Seeing Red (Weals)

The angry red weals? The ones I’ve had under my eyes for ONE WEEK now? Well, I Googled them, and I found out what’s illin’ me. According to the interweb, I am suffering from “death”. Gee, thanks, Interweb! Love you!

Seriously, I have no idea what’s causing said red weals. I haven’t changed any of the products I use, haven’t changed my fabric conditioner or my diet. (Note: I totally NEED to change my diet, but meh. Let’s deal with the weals, first. Ha! Did you see what I did there? “Deal with the weals”! God, I crack myself up, sometimes).

I had a good look at them this morning, though, and I’ve come to the conclusion that they aren’t actually weals as such (what ARE weals, anyway?), but just areas of dry skin under my eyes. I’ve slapped on some Eight Hour Cream, so we’ll see how that works out, but if you don’t hear from me again, you’ll know that the internet was right, and I was, indeed, suffering from “death”. GOD.

P.S. I write a weekly diary which goes out every Friday to my subscribers. Sign up below to get on the list...

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  • Step away from the 8 hour cream. It is evil. No god can come from its use.

    Try a bit of aloe vera gel – that should help. If not, get yourself to the docs sharpish and check out whats up – he might be able to give you some proper stuff to fix it!

    August 29, 2006
  • Oh no, really?! I have always sworn by it for dry skin, but I guess I've never used it under the eyes before… Actually, I think you're probably right about it: I've been using it all week on the offending weals, to no avail, but last night I ditched it in favour of my normal eye cream. This morning the redness is gone; the skin around my eyes still seems quite dry but its a helluva lot better than before!

    August 29, 2006
  • I second Beth on the aloe vera suggestion. Or try sudocrem, it's very very good for minor skin complaints.Plus,it's safe to use as it's formulated primarily for babie's nappy rash, but can be used for a whole host of other things.It really is a miracle in a pot 😀

    If that doesn't work, perhaps take some antihistamine, such as Pireteze? You might not realise it,but you could be allergic to something you hadn't even noticed/being aware of.So may be an idea to take some anyway? Would probably give your body a helping hand to clear it up.
    Hope they go soon-that can't be much fun 🙁

    Jen xx

    August 29, 2006
  • Stephen



    Sorry I haven't been commenting – this is partly because I've been rolling about laughing so much at your last few entries, and partly because I can't get the image of you *sans* towel out of my head. (Oh, OK, it's also because I'm lazy. You got me.)

    Seriously, though – loving the journal recently. Very funny. (Although I realise the red weals are SO not funny to you. Still at least they're red, and therefore co-ordinated. ;+)

    Lvong the new user pic too – you look great. Terry is a *lucky* man.

    24 days….

    August 29, 2006