really, because I normally view vacations primarily as an excuse to dress up to the nines. Well, when ELSE am I going to get the chance to wear all of those prom dresses and sandals I own, I ask you?

(No, really, I’m asking you: WHY DO I NEVER GET TO WEAR ALL THE PRETTY THINGS?!)

On this trip, though, I just… well, I just couldn’t be bothered, really. And to be honest, I found it quite refreshing to not think so much about what I was wearing all the time: to not have to go back to the hotel to get changed for dinner, or to worry that I hadn’t worn all of the shoes I’d brought with me, because HEAVEN FORBID. Er, I’m making it sound like I spent two weeks being a bit of a slob here, aren’t I? I didn’t really, I promise, and as you can see, I did wear SOME dressier outfits – including this green tulle skirt, which I think Terry was slightly alarmed by when I asked him to come and help me zip up my suitcase, and he saw it sitting on top of the pile.

“Where does she think she’s going to wear THAT?” I could almost hear him thinking, but add a biker jacket and a pair of peep toes, and a better question would be “where COULDN’T you wear it?”

(That was a rhetorical question, by the way: no need to point out that it wouldn’t be suitable for… most places, really.)

sunset dinner table


drinking wine at sunset

As it turned out, I wore it out to dinner one night, with my trusty biker jacket to keep out the evening chill. Unfortunately, the sun was going down and the light was a bit tricky, so these photos came out a little blurry (if you’ve ever wondered why I’m almost always looking to the side in photos, it’s because that’s where the sun is – look the other way, and my face is in shadow!), but, y’know, I still have the memories. And the skirt, obviously – which I really enjoyed wearing, so I’ll have to come up with another excuse to wear it soon. Or, failing that, to book another trip…



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  • Hi Amber, that a very pretty outfit. I love the photos of the dinner table looking at the sunset. xx

    April 6, 2016
  • LOVE this skirt! It’s so pretty and the colour is gorgeous 🙂 xo

    Char |

    April 6, 2016
  • Andrea Thomas


    I love that skirt is so pretty and the Biker Jacket with it looks so..well Californian…I guess. Just like Top Gun..and I mean that as a total compliment.. I mean who wouldn’t be Kelly Mc Wbatshername..I have a biker jacket but my fiancee has never ridden up on a bike and carried me away..

    April 6, 2016
  • Rotem


    Love the outfit! Totally makes me look at my own biker jacket in a new light.

    April 6, 2016
  • Mandy


    Love that look! And the place you wore it to looks pretty special as well. x

    April 6, 2016
  • Catherine


    Beautiful skirt, and lovely photos too.

    April 7, 2016
  • SO pretty, and I really wouldn’t call this casual 🙂

    April 13, 2016