ASOS black wiggle dress

Dressember Day 24: The Night Before Christmas

ASOS black wiggle dress

(Dress, ASOS; Shoes, Faith)

Well, it’s Christmas Eve, and here in the Forever Amber household, ASOS Week continues with this black dress which none of you will ever, ever see, because you all have better things to do on Christmas Eve than sit around on the Internet, don’t you? Hello? Hello? Is it me you’re looking for? Is there anybody out there?

The fact that the Internet is doomed to remain unaware of the existence of this dress would make me feel sorry for it (I mean, we all know how The White Dress reacted to not fulfilling its destiny, don’t we: it closed every damn restaurant in town, so who knows what kind of havoc this one could wreak? Actually, while I’m on the subject, Terry and I have been talking about that, and we’ve decided that The White Dress has a powerful control over the universe. We’re considering having a panic room built, just in case we ever anger it unwittingly: you might want to consider doing the same, because I think its power may be growing…), if I didn’t know that this dress will soon be out and about, enjoying Christmas Eve at my parents’ house, where we’ll be staying for a couple of days.

I won’t be updating tomorrow, obviously, but I will continue to dutifully photograph my Dressember outfits (don’t get too excited, though, it’s just a repeat of the blue dress, only in another colour) and catch up later in the week, once I’ve eaten and drunk my parents’ house dry and returned home to rest up in preparation for the excesses of next week. I hope Santa’s bringing me a corset, is all I can say. And a pony, obviously.

Anyway! For someone who’s pretty sure she’s talking to herself, I seem to be talking a helluva lot here, so I’ll shut up now and just wish you all a merry Christmas instead. Here it is:


I hope you all get plenty of ponies!*

(*Or whatever else you want. Preferably ponies, though. And maybe even some MONEY, because that’s what I’m all about…)

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  • I’m here and its a gorgeous dress, plus the shoes are utterly fabulous. I was actually just thinking to myself, “God, she always looks so stylish and I’m sat here in PJ’s”. I’ll be using you as style inspiration, and possibly blog inspiration as I could definitely use some more MONEY.

    As I’m at home for Christmas I will be in leopard print PJ’s for as much of the day as is possible. Which will likely be until I spill something on them, so about 11am.

    I hope you, Terry, Rubin and your family have a Merry Christmas and if I don’t comment before (I’m rubbish, so I probably won’t) a very Happy New Year!


    December 24, 2010
  • Lindsay Geddes


    You’re dress is lovely as usual Amber and you’re not talking to yourself, leave that to Terry 🙂 Have a great Christmas, hope you get plenty of new shoes. Lindsay and Steven x

    December 24, 2010
    • Lindsay Geddes


      Oh and no idea why i just said you’re dress instead of your dress x

      December 24, 2010
  • Hayley


    Lovely dress, and a very merry Christmas to you, too!

    December 24, 2010
  • I must have this dress! Is it still available on ASOS?!

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

    December 24, 2010
  • Siel


    You look great! Have a nice Christmas!

    December 25, 2010
  • I hope you’ve been having a wickedly awesome Christmas, and have received plenty of new heeled footwear to accompany your ponies!

    December 25, 2010
  • Merry Christmas Amber, Terry and Rubin. Have a great Christmas and thanks for an excellent year of posts. 🙂

    December 26, 2010
  • Rose


    Hi, I’ve just discovered your website and I now want all your dresses! 🙂

    Can I just ask how tall you are? Since I am also obsessed with Asos and we have a similar build, viewing your pictures could be a handy guide for what they would look like on me!

    I’m guessing you’re shorter than me though, I’m 5’10”


    Rose x

    February 28, 2011